Postgraduate Courses
- ACCTAccounting
- AESFAeronautical Engineering
- AIAAArtificial Intelligence
- AISCInterdisciplinary Studies
- AMATAdvanced Materials
- AMCCArts and Machine Creativity
- BEHIBiomolecular Engineering and Health Informatics
- BIENBioengineering
- BSBEBioscience and Biomedical Engineering
- BTECBiotechnology
- CENGChemical and Biological Engineering
- CHEMChemistry
- CHMSAnalytical Chemistry
- CIEMCivil Infrastructural Engineering and Management
- CIVLCivil and Environmental Engineering
- CMAAComputational Media and Arts
- COMPComputer Science and Engineering
- CSICScientific Computation
- CSITInformation Technology
- DBAPDoctor of Business Administration Program
- DRAPDrug Regulatory Affairs and Policy
- DSAAData Science and Analytics
- ECONEconomics
- EEMTEngineering Enterprise Management
- EESMElectronic Engineering, IC Design Engineering, and Telecommunications
- ELECElectronic and Computer Engineering
- EMBAKellogg-HKUST Executive MBA Program
- EMIAEmerging Interdisciplinary Areas
- ENEGEnergy
- ENGGSchool of Engineering
- ENVREnvironment
- ENVSEnvironmental Science
- EOASEarth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
- EVNGEnvironmental Engineering
- EVSMEnvironmental Science and Management
- FINAFinance
- FTECFinancial Technology
- FUNHFunction Hub
- GFINGlobal Finance
- HMMAChinese Culture
- HUMAHumanities
- IBTMIntelligent Building Technology and Management
- IEDAIndustrial Engineering and Decision Analytics
- IIMPIndividualized Interdisciplinary Major
- IMBAHKUST Executive MBA Program
- INFHInformation Hub
- INTRIntelligent Transportation
- IOTAInternet of Things
- IPENInnovation, Policy and Entrepreneurship
- ISDNIntegrative Systems and Design
- ISOMInformation Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management
- JEVEEnvironmental Engineering and Management
- LANGLanguage
- LIFSLife Science
- MAEDMathematics for Educators
- MAFSFinancial Mathematics
- MARKMarketing
- MASSSocial Science (MA Program)
- MATHMathematics
- MBAXMaster of Business Administration Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- MCEEChemical and Energy Engineering
- MECHMechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- MESFMechanical Engineering
- MFITFinancial Technology
- MGCSGlobal China Studies
- MGMTManagement
- MICSMicroelectronics
- MILEInternational Language Education
- MIMTInternational Management
- MSBDBig Data Technology
- MSDMData-Driven Modeling
- MTLETechnology Leadership and Entrepreneurship
- NANONano Science and Technology
- OCESOcean Science
- PDEVProfessional Development
- PHYSPhysics
- PLEDLanguage
- PPOLPublic Policy
- ROASRobotics and Autonomous Systems
- SBMTSchool of Business and Management
- SEENSustainable Energy and Environment
- SMMGSmart Manufacturing
- SOCHSociety Hub
- SOSCSocial Science
- SYSHSystems Hub
- UCMPCross-disciplinary Core courses
- UGODUrban Governance and Design
No Record Found
- Each course is identified by a course code which comprises a four-letter code followed by a four-digit number code.
- The letter code denotes either the area/program of study or the course offering department. Course descriptions are arranged in alphabetical order of letter codes.
- The first digit of the number code indicates the academic level of the course while the last three digits represent a departmental coding series.
5=Postgraduate courses
6=Postgraduate courses usually in the form of special topics, seminars, independent studies, reading courses or master research
7=Postgraduate courses usually in the form of doctoral seminars or research
- Each course is assigned a course vector which indicates the number of instructional hours required and credits to be earned. The course vector is presented in the form of [L-T-Lab:C] where
L=Lecture hours per week
T=Tutorial, seminar or recitation hours per week
Lab=Laboratory or field study hours per week
C=Number of course credits
Normally, 1 credit is designated for 1L, 1T or 3Lab.
- Courses listed here will be offered according to resources available in each term and academic year. Details of course offerings in a particular term will be announced during the course registration period.