Postgraduate Courses
- CIVL 5110Engineering Risk, Reliability and Decision[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 581Prerequisite(s)CIVL 2160 or equivalentExclusion(s)CIEM 5810DescriptionAdvanced reliability methods in engineering decision; Bayesian methods, system reliability and design, risk analysis, probabilistic observational method, Markov and availability models, random field, large-scale system simulation, decision with multiple objectives.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.To understand the ubiquitous presence of uncertainties in engineering systems.
- 2.To learn to describe common random variables.
- 3.To learn advanced reliability methods to support engineering design and codes of practice.
- 4.To learn risk analysis methods to support engineering decision and policy making.
- CIVL 5210Principles of Project Finance[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 501, CIVL 609CExclusion(s)CIEM 600FDescriptionIn-depth discussion of principles, techniques, and models of project finance in capital-intensive infrastructure projects, including international infrastructure markets; project bankability; project agreement and ancillary contracts; risk analysis and management; financial structuring, modeling and evaluation; outsourcing; case studies of various public-private partnerships in infrastructure development.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Explain the essential issues in infrastructure development and management.
- 2.Analyze risks in infrastructure project finance and development.
- 3.Conduct value for money assessment for public-private partnership projects.
- 4.Perform project appraisal from financial and economic perspectives.
- 5.Design and analyze concession agreement.
- CIVL 5220Construction Information Technology[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 6100BBackgroundCIVL 3210DescriptionThis course covers the principles and applications of information technology for construction management. Topics include building information modeling, database management and implementation, web-based communication and project management technologies, decision support systems, knowledge management, and data processing and analysis.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Understand the principles of building information modeling (BIM) and the current related technologies for BIM.
- 2.Leverage software for building information modeling and project management.
- 3.Model and represent various kinds of information in the construction industry.
- 4.Perform data processing and mining for knowledge discovery.
- 5.Design and leverage database systems for managing information and supporting construction management.
- CIVL 5230Finance and Operations in Civil Engineering[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 6100EDescriptionThis course introduces essential knowledge and skills in engineering financial management. Topics cover interactions of engineering, business and society, analysis of financial statements of engineering and technology companies, engineering investment, and financial and operational management.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Describe the key features in the interactions of engineering, business and society.
- 2.Conduct financial and economic analysis of engineering investments.
- 3.Analyze the financial statements of engineering and technology companies.
- 4.Evaluate the financial management performance of engineering and technology companies.
- 5.Evaluate the operational management performance of engineering and technology companies.
- CIVL 5310Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 531Exclusion(s)CIEM 5310DescriptionIntegrated treatment of analytical methods and technical aspects in design of tall building structures; includes structural modeling, frames, shear walls, outrigger-braced systems, core-walls, tubular structures, and special topics.
- CIVL 5340Optimal Structural Design[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 534DescriptionPresents advanced theories for design optimization; linear and nonlinear mathematical programming techniques, approximation concepts, sensitivity analysis, optimality criteria method for large-scale structures, evolutionary optimization using genetic algorithms and simulated annealing.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.To comprehend the fundamental concepts and theories of numerical optimization.
- 2.To understand how to formulate structural optimization problems, including defining appropriate design variables, constraints, and objective functions.
- 3.To acquire classical mathematical programming techniques and evolutionary metaheuristic algorithms for solving unconstrained and constrained optimization problems.
- 4.To apply advanced optimization algorithms for element sizing and topology design of tall building structures.
- CIVL 5350Bridge Engineering[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 603CDescriptionThis course introduces the limit states design method for bridges, discusses the design philosophy and code requirements and presents examples of analysis and design of bridge super-structure components (using the limit states design method).Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify the basic bridge types and their defining characteristics.
- 2.Formulate the proper actions, loads and load combinations on bridges according to EC design codes.
- 3.Calculate and use influence lines/areas for the design of bridges.
- 4.General models of different fidelity and complexity to examine the dynamics of bridges.
- 5.Perform seismic response analysis of typical bridges.
