Postgraduate Courses
- PPOL 5110Foundation in Public Policy[3-0-0:3]Co-list withSOSC 5780Exclusion(s)SOSC 5780DescriptionThis course is required for all first-year MPhil/PhD students in Public Policy. The course will provide an advanced foundation in the study and practice of public policy at the level required for graduate study. The course will cover both the historic foundations of policy studies, as well as emerging approaches and directions. As the study of public policy is inherently interdisciplinary, it will include perspectives from political science, public policy, economics, business and other aspects of social science. It will take a broad view of public policy, including taking up some of the core literature on public management and public administration.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Demonstrate solid fundamental knowledge on how public policies are developed, approved and implemented.
- 2.Apply a public policy perspective to evaluate and compare core literature and current issues on public management and public administration.
- 3.Apply a range of qualitative and quantitative research methods to public research studies.
- 4.Develop holistic perspectives including political science, public policy, economics, business and other aspects of social science.
- PPOL 5120Research Methods in Public Policy[3-0-0:3]Co-list withSOSC 5790Exclusion(s)SOSC 5790DescriptionThis course is required for all first-year MPhil/PhD students in Public Policy. The purposes of the course are to introduce to students the key concepts in research methods, and to help them develop skills in the design of empirical research used in the analysis of policy problems. The course aims to train students to be able to apply various research designs in conducting rigorous policy research in their chosen fields, as well as develop the ability to critically evaluate policy research products. A specific emphasis will be on the use of quasi-experimental designs in policy research, as well as on their potentials and limitations.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify the logic of policy research on causal relationship.
- 2.Demonstrate solid knowledge on key research designs for generalized causal inference and their potentials and limitations.
- 3.Design and develop a research proposal on a given research topic in their chosen fields.
- 4.Apply practical experiences and techniques in conducting qualitative analysis.
- PPOL 5130Microeconomics and Public Policy[3-0-0:3]DescriptionThe course covers Microeconomic core modules concerning consumer, firm, and market with emphasis on public policy application. A policy topic follows each module enquires students to apply economic model to analyze real world cases and evaluate policies.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Apply economic reasoning to the analysis of selected contemporary economic problems.
- 2.Compare and exemplify how individual, business and government interact in various market structures to determine pricing and quantity of goods and services produced and consumed.
- 3.Analyze the efficiency and equity implications of government interference in markets.
- 4.Apply economic problem solving skills to evaluate the opportunities and challenges of the increasing globalization of the world economy.
- PPOL 5140Quantitative Analysis and Empirical Methods[3-0-0:3]DescriptionThis course will introduce students to quantitative and empirical methods used by public policy analysts. The course will provide an introduction to probability, statistics, and decision analysis, with a focus on the application of these techniques to policy problems. The course will also introduce students to software commonly used to analyze quantitative data.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify what is evidence-based policy analysis.
- 2.Interpret basic quantitative analysis results in policy reports.
- 3.Distinguish good from bad policy research from a critical viewpoint.
- 4.Write policy papers which assess effects of governments programs.
- PPOL 5150Public Policy Analysis[3-0-0:3]DescriptionThis course provides students with practical methods for analyzing public policy issues. It develops a policy research and modeling skillset in considering complex, real-world issues involving multiple actors with diverse interests, information uncertainty, institutional complexity, and ethical controversy. The analytical framework used in this course is inter- and multi-disciplinary. The course builds such an understanding of the complexity of policy problems in which the different branches of economics and social sciences have equal roles.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify the importance of political, administrative and analytical capacity in shaping policy development.
- 2.Explain key challenges in various key tasks in policy development.
- 3.Sharpen their analytical skills in leading and managing key tasks in policy development.
- 4.Improve their skills in crafting policy messages and communicating more effectively with different stakeholders in policy development and policy process.
- PPOL 5160Evidence in Public Policy[3-0-0:3]Prerequisite(s)PPOL 5140DescriptionWhat kind of evidence is used to support policy decision making? This course will introduce students to the different sorts of data and evidence used by policy analysts, including census data, spatial data, surveys, interviews, focus groups, case studies, and policy experiments. Students will also be introduced to some basic modeling approaches used in policy analysis (statistical models, economic models, systems dynamics etc). Students will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of different types of information, and different analytical and visualization techniques that analysts use to incorporate evidence into their work.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Define the terminology that is used in public policy research.
