Postgraduate Courses
- MGMT 5110Managerial Communication[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 511, SBMT 511DescriptionCommunication skill ranks at the top of contributors to job effectiveness, satisfaction and success. Managerial communication gives students an opportunity to improve students' ability to communicate efficiently and effectively as a manager and to develop those critical communication capabilities that students will need as a business leader.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Communicate more effectively in business environments as managers and leaders.
- 2.Continue practicing their communication skills for continuous improvement in the future.
- MGMT 5210Preparing to Lead[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 521, MGTO 521Exclusion(s)IMBA 5010 (Prior to 2019-20)DescriptionThe practical study of managerial work. Examines communication skills and offers the opportunity for assessment and feedback. Organizational contexts, teambuilding and case work. This is a core course for MBA. Graded P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Define the concept of leadership in organizations.
- 2.Develop skills and competencies that enable effective leadership.
- 3.Develop a plan that will enable an immediate and noticeable impact on how they lead at work.
- MGMT 5230Management of Organizations[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 523, MGTO 523Exclusion(s)IMBA 5090DescriptionInclude motivation theories, leadership, group dynamics, job design, decision making, power and politics, organizational structure and design, and organizational change. This is a core course for MBA.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Improve general decision making and managerial decision making.
- 2.Lead a team and work within a group.
- 3.Motivate and manage others at work.
- 4.Negotiate effectively.
- 5.Identify ethical challenges in oneself and others.
- MGMT 5410Strategic Management[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 541, MGTO 541Exclusion(s)IMBA 5020DescriptionMajor techniques and approaches to the development and implementation of corporate strategies. Underlying concepts, analytical techniques, internal and external competitor analysis and evaluation of strategic options. This is a core course for MBA.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Apply theories/frameworks (e.g. SWOT Analysis and Porter’s Five Forces) for in-depth industry analysis, for anticipating and predicting future industry development.
- 2.Examine some of the firm's specific underpinnings of competitive advantage and growth in both domestic and international settings.
- 3.Evaluate some of the challenges in implementing the strategy that has been formulated.
- MGMT 5470Strategic Management of Human Assets[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 547, MGTO 547, MGTO 630DCorequisite(s)MGMT 5230Exclusion(s)MGMT 6500DDescriptionThis course is designed to help managers build an effective workforce. First, students will take the perspective of the general manager. They will see how an effective general manager aligns people with other organizational processes to execute business strategy. Second, they will take the human resource executive's point of view by seeing how top human resource executives develop strategy. Third, they will see how managers throughout the company contribute to the development of an effective workforce.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Explain how the management of an organization’s human resources contribute to the sustained effectiveness of the organization.
- 2.Evaluate how an organization’s human resource systems facilitate the achievement of its strategic objectives.
- 3.Engage more effectively as an individual employee/manager/job seeker with companies' human resource management systems.
- MGMT 5480Strategic Management in China[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 548, MGTO 548, MGTO 650UExclusion(s)MIMT 5120DescriptionThe primary topic of this course is strategic management in the Chinese context. This course has three major objectives: 1) to help students understand the conditions under which different kinds of strategy have the potential to create economic value and competitive advantage for Chinese context; 2) to help students who plan to work in Chinese companies understand their roles and responsibilities in helping the companies to achieve competitive advantage; and 3)to help those, who work in foreign companies that either already have or will have operations in China, obtain the knowledge necessary to compete or cooperate with companies in Chinese context more successfully.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Understand the extent to which China is different from other countries and how such differences affect business strategies in the Chinese context.
- 2.More accurately assess the opportunities and challenges in setting up business operations in China and to develop corresponding sound business and corporate strategies.
- 3.Be better prepared to help multi-national companies to develop sound China strategies in order to compete in the Chinese market more successfully.