- CIVL 5361Seismic Design of Concrete Structures[3-0-0:3]Exclusion(s)CIEM 5361DescriptionIntroduction to seismic engineering and seismic design and analysis of concrete structures, including seismology, seismic hazards, dynamics of SDOF and MDOF systems, seismic response spectrum, conceptual design of concrete buildings for seismic resistance, capacity design principles, seismic design of reinforced concrete beams, columns, walls and beam-column joints.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Conduct the dynamic analysis of structural systems.
- 2.Analyze the response of structures to earthquake ground motions.
- 3.Use seismic spectra for the analysis of seismic actions.
- 4.Apply the seismic design concepts and methodology to concrete structures.
- 5.Conduct seismic design of concrete members and buildings.
- CIVL 5370Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 537Exclusion(s)CIEM 5370 (prior to 2019-20)DescriptionWind structures; wind loads; wind induced vibrations; wind codes; wind tunnel test techniques; structural monitoring; and vibration control.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Describe the structure of typhoon and characteristics of boundary layer wind, and perform typhoon wind field modelling and extreme wind analysis.
- 2.Identify the key factors of alongwind and crosswind forces, and formulate building aerodynamic equations and excessive response mitigations.
- 3.Define the principles of wind tunnel tests and perform tall building aerodynamic designs using various methods.
- CIVL 5390Finite Element Methods[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 512Co-list withMECH 5930Prerequisite(s)CIVL 5830 or MECH 5010 or equivalentExclusion(s)AESF 5930, MECH 5930, MESF 5930DescriptionFEM formulation; variational and Galerkin principles for continuum; element technology; numerical integration scheme; solution of large systems of linear equations; applications to structural mechanics; fluid flow and heat transfer problems.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Comprehend the fundamental theory and assumptions of the Finite Element Method (FEM).
- 2.Formulate the governing FE equations for systems governed by partial differential equations.
- 3.Identify and use the basic finite elements (truss, beam, frame, and plane elements) for structural engineering and for heat transfer applications.
- 4.Apply the finite element method (modeling, analysis, and interpretation of results) to realistic engineering problems using a commercial general-purpose finite element code.
- 5.Develop a basic understanding of the limitations of the FEM and identify the possible error sources in its use.
- CIVL 5410Physical-Chemical Water/Wastewater Treatment[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 541Prerequisite(s)CIVL 3420Exclusion(s)CIEM 5460, JEVE 5460DescriptionPrinciples of treatment for removing contaminants from drinking water and municipal wastewaters; includes equalization, neutralization, precipitation, coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, air stripping, carbon adsorption, disinfection.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Acquire advanced knowledge in the Principles of physical-chemical treatment for removing contaminants from drinking water and municipal wastewaters.
- 2.Develop an ability to identify physical-chemical problems and phenomena in water and wastewater treatment and propose feasible treatment components and alternatives, with an appreciation of their underlying assumptions, constraints, and technical limitations.
- 3.Develop technical competency to design physical-chemical water and wastewater treatment processes and systems, and to predict the process behavior with an in-depth understanding of the principles behind the modeling methodologies.
- CIVL 5420Biological Waste Treatment[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 542Prerequisite(s)CIVL 3420Exclusion(s)CIEM 5420, JEVE 5420DescriptionPrinciples of secondary, biological treatment processes; includes sewage sand filters, trickling filters, activated sludge plants, lagoons, ponds, rotating biological contactors, aerobic and anaerobic digesters, and biological nutrient removal.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Acquire the advanced knowledge in the biological waste treatment, including carbon, nutrients removal and sulfur cycle in biological wastewater treatment processes, biological solid waste treatment, and resources recovery from waste streams.
- 2.Acquire the advanced knowledge in biology that governs plant-wide waste treatment process design and modification for both engineering application and research.
- 3.Acquire an ability to judge the quality of a published research work with reasonable justifications.
- 4.Acquire an ability to search the cutting-edge knowledge and technologies for waste treatment and predicate its potential development.
- 5.Develop an ability to formulate problems and propose feasible solutions to apply biological wastewater treatment principles in real projects and research topics.
- 6.Develop an ability to plan a long-term research project independently and ethically.
- 7.Develop an ability to introduce a subject or research plan, communicate and present ideas effectively, including oral, written, and technical writing skills.