- 2.Identify the methods of data collecting for policy analysis.
- 3.Design and conduct research to analyze policy problems.
- 4.Use cost-benefit analysis to analyze policy problems.
- 5.Present policy research findings with reasons and evidence.
- PPOL 5170Public Management and Leadership[3-0-0:3]DescriptionThis course offers an applied introduction to the field of public management and leadership. The course is designed to allow students to explore the challenges of implementing policy and to facilitate critical questioning of the techniques used by central and local governments to achieve these policies in both developed and developing countries. It will have a particular focus on public management and leadership in policy contexts that are characterized by complex systems, and policy areas that are characterized by a highly scientific/technical nature (energy systems, large scale infrastructure engineering projects/management, sustainable development, emergence of new technologies and risks, etc.).Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify key concepts and doctrinal debates in public management and leadership.
- 2.Compare the conceptual differences across literature and their application in public management.
- 3.Analyze some of the most important areas in public management with an applied approach.
- 4.Apply public management concepts to real world cases, especially those characterized by complexity and uncertainty.
- PPOL 5180Risk and Regulation[3-0-0:3]DescriptionThe emergence of regulatory systems is one of the major government advances of the 20th and 21st century. These regulatory regimes are responses to different types of risks-economic/financial, environmental, health, safety and others. This course will examine the concept of risk, and introduce students to the different types of regulatory structures that have been developed to address these.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Critically review a selected body of literature on risk and regulation drawn from multiple disciplines.
- 2.Apply the concepts, theories and methods used in the study of regulation for the analysis of regulatory institutions, practices and ideas.
- 3.Apply the traditional and contemporary literature to reflect and critically assess the regulatory systems.
- 4.Critically assess the existing theory and practice in light of new, emerging risks.
- PPOL 5190Policy Analysis and Design for Sustainable Development[3-0-0:3]Co-list withSOSC 5770Exclusion(s)SOSC 5770BackgroundPrevious study of sustainable development and/or public policy at an undergraduate level; or professional experience in these areasDescriptionSustainable development problems pose some of the greatest challenges for policy makers around the world, and effective policy design requires analysts with strong subject matter understanding, creativity, and the ability to incorporate diverse perspectives and approaches. The goal of this course is to advance students' abilities to apply tools and methods, including analytical techniques and presentation skills, which are required for effective policy analysis and decision making in this area. Coursework in the course will be largely case based, and topical issues will be presented and mastered alongside different analytical skills and techniques.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Differentiate and use different core sustainability concepts.
- 2.Choose and use appropriate analytical methodologies for policy design and analysis.
- 3.Effectively communicate sustainable development policy recommendations to diverse audiences.
- 4.Critically assess and use different forms of knowledge in the development of effective sustainable development policy proposals.
- 5.Design policy to be effective in the complex adaptive systems typical of sustainable development problems.
- 6.Articulate the value of complex adaptive systems (human-environment systems) perspectives in their analysis of policy problems.
- PPOL 5200Aging, Demography and Policy[3-0-0:3]DescriptionChanges in the age structure of populations are likely to have highly significant policy outcomes. Perhaps the most significant relates to population ageing which can result in the twin effect of shrinking the labour force and increasing dependency (including pensions and healthcare). This course will explore how these transitions come about, what the policy challenges might be, and how policies can serve to ameliorate them.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Describe the drivers of population ageing and identify various measures of ageing.
- 2.Explain the ways by which population ageing affect social and public policy.
- 3.Analyze the political and economic consequences of population ageing.
- 4.Evaluate the extent to which ageing poses an existential threat to health and welfare systems globally.
- 5.Anticipate the impact of population ageing on developing countries.
- PPOL 5210Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management[3-0-0:3]DescriptionThis course is intended for students interested in environmental policies and management of the natural environment and its resources. The course provides students with a basic toolkit of quantitative and qualitative techniques used in resource planning and analysis, together with case studies with which to gain experience of their application. Students will also gain knowledge of regional and global directives affecting the environment, as well as approaches to policy evaluation.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Articulate the most common causes of environmental and natural resource policy problems.
- 2.Explain the strengths and weaknesses of major policy options in dealing with an environmental or natural resource problem.
- 3.Diagnose a given environmental or natural resource policy problem.
- 4.Analyze the political economy of designing and implementing environmental and natural resource policies in a given political, economic and social environment.