- MGMT 5490Irrational and Rational Thinking and Judgment in Management[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 549, MGTO 549, MGTO 651EDescriptionThis is a course with an in-depth discussion on the nature of human thinking and judgment. The overall emphasis of this course will be on illustrating errors and biases in thinking and judgment and their managerial implications. In other words, the class is designed to give you a "rational mind". The concepts we will discuss are key to remove the obstacles in thinking, solving problems, and making decisions. Topics that we will focus on include Common Biases, Experts and Novices, Heuristics, Judgment under Uncertainty, Nonrational Escalation of Commitment, and the Psychology of Delaying Decisions.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Evaluate the general nature of human thinking and judgment.
- 2.Identify the major errors and biases in thinking and judgment.
- 3.Recognize the obstacles in problem solving and decision making, and develop an awareness to removing them.
- 4.Develop strategies to overcome the obstacles in problem solving and decision making.
- 5.Apply the newly learned methodology in managerial contexts.
- MGMT 5510Applied Strategic Thinking[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 551, MGTO 651QPrerequisite(s)MGMT 5410DescriptionThis course will explore the immediate ability to contribute to top management's strategic conversations in students' current organization. It teaches how to think strategically and provides the opportunity to apply this thinking in a team environment. Students will be able to immediately apply the thinking and skills learnt to the current job.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Explain a summarized company strategy.
- 2.Apply strategic thinking tools and presepectives to see the future of their industry.
- 3.Generate alternative strategies for a business unit.
- 4.Construct an implementation plan for business strategy and decision making.
- MGMT 5550Effective Negotiations[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 555, MGTO 651VExclusion(s)MIMT 5340 (prior to 2017-18)DescriptionThis course focuses on two-party negotiations in a wide variety of settings ranging from simple buyer-seller bargains to complex, multiple-issue strategic relationships.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Develop the ability to compare, contrast, and differentiate among different negotiation situations.
- 2.Judge the behavior and motives of individuals and groups in various negotiating situations.
- 3.Analyze negotiation situations to identify which effective core negotiating concepts can be applied and modified.
- 4.Design and implement strategies for negotiating effectively across a wide range of situations.
- MGMT 5570Applied Merger and Acquisition[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 557, MGMT 650GDescriptionThis course is designed to prepare business managers to succeed as members of a merger and acquisition project team. Students will be able to work out how merger and acquisition can help to achieve the strategy, to know how merger and acquisition transactions work in practice from search to merger integration, to get insight into the particular opportunities and challenges of merger and acquisition, and to apply this thinking in a team environment.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Appraise how merger and acquisition can help achieve a firm's strategy.
- 2.Identify how merger and acquisition transactions work in practice, from initial search through to merger integration.
- 3.Recognize nsight into the opportunities and challenges of merger and acquisition in China.
- 4.Execute the merger and acquisition thinking in a team environment.
- MGMT 5580China's External Relations and Their Economic Impact[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 558, SBMT 541, SBMT 601DDescriptionThis course will help students have a better understanding of how China relates to the rest of the world, both historically and now. It will examine contemporary China's political and economic relations with the major countries and regions of the world, including the United States, Europe, Japan, India, Korea and Russia plus the developing countries in Africa as well as the territories of Taiwan and Hong Kong.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Possess a broad appreciation of China's external policy toward the major regions of the world, including the United States, the European Union, Japan and Africa.
- 2.Be better equipped to analyze political and economic situations relating to China in whatever future career he or she chooses to pursue.
- 3.Possess an understanding of the interplay between political and economic forces in China's determination to attain its "Two Centenaries" goals, which in turn will help the student to assess real-life situations that she or he will face.
- MGMT 5590Responsible Leadership and Ethics[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 559, SBMT 543DescriptionGreat leaders and corporations take greater responsibilities for its customers, employees, shareholders, and society. This class is to learn what it takes to be a responsible leader and how leaders can create responsible corporations. This course also intends to change behavior for future leaders by teaching decision making framework for making responsible and ethical decisions as they face these challenges. Maybe graded PP.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Recognize the differing perspectives of defining and applying ‘responsible leadership’ and ‘ethics’ by exposure to conceptual frameworks from management science (and philosophy) and from ‘everyday discourses’ from business practitioners.