- CIVL 5430Aquatic Chemistry[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 543Prerequisite(s)CIVL 2410DescriptionChemistry applied to reactions occurring in water and wastewater, includes inorganic solution chemistry, chemical equilibrium, acids/bases, coordination chemistry, chemical kinetics, colloid chemistry, solubility and precipitation, oxidation-reduction potential.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Provide with the fundamentals of chemistry regarding the chemical reactions affecting the distribution and fate of chemical compounds in aquatic situations from an engineering point of view.
- 2.Develop technical competency in understanding the nature of water chemical pollution and the chemical aspects of water and wastewater treatment.
- 3.Analyze some local and global issues in water quality and water treatment from a chemical point of view.
- CIVL 5450Hazardous Waste Treatment and Site Remediation[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 545Prerequisite(s)CIVL 2410Exclusion(s)CIEM 5410, JEVE 5410DescriptionRegulatory aspects of the handling and disposal of hazardous wastes, and innovative technologies for hazardous wastes treatment and contaminated soils such as bioremediation, and soil washing will be included.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.To comprehend the regulations for contaminated land management in HK.
- 2.To analyze contaminant fate and interactions in the subsurface environment.
- 3.To assess the potential risks associated with land contamination and identify the problems.
- 4.To evaluate and compare the applications of cutting edge remediation technologies.
- 5.To experience real applications from case studies.
- CIVL 5460Landfill Engineering and Design[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 546Prerequisite(s)CIVL 2410DescriptionPractical aspects of solid waste collection methods and equipment, current available disposal techniques with emphasis on complete engineering design of landfill systems, and landfill leachate treatment will be included.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.To understand the current solid waste recycling, treatment and disposal systems and identify their potential environmental problems in HK.
- 2.To appreciate the importance of an integrated solid waste management for sustainable development.
- 3.To assess the advantage and disadvantages of various thermal technologies such as waste-to-energy incineration.
- 4.To understand the design concepts and the principles behind the design methodologies of a landfill based on fundamental principles of water and mass balance, hydrogeology, soil mechanics, and environmental engineering.
- CIVL 5470Industrial Wastewater Treatment[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 547Prerequisite(s)CIVL 3420Exclusion(s)JEVE 5470DescriptionProcedures for industrial surveys; includes waste sampling, waste characterization, treatability studies, selection of treatment methods for achieving cost effective operation, case studies of selected types of industrial waste treatment.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Teach some advanced treatment processes and mathematic modelling approach.
- 2.Require students to conduct treatment process design for particular type of industrial wastewater they prefer as an independent project report and presentation.
- 3.Conduct comprehensive independent literature review by students to master various treatment processes and their key design elements.
- 4.Through learning sampling and analytical techniques to enable them to identify complex treatment solution.
- 5.Offer computer based soft ware modelling to design typical industrial wastewater treatment plant.
- 6.Familiarizing students by teaching leading-edge treatment technologies whenever necessary.
- 7.Invite students to present their to learn planning, reporting, and and communication skills.
- CIVL 5520Water Resources Systems Analysis[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 552BackgroundECON 2113DescriptionSystems approach to the area of water resources management; includes water resources systems within the context of public investment systems, criteria and design of water management schemes.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Formulate hydrosystems engineering problems using mathematical expressions.
- 2.Analyze the uncertainty and reliability of hydrosystems and their individual components.
- 3.Apply mathematic knowledge and technique to obtain optimal solutions for hydrosystems engineering problems.
- 4.Appreciate a broad impact of hydrosystems engineering on global environment change.
- CIVL 5530Turbulence Processes in Hydrosystems[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 6100A, CIVL 609HDescriptionAn introduction to turbulence, including the nature of turbulence, governing equations of turbulent flow, structure of turbulence, turbulence modeling, experimental measurements of turbulence and an introduction to computational fluid dynamics.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Summarize features of different turbulent flows and distinguish them.
- 2.Explain the principle of turbulence modelling and judge their applications for real engineering problems.
- 3.Apply mathematic knowledge and technique to solve turbulence problems.
- 4.Appreciate a broad impact of turbulence on engineering designs and hydrosystems.