- PPOL 5220Complex Systems for Policy[3-0-0:3]DescriptionMany of the problems facing policy makers are considered to be complex, dynamic, socio-technical systems that display emergent structures and behaviors. This requires policy makers and administrators to develop competencies in both analysis and management. The course will focus on applications in policy, with a focus on science and technology such as natural systems with policy making, and complex engineering systems. Students will be introduced to some of the key elements of complex systems, including non-linearities, emergence, networks, and system dynamics. They will also learn about management techniques, specifically learning and adaptive management, that are needed for policy related to complex systems.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Explain how decision-makers and professionals (individually and in groups) process uncertain scientific and engineering knowledge.
- 2.Critically assess the importance of decision and policy analysis (including evaluation and impact assessment), in particular in the context of managing risks in complex systems.
- 3.Interpret both quantitative and qualitative data derived from natural, technical and social components of socio-technical systems.
- 4.Apply methods of 'integrated assessment' to policy scenarios.
- 5.Use different analytical tools in complex policy problems.
- PPOL 5230Technology, Innovation and Public Policy[3-0-0:3]DescriptionThis course will explore the nature of science and technology, their funding, and their use in policy. The course will have two parts: technology and innovation policy. In the first part, students will learn about how science, technology and innovation are influenced by policy, including R&D funding, education, and other policies that governments use to promote the development of new knowledge. In the second part, which will focus on how knowledge and expertise are used by policy makers, students will investigate how science and engineering (quantitative) evidence and knowledge are integrated with social science (quantitative and qualitative) knowledge, and the limitations and types of uncertainty attached to different types of knowledge.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Describe the history of technology and innovation policy (post-war to the present) and the 'science-technology-innovation society settlement'.
- 2.Compare systems for promoting innovation and the impacts of science and technology on society's development.
- 3.Evaluate how science impacts on policy and how research is utilized.
- 4.Assess how knowledge systems and policies as system interventions.
- 5.Appraise the complex relationship between science, technology, innovation and public policy.
- PPOL 5240Advanced Analytical Methods for Public Policy[3-0-0:3]Prerequisite(s)PPOL 5140 AND PPOL 5160DescriptionThis course will build on the core methodology and data analysis courses, and enable students to develop the ability to use a range of different analytical methodologies for the assessment of public policies for recommendation, decision making and evaluation. The emphasis is on application in policy problems, and a focus on dealing with complexity and uncertainty. Methods presented in the course will include both quantitative and qualitative approaches, and will be taught using case studies and modeling exercises.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Assess a range of techniques, in order to choose the best approach(es) for a particular policy analysis problem of interest.
- 2.Critique the analytical approaches used in existing policy analysis.
- 3.Apply techniques and frameworks presented in the course to actual policy analysis problems.
- 4.Integrate considerations of complexity and uncertainty into analytical problems.
- PPOL 5250Innovation and Sustainability[3-0-0:3]DescriptionThis course examines the role of innovation in achieving sustainability. Among the issues to be discussed include models of technological change, systems approaches to innovation, intellectual property rights, research and development, and case studies in various sectors concerning sustainability. The mechanisms of co-evolution of technology and institutions in facilitating innovation for sustainability are examined from a global perspective.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify and explain the mechanisms and processes of creating innovation.
- 2.Identify key opportunities and challenges in promoting sustainability in society.
- 3.Apply robust knowledge of innovation systems for addressing sustainability issues.
- 4.Develop feasible proposals for public policy and institutional design for sustainability challenges.
- 5.Present policy proposals with solid evidence and engaging communication skills.
- PPOL 5270Finance, Financial Crises and Economic Development[3-0-0:3]DescriptionThe global financial crisis was not just an economic calamity. It also precipitated a crisis in economic and political ideas. The pre-crisis faith that free markets produce optimal outcomes has been significantly eroded. A decade on, global policymakers still struggle to engage with a more empirically-grounded and less dogmatic brand of economics, and the differing prescriptions that it might suggest. Students of economics need to have an overview of the causes and consequences of the crisis, the ideas that contributed to it, and how those ideas and their policy implications are being challenged and debated. Most importantly, students of public policy need to be able to understand what went wrong – both in economics, and in policy.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Explain key concepts in finance and the major market failures that characterize this industry and justify government regulation/intervention.
- 2.Analyze the multiple causes of the global financial crisis.