- 2.Identify and apply tools, concepts, and theories to perform analyses of the different approaches to responsible leadership and ethics in practice, motives and inspiration (moral, strategic, shareholder, philanthropic, etc.) behind these differences.
- 3.Enhance personal development to consider moral reflections on how to respond to ethical dilemmas in a business environment.
- 4.Examine practical case studies relating to the applied nature of responsible leadership and ethics in relation to local and global settings and the issues and controversies that surround them.
- MGMT 5640Time to Lead[1-0-0:1]Prerequisite(s)MGMT 5210DescriptionThis course will help students reflect on their learning in the MBA program and prepare them for their leadership roles in the future. Graded P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Develop skills and competencies that enable effective leadership.
- 2.Develop a plan that will enable an immediate and noticeable impact on how they lead at work.
- 3.Reconcile skills and competencies at the beginning of the program with skill and competency growth at the end of the program.
- MGMT 5670Managing Change[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500EDescriptionThis course helps you understand your strengths and development areas as a change agent. It then explores a model of change and the role of the change agent as a leader and influencer of others. An online simulation is used to help understand motivation and resistance in recipients of change. Finally, hands on practice is conducted for some key change agent competencies including creating a vision and communication.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Recognize how personal characteristics impact a person role as change agent and nd deal with resistance in yourself and others.
- 2.Define the stages of change and associated challenges of each.
- 3.Identify how to design and facilitate change.
- 4.Use the experience in practicing communication and decision skills of a change agent.
- 5.Design a personal development plan to improve required skills as a change agent.
- MGMT 5680Politics and Socioeconomic Environment of China[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)SBMT 5400, SBMT 540, SBMT 601CDescriptionThis course will provide students with a broad overview of China's foreign policy and their economic ramifications. The country has transformed from one of the world's poorest countries into an engine of growth for the world economy. China has focused on economic development and its foreign policy is geared to further this national goal by ensuring a peaceful regional and global environment and by enhancing trade and investment between China and the rest of the world. Guest speakers will be invited to share their perspectives with students. Graded P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Recognize major changes in politics, economics and social life in China since the late 1970s.
- 2.Explain the driving forces of major events and processes for China’s political economy.
- 3.Identify the implications of major events and processes for China’s political economy.
- 4.Appraise on China’s integration into the global system, and China’s future political development.
- 5.Evaluate the risks to investors in China.
- MGMT 5690Southeast Asia's Economies in Transition: Bubble, Crisis, and Renewal[1-0-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)SBMT 6010FDescriptionThis course will help students gain a better understanding of the dynamic economies of Southeast Asia and their potential as they achieve higher levels of economic integration through ASEAN.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Analyze the growth models that led to the emergence of Southeast Asia’s “tiger” economies in the 1980s and 1990s.
- 2.Identiy the risk, strength and weakness of economics during transition of those Southeast Asia countiries.
- 3.Evaluate along the whole spectrum of functionalities the strengths and weaknesses of SEA business.
- 4.List the key fixtures of diverse macro environments.
- MGMT 5730Social Entrepreneurship and Venture Philanthropy[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)FINA 5970, SBMT 6010GExclusion(s)FINA 4929GDescriptionSocial Entrepreneurship uses business methods to address social and environmental problems, often in innovative ways. Venture Philanthropy uses venture capital funding tools to promote start-up and growth of social ventures. This course combines lectures, case studies, industry expert guest speakers and project work to involve students in social entrepreneurship and venture philanthropy with real social impact as a result. Student teams work with social enterprise partners to develop a growth plan and funding proposal for grant funding to be awarded to one of the social venture partner organizations at the end of the course. The course is multi-disciplinary and open to MBAs and other PG/UG programs. (UG students please email instructor with CV and motivation letter for course admission.)Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify the current landscape of the social entrepreneurship and venture philanthropy industry (in Hong Kong and globally).