- CIVL 5550Modeling Fluid Systems[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 555DescriptionThe course focuses on the physical processes in fluid systems and their mathematical representation; includes the fundamental laws of classical mechanics and thermodynamics and how these principles are applied to fluid flow problems. The processes of waves and mixing in fluids are emphasized. The type of fluid systems to be studied varies from year to year depending on the students’ interest and can range from natural to engineered systems including fluid based renewable energy systems.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Acquire advanced knowledge in mathematics and science on which fluids research and practice are based.
- 2.Develop an ability to identify and model fluid problems, and propose feasible solutions with an appreciation of their underlying assumptions, uncertainties, constraints, and technical limitations.
- 3.Develop in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles that underlies fluid flow phenomena.
- CIVL 5610Urban Transportation Networks Analysis[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 561BackgroundCIVL 3610 AND IEDA 3010DescriptionReviews transportation planning models and traffic analysis; examines the assignment of traffic flow on a network according to user-equilibrium and system optimal objectives; addresses formulation methods and solution techniques.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Analyze the network traffic flow problem based on the user equilibrium concept.
- 2.Look at choice of travel modes, the distribution of trips among various possible destinations, and the choice of route between an origin and a destination in congested urban transportation networks.
- 3.Use computer program for traffic impact study in a transportation network through a course project.
- 4.Understand the formulation methods and common solution techniques, and to interpret model results of network traffic flow problems.
- CIVL 5620Travel Demand Analysis[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 562Exclusion(s)CIEM 5620BackgroundCIVL 3610DescriptionOverview of transportation planning process; population/employment forecasting techniques; discrete choice models; simplified transportation demand models.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Overview of transportation planning process; population/employment forecasting techniques; sequential demand forecasting models.
- 2.Discrete travel choice models and simplify transportation demand models.
- 3.Understand the mathematical and econometric models for travel behavior analysis and demand estimation.
- CIVL 5630Traffic Control Fundamentals[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 563Exclusion(s)CIEM 5630BackgroundCIVL 3610DescriptionTraffic flow fundamentals; microscopic and macroscopic traffic flow characteristics; principle and theory of traffic signals; essential modeling techniques; various traffic signal control models.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Analyze principles involved in the design of traffic control.
- 2.Apply traffic control principles to model signalized junctions.
- 3.Design signalized junctions based on the Hong Kong practices.
- 4.Develop advanced control methods based on dynamic traffic flow fundamentals.
- CIVL 5710Advanced Soil Mechanics[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 571BackgroundCIVL 3740DescriptionSelected topics from recent advances in theoretical and experimental development in soil mechanics; includes stress-strain behavior of soil, consolidation settlement, drained and undrained strength slope stability problems.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Learn advanced knowledge in mathematics and science on which geotechnical engineering research and practice are based.
- 2.Identify and formulate geotechnical engineering problems, and propose feasible solutions with considering assumptions, uncertainties, constraints, and technical/financial limitations.
- 3.Develop technical competency to analyze and design geotechnical engineering components and systems, with an in-depth understanding of the principles behind the design methodologies.
- 4.Acquire cutting edge knowledge for geotechnical engineering analyze and design.
- 5.Develop an ability to teach, communicate and present ideas effectively among teams with a variety of backgrounds and interests.
- CIVL 5720Advanced Foundation Design[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 572Exclusion(s)CIEM 5720BackgroundCIVL 3740DescriptionCurrent practice of foundation design and analysis; includes design and analysis of bulkheads, deep excavation, tieback systems, tunneling in soft ground, buried conduits, lateral pile loading, pier foundations.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Understand the current practice of foundation engineering in Hong Kong and around the globe;.
- 2.Learn principles and analysis methods for the design of common foundations including shallow and deep foundations, deep excavation, soil nail or tieback systems, and offshore foundations.
- 3.Learn modern foundation construction techniques and quality assurance.
- 4.Understand deterministic and reliability-based design methodologies and guidelines.
- CIVL 5730Theoretical and Computational Soil Mechanics[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 573BackgroundCIVL 3740DescriptionAdvanced soil models and recent developments in numerical methods in geotechnical modeling, including constitutive laws, critical state soil mechanics, multiple yield surface models, finite elements for boundary value problems, diffusion and consolidation problems.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Understand advanced knowledge in mathematical and computational modeling of soils and geotechnical engineering.