- 3.Describe how global finance has evolved after the financial crisis.
- 4.Analyze financial and macroeconomic risks in a country.
- 5.Analyze the relationship between finance and economic development.
- 6.Define complexity science and its applications in finance and public policy.
- PPOL 5320Urban Economics and Urban Policy[3-0-0:3]DescriptionThis course focuses on urban policy as it is examined in the context of general economic, social and spatial trends in metropolitan settings. Particular attention is placed on the decision-making process and how it affects policy choices. Students will develop an understanding of relevant urban theories, and apply them in the exploration of various urban issues around the world.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Explain contemporary urban theories and concepts.
- 2.Apply them to explore various urban issues in the real world.
- 3.Explore the way land use, transportation and economic development are connected to each other.
- 4.Explain the way various urban policies may be implemented to change people’s behavior and choices.
- PPOL 6000Independent Study[1-3 credit(s)]DescriptionIndependent study in a designated subject under direct guidance of a faculty member to provide students the advanced knowledge and research skill sets on a public policy topic. Required readings, tutorial discussions, and submission of report(s) will be used for assessment. The course may be repeated for credit if different topics are studied. Graded P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Appreciate the importance of global and regional public policy development.
- 2.Communicate complex ideas in professional and other settings.
- 3.Explain the core ideas and concepts of public policy impacts.
- 4.Identify the different levels of organization and structure within public policy.
- 5.Analyze the efficiency and equity implications of government interference in various markets/stakeholders.
- PPOL 6100Special Topics in Public Policy[1-3credit(s)]DescriptionThis course covers emerging topics of public policy concerns not covered in the present curriculum. The course aims to provide students with the advanced knowledge and research skill sets on a public policy topic, Required readings, tutorial discussions, and submission of report(s) will be used for assessment. The course may be repeated for credit if different topics are studied.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Recognize the importance of global and regional public policy development in the topic concerned.
- 2.Communicate complex ideas related to the topic in professional and other settings.
- 3.Explain the core ideas and concepts of public policy impacts in the topic concerned.
- 4.Relate the concepts and methodologies in the course topic to practical implementation in public sector.
- PPOL 6110Policy Analysis Project[6 credits]DescriptionAn independent group project carrying 6 credits cover two consecutive regular terms for students to work on selected topics in public policy under the supervision of a faculty member. The project is designed to help student learn how to identify some public policy problem and prepare, design and select public policy measure or program to mitigate/solve it. Participation of both internal communities of the university and external organizations in these projects will be highly encouraged. The responsibility of control, administration and assessment of the projects rest with the University. Students will hone their ability to work in team, analyze policy issues and develop concise report of their findings and recommendations. The paper should be written as though for a particular decision-maker in government or a nonprofit organization, with the writer assuming the role of a staff assistant to this decision-maker. This course is for MPP students only. May be graded PP.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Analyze the background of a policy problem from multiple perspectives and also the needs of the client.
- 2.Develop research questions and plans that articulate the client's needs.
- 3.Demonstrate clear and sound reasons for their literature selection and consideration for their methods adoption; which at the same time are adequate to address their client's policy problem.
- 4.Collect data that is appropriate to address the client's policy problem.
- 5.Systematically sort out collected data and use a comprehensive analytical framework to interpret the data.
- 6.Draw practical and theoretical inferences from the data analysis.
- 7.Construct cogent argument for policy decision.
- 8.Present confidently and persuasively.
- PPOL 6770Professional Development in Public Policy[0-1-0:1]DescriptionThis one-credit course aims at providing research postgraduate students with basic training in career development and related professional skills. This course consists of a number of division-specific workshops. Graded PP, P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Develop a comprehensive set of essential transferrable skills to enhance professional development in the discipline.
- 2.Recognize the major issues and updated development in the area of public policy.
- PPOL 6990MPhil Thesis ResearchDescriptionMaster's thesis research supervised by a faculty member. A successful defense of the thesis leads to the grade Pass. No course credit is assigned.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Design, develop and conduct a research proposal on science/technology-based public policy research in their chosen fields.
- PPOL 7990Doctoral Thesis ResearchDescriptionOriginal and independent doctoral thesis research. A successful defense of the thesis leads to the grade Pass. No course credit is assigned.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Design, develop and conduct a research proposal on science/technology-based public policy research in their chosen fields.