- 2.Develop hands-on knowledge in social entrepreneurship and venture philanthropy.
- 3.Distingush new business opportunities, market norms and customer experiences with positive social impact.
- 4.Design professional, credible and convincing social venture funding proposal, including a credible implementation plan.
- 5.Plan methodology to liaise with a variety of stakeholders with different mindsets.
- 6.Apply the ability to work in a culturally and academically / professionally diverse team.
- MGMT 5740Management of Venture Capital Fund[2-0-0:2]DescriptionThis course offers a practical, "real world" understanding of many aspects of managing a Venture Capital (VC) Fund. It provides an overview of the marketplace and includes such VC topics as: (1) VC personnel and compensation; (2) deal structuring; (3) due diligence and post-investment management; (4) valuation techniques; (5) negotiating investment term sheets; (6) going public and other divestment ("exit") strategies. Real world examples and cases, primarily from Asia, will be used to illustrate these topics. Students will see a VC Fund from several perspectives, including as the General Manager, as a promoter to the Fund of a new investment, as a potential investor, as the Head of an Investment Committee, as a prospective subsequent investor, as an entrepreneur, and as an entrepreneur seller.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify the strategy and financial model of a VC fund by certain information.
- 2.Conduct deal structuring.
- 3.Conduct due diligence of a VC fund.
- 4.Conduct valuation with required techniques.
- 5.Evaluate term sheets.
- 6.Craft exit strategies.
- MGMT 5750Deal Making across Asia and China[2-0-0:2]DescriptionThis course specifically focuses on formulating and applying practical deal-making strategies to real-world transactions in the Asia Pacific region. This is a highly participatory and interactive course instead of purely lecture-style. Participants are asked to play the roles of deal makers -- which role may be as a lead negotiator, investor, investment banker, salesman, consultant, or investment advisor -- in pioneering transactions.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Define different kinds of transaction structures in the Chinese and Asian contexts.
- 2.Identify the different country and cultural contexts in China and Asia.
- 3.Compare, contrast, and differentiate between different types of deals and the contexts in which they take place.
- 4.Critically analyze a new situation to identify which techniques and contextual factors are the most critical.
- 5.Design and implement strategies using the above knowledge in order to structure, negotiate, and close deals in a variety of Chinese and Asian contexts.
- 6.Present the deals effectively to potential deal partners and other members of the team.
- 7.Tackle ethical challenges conducting deals in China and Asia.
- MGMT 5760Management Consulting[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500VExclusion(s)MGMT 5540DescriptionThis course is intended for students who are exploring consulting as a career option or who want to be more effective at working out and communicating recommendations. This course will teach students the key skills that management consultants use to solve business problems. This will be a demanding case-based course where students will learn the tools, skills and approaches adopted in leading management consultancies.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Diagnose the situation of a business problem.
- 2.Structure the business problem.
- 3.Prove a hypothesis.
- 4.Apply relevant frameworks to solve a business problem.
- 5.Apply fact-based analytical tools to identify insights.
- 6.Design compelling communications to share their thinking.
- MGMT 5770Building Effective Teams[1-0-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500FDescriptionThe course will offer students very practical tools and simple models that can also be applied in a corporate environment to help transform groups into engaged, motivated and focused teams that perform. These capabilities are also highly relevant to leading virtual teams that only meet remotely.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify leading indicators of high performance or dysfunctionality in teams.
- 2.Identify successful factors on how to make teams work.
- 3.Apply the foundations to building teams.
- 4.Deal with crisis in team.
- MGMT 5780Managing Strategic Alliances in China[1-0-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500BDescriptionThis course offers a practical, real world understanding of managing strategic alliances and joint ventures in China for students interested in understand the role of strategic alliances in contemporary strategic management in general and managing alliances/joint ventures in China in particular. Graded P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify difficulties and risks to choose alliances and joint ventures with potential.
- 2.Design and create successful alliances and joint ventures.
- 3.Manage alliances effectively.
- 4.Identify and leverage capabilities and privileged relationships acquired to build long-term advantage in China.
- MGMT 5790Emerging Challenges in International Business for Managers[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500LDescriptionThe course intends to provide students with a framework for understanding elements that will shape the global trade system over the next five years. Students should expect to have greater ability to formulate effective strategies and policies on behalf of their companies or organizations which reflect emerging realities in the global trade system upon completing the course.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify key issues, challenges and trends that are likely to shape global trade system over the next 5 years or so.
- 2.Identify the most important trade issues and initiatives currently underway.
- 3.Identify implications of China’s rise.
- 4.Recognize the ASEAN and APEC approach to trade and regional integration.
- 5.Formulate effective strategies and policies which reflect new, emerging realities in the global trade system.
- MGMT 5810Blue Ocean Strategy Innovation[1-0-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500WDescriptionThe course introduces students to one of the most original ways of developing strategy to appear in business thinking in recent years known as Blue Ocean Strategy. Blue Ocean Strategy was developed by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, both professors of strategy and management at the INSEAD business school. Their approach to strategy innovation is widely recognized as a significant step forward in strategic thinking and has been adopted by many companies to help them develop innovative strategy.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Explain the Blue Ocean Strategy.
- 2.Apply the tools learnt to build innovative strategy.
- MGMT 5820Global Leadership[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500RExclusion(s)MGMT 5890DescriptionGlobal Leadership is a course designed to inform and inspire MBA students to evolve in their development as global leaders. Drawing from the instructor’s extensive experience in researching, teaching and practicing leadership, students will be provided with actual experiences and lessons learned from the instructor.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify the important characteristics that distinguish a leader from a manager.
- 2.Recognize different leadership styles and the limitations that come with them.
- 3.Apply relevant leadership principles for effective time management and staff empowerment.
- MGMT 5830People Development: Coaching for High Performance[1-0-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500XDescriptionToday’s business leaders must have the ability to analyze numbers and systems and simultaneously to engage in active, thoughtful development of people. Manager employee interactions have largely replaced comprehensive organizational career management systems as the primary building block of learning and professional growth. However, managers often lack the skills to build collaborative relationships that facilitate the learning, performance and development of their people. Manager's skill in empowering and coaching employees affects performance, morale and attrition. Approximately half the course will be an introduction to theories, models and tools of people development. The rest of the course will be devoted to learning and practicing applied coaching skills that students can take back to their jobs to enhance their individual growth and organizational success. Grade P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify appropriate timing and methods of using coaching to build high performance.
- 2.Apply coaching techniques to engage and influence others.
- 3.Obtain more targeted results from people conversation.
- MGMT 5840Realizing Value: Ensuring Mergers and Acquisitions Success in Asia[1-0-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500YDescriptionThis course will go deep-dive into the Asian Mergers and Acquisitions landscape which is as highly distinctive from the well-known and studied western market as growing steadily in importance with China taking the world lead in terms of outbound deals and transactions. Overall management elements will be of much greater proportion as the learning foreground while finance elements shall be of smaller proportion as learning background of the course.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Recognize the key success factors for realizing full value of any Mergers and Acquisitions deal the Asian-way.
- 2.Identify different types of Asian Mergers and Acquisitions transactions and how to best position themselves to make the deals successful.
- MGMT 5850Understanding and Leading in the Sports Industry[1-0-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500QDescriptionThe sports industry is interesting in many ways. In this course, some of the industry's unique aspects such as the global recognition of a few athletes, the use of sports stars in promotion messages, the increasing attention of grassroots sports, the negative media highlights associated with professional sports, etc. will be discussed. The course will focus on all these aspects while considering the key functions and issues related to the sports industry globally.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Recognize the nature and environment of the sports industry.
- 2.Compare the cultural and sports models differences of professional and grassroots sports.
- 3.Analyze the management functions related to the sports industry such as finance, operations, marketing, IT, strategy, etc.
- 4.Identify topical sports management issues.
- 5.Assess the future of the sports industry through strategic scenario planning.
- MGMT 5860Global Business Opportunities in Africa[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500PDescriptionThe continent of Africa has deeply entrenched images associated of it relating to misery, poverty, corruption, incompetence and little of value. This course attempts to challenge such perceptions by correcting this inaccurate picture and ultimately addressing how many companies and countries view Africa as a large continent that offers many opportunities, especially in industries such as banking and finance, resources, telecoms, infrastructure and manufacturing.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Recognize the business opportunities across Africa historically and contemporarily.
- 2.Identify the industries where most business opportunities currently lie in Africa.
- 3.Critique the entrenched perspectives that surround the African continent.
- 4.Assess the extend to which internal obstacles are limiting business opportunities in Africa.
- 5.Identify and analyze the rise of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and good corporate governance by companies based in Africa.
- MGMT 5870Entrepreneurship and Innovation in FinTech[2-0-0:2]DescriptionThis course introduces fundamental concepts relevant for developing FinTech entrepreneurial opportunities. The course begins with frameworks for understanding technology innovation and evolution, and then dives into how new ideas can be generated and assessed, and brought to market by developing an effective organization and relationships in the financial ecosystem.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Define technology innovation and evolution.
- 2.Develop and assess creative FinTech ideas.
- 3.Develop the business model for a FinTech innovation.
- 4.Develop effective external collaborations in the financial ecosystem.
- 5.Building an effective entrepreneurial organization to harness the FinTech ideas.
- MGMT 5880Strategy and Innovation for Sustainability[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6520ADescriptionThe course will examine the social and environmental sustainability from the perspective of established corporation. It will provide a practical introduction of competitively advantageous strategies and innovations that corporations adopt to pursue visible business opportunities, reduce adverse impacts and generate positive impacts based on the global challenges of environment and society, such as environmental degradation, energy shortage and poverty.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify and analyze global environmental and social challenges.
- 2.Compare and contrast the various stakeholders affecting sustainability.
- 3.Evaluate opportunities for corporations based on economic, environmental and social criteria.
- 4.Analyze innovation and business models and integrate sustainable business criteria into them.
- 5.Recognize the key measures for implementing sustainability-driven strategies.
- MGMT 5882Crack the Case[1-0-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500SDescriptionThe course aims to give students an overview of the consulting industry including its competitive landscape and the constraints and limits the industry is facing. Through its case-cracking sessions, students will understand in-depth how a project takes place from a management consultant’s perspective. Upon completing the course, students will get a thorough real-life experience of the consulting world and its unique specificities. Graded P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Assess the key success factors for getting into the consulting business and being successful in it.
- 2.Recognize how a project takes place centered around case-cracking.
- 3.Generate the final project presentation along its multiple dimensions by immersing in real case example.
- MGMT 5883Managing Creativity and Innovation[1-0-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500ZDescriptionCreativity is the generation of new and useful ideas. Innovation is the successful implementation of those ideas. Creativity is therefore the foundation of innovation. In a world of accelerating change and fleeting opportunity, creativity and innovation are critical aspects of every manager’s job. This course is designed to help you enhance your creativity, your team’s creativity, the creativity of the people working with you, and ultimately the innovation in your organization. Graded P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Develop innovation, especially disruptive innovation, in organization.
- 2.Identify specific techniques for fostering creativity in themselves, others and innovation in organization.
- 3.Assess the enhancement and environment for individual and team creativity.
- MGMT 5884Building a Coaching Culture in Teams and Organization[1-0-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6520EDescriptionThe course introduces to students the growing importance of a coaching mindset and learning culture in leadership and organizations today. The course will also explore the impact of personality, culture and neuroscience on leadership behavior and will provide students with practical tools on how to set up and implement a coaching and learning culture in a team or across an organization.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Recognize the value of feedback and coaching including latest research and analysis.
- 2.Identify the changing corporate perception of learning and coaching for performance and development.
- 3.Evaluate potential leadership impact of heightened self‐awareness.
- 4.Judge potential leadership impact of improved interaction styles.
- MGMT 5890Principles for Global Leaders[1-0-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6520HExclusion(s)MGMT 5820DescriptionThrough ample case studies, group work and reflection time, the course aims at helping students to enhance their self-awareness, improve their communication skills, build stronger connections and trust with classmates and provide deeper knowledge in the principles of global leadership. This learning has the potential to propel students faster in their leadership career development.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Solve business problems and develop advanced solution as a leader.
- 2.Apply responsible leader skills into business management.
- 3.Recognize and identify own core values, goal and interest which determine career success.
- 4.Evaluate areas of compatibility and conflict among team members for effective business decision.
- 5.Execute leadership to manage a team efficiently.
- MGMT 5910New Venture Business Development[1-0-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6500UDescriptionThis course will introduce students to the new emerged thinking and methodologies on entrepreneurship and venture business development which enhance the chance of success and to reduce time and costs of failure in new ventures. Topics will cover major stages of new venture business development, ranging from ideation, searching for problem-solution fit, building business to achieve product-market fit, and scaling business. Graded P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Apply the 3 horizons approach to search for new business ideas.
- 2.Identify the problems and opportunities of new venture business.
- 3.Develop business ideas into products.
- 4.Design business model to increase the success rate and reduce time and cost of new ventures.
- MGMT 5920Managing Diversity in Business Organizations[1-0-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6520CDescriptionThis course critically examines the case for diversity in the corporate world. Students will come away from the course with an understanding of what it means to have a diverse workforce, an appreciation of how diversity can be leveraged for profit, and concrete ideas about how businesses can be more diverse. The focus will be on gender and LGBT issues, although some of the same principles can also be applied to issues related to race, disability, and age.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Evaluate the cost and benefit of diversity.
- 2.Recognize the barriers to diversity.
- 3.Execute experiences of LGBT employees in the corporate world with practical advice on how to manage identity in the workplace.
- 4.Implement management of disability with mixed abilities in a business workplace.
- MGMT 5930Building Innovative Companies to Achieve High Performance[2-0-0:2]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6520DDescriptionThis course will introduce the cutting edge best practices of building high performing innovative companies by using cases and company examples extensively. It covers knowledge to arrange innovation activities strategically; to design proper funding and accountability structures for innovation and growth projects; to initiate and execute innovation programs to deliver expected results; and to build holistic innovative engines to sustain long-term development.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Organize innovation activities strategically to ensure company's performance and growth.
- 2.Design proper funding and accountability structures for innovation and growth projects.
- 3.Develop and execute innovation programs to deliver expected results.
- 4.Produce holistic innovation engines to sustain long-term development.
- 5.Apply tools/frameworks to tackle various innovation challenges in corporate innovation.
- MGMT 6300Special Topics in Human Resources Management[2-4 credits]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 630, MGTO 630DescriptionAdvanced topics of current interest in human resources management.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Analyze and evaluate the selected topics of current interest which may not be covered by existing courses.
- MGMT 6400Special Topics in Organizational Behavior[2-4 credits]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 640, MGTO 640DescriptionAdvanced topics of current interest in organizational behavior.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Analyze and evaluate the selected topics of current interest which may not be covered by existing courses.
- MGMT 6500-6590Special Topics in Management[1-4 credit(s)]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 650-659, MGTO 650-659DescriptionAdvanced topics of current interest in Management.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Analyze and evaluate the selected topics of current interest which may not be covered by existing courses.
- 2.Develop hands-on research skills.
- 3.Advance their own research agendas such as papers targeted for submission to top tier management journals.
- MGMT 6970Independent Study[1-4 credit(s)]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 697, MGTO 697DescriptionStudy of selected issues in organizational management under the supervision of a faculty member. (Special permission from the Associate Dean is required for MBA students to take this course.)Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Examine a specific topic in Management.
- 2.Read academic articles critically.
- 3.Write academic articles effectively.
- MGMT 6990MPhil Thesis ResearchPrevious Course Code(s)MGMT 699, MGTO 699DescriptionMaster's thesis research supervised by a faculty member. A successful defense of the thesis leads to Pass. No course credit is assigned.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Design, develop and conduct cross-disciplinary research in management studies.
- 2.Communicate research findings effectively in written and oral presentations.
- MGMT 7100Behavioral Science[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 710, MGTO 710DescriptionIn-depth study of the foundations of behavioral science research using examples from organizational behavior and other related business disciplines.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Recognize the philosophical development of behavioral science (Part 1).
- 2.Understand the trend and predicted future of behavioral science.
- 3.Know the position of past and current management research under the history and tend of behavior science.
- 4.Seek new directions of management research by knowing the past and current positions.
- MGMT 7120Doctoral Seminar in Management[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 712, MGTO 712DescriptionPresentations and discussions of current research topics in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management for doctoral students.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Make use of up-to-date and in-depth knowledge about management research in general and organizational behavior in particular, providing them with the foundation to conduct independent substantive scholarly research.
- 2.Demonstrate an in depth understanding of contemporary issues in organizational behaviors.
- 3.Perform different aspects of the role of faculty in academia, such as conducting research, writing research reviews.
- MGMT 7130Doctoral Seminar in Organization Theory and Strategy[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 713, MGTO 713DescriptionPresentations and discussions of current research topics in organization theory and strategic management for doctoral students.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Demonstrate a sound grasp of the literature in their specialization.
- 2.Apply their specialized knowledge to solve related business problems in an innovative fashion.
- 3.Demonstrate a broad based knowledge of core business functions.
- 4.Integrate functional knowledge to solve business problems within their area of specialization.
- 5.Teach independent courses or lead lab/tutorial sessions effectively.
- 6.Present their discipline knowledge clearly to layman.
- MGMT 7140Doctoral Seminar in Behavioral Research Methods[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 714, MGTO 714DescriptionPresentations and discussions of current research topics in Behavioral Research Methods for doctoral students.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Recognize common research methods and techniques used in behavioral research.
- 2.Understand how these methods were used by researchers to address important research questions.
- 3.Develop hand-on knowledge on statistical packages.
- MGMT 7150Doctoral Seminar in Cognition[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MGMT 6510ADescriptionThis is a research-oriented graduate level course on cognition. It introduces to doctoral students basic/philosophical and applied/practical topics on cognition. It offers the opportunity for students to integrate concepts in basic research on cognition with applied research in business. It offers the opportunity for students to understand scientific research methodology of studying cognition.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Classify all possible mind-body problem structures, as well as the implications of these issues to human cognition.
- 2.Summarize the philosophical and scientific issues of human consciousness, as well as the implications of these issues to human cognition.
- 3.Analyze the philosophical and scientific issues of free-will and belief in free-will, as well as the implications of these issues to human cognition.
- 4.Explain the philosophical and scientific issues of intelligence and artificial intelligence, as well as the implications of these issues to human cognition.
- 5.Assess the key issues and scientific understanding of major topics of human cognition such as sensation and perception, attention, memory, language, learning, problem-solving, and decision making.
- 6.Develop a new research idea in the management research area on the basis of the understanding of human cognition.
- MGMT 7990Doctoral Thesis ResearchPrevious Course Code(s)MGMT 799, MGTO 799DescriptionOriginal and independent doctoral thesis research. A successful defense of the thesis leads to the grade Pass. No course credit is assigned.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Design, develop and conduct cross-disciplinary research in management studies.
- 2.Communicate research findings effectively in written and oral presentations.