- 2.To acquire ability and advanced skills to develop and apply modern computer programming and popular software to effectively and efficiently modeling and analyzing soil behavior pertaining to various practical conditions in geotechnical engineering.
- 3.To develop an ability to identify and formulate mathematical models, and to propose feasible analytical and/or numerical solutions with understanding of their underlying assumptions, uncertainties, constraints, limitations, and technical connections with others civil engineering components including structural, hydraulic and environmental engineering.
- 4.To develop technical competency to analyze and design geotechnical engineering components and geo-systems, based on an in-depth understanding of the principles of soil mechanics and computational mechanics behind the design methodologies.
- 5.To contribute cutting edge knowledge in soil mechanics, constitutive modeling and computational geomechanics and demonstrate the ability to evaluate one’s own contribution to the field.
- CIVL 5750Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 575BackgroundCIVL 3740DescriptionEarthquakes and characterization of ground motions, seismicity assessment, soil dynamics and site response analysis, soil liquefaction assessment and post-liquefaction analysis, seismic analysis of slopes and embankments, lateral earth pressures and retaining systems, dynamic soil-structure interaction.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.To acquire advanced knowledge in engineering seismology, and understand scientific basis for earthquake mechanism and wave propagation in geologic media.
- 2.To apply modern numerical methods to simulate response of soil grounds and soil-structure interaction under earthquake loading.
- 3.To develop the ability to identify geotechnical problems associated with earthquake hazards, and propose feasible solutions for hazard mitigation.
- 4.To develop technical competency to analyze seismic hazard, characterize ground motions, perform site response and slope stability analysis, assess soil liquefaction, and evaluate seismic performance of geotechnical structures.
- CIVL 5760Geotechnical Site Characterization[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 576, CIVL 607DBackgroundCIVL 3720 (prior to 2018-19)DescriptionPresents state-of-the-art geotechnical site characterization methodologies; includes basic principles of site characterization planning, drilling and sampling, soil and rock description, cone penetration test, standard penetration test, pressuremeter test, dilatometer test, geophysical methods, permeability and ground water monitoring, and fundamentals of geostatistics.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.To understand fundamentals of engineering geology, particularly geological conditions in Hong Kong.
- 2.To get familiar with geotechnical site investigation procedure and practices.
- 3.To learn state-of-the-art geotechnical investigation methods, including drilling and sampling, soil and rock description, cone penetration test, standard penetration test, pressuremeter test, dilatometer test, geophysical methods, permeability test, and field performance monitoring.
- 4.To learn modern geostatistical data interpretation methods.
- CIVL 5770Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Engineering[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 577Prerequisite(s)CIVL 3740 or equivalentExclusion(s)CIEM 5770Backgroundfirst degree in Civil EngineeringDescriptionFundamental principles, stress state variables, steady-state and transient flows, theory of shear strength and its measurements, soil stiffness, plastic and limit equilibrium analyses of earth pressures, slope stability and bearing capacity, critical state framework, instrumentation, engineering applications on slopes including static liquefaction of loose fill slopes, foundations, forensic studies such as slope failures.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Enable students, researchers and engineers to understand the fundamental principles and advanced concepts of unsaturated soil mechanics.
- 2.Teach the students about the applications on geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering problems such as landfill and pavement, and forensic studies such as slope failures.
- CIVL 5780Soils and Waves[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 578Prerequisite(s)CIVL 3720 (prior to 2018-19) AND CIVL 4700DescriptionFundamentals of soil behavior including the clay minerals will be revisited. The basics of both mechanical and electromagnetic waves will be briefly introduced first, followed by a particular emphasis on the relevant applications to characterizations of particulate material's behavior.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Learn advanced knowledge in mathematics and science on which geotechnical engineering research and practice are based.
- 2.Identify and formulate geotechnical engineering problems, and propose feasible solutions with considering assumptions, uncertainties, constraints, and technical limitations.
- 3.Develop technical competency to analyze and design geotechnical engineering components and systems, with an in-depth understanding of the principles behind the design methodologies.
- 4.Acquire cutting edge knowledge for geotechnical engineering analyze and design.
- 5.Develop an ability to teach, communicate and present ideas effectively among teams with a variety of backgrounds and interests.
- CIVL 5830Advanced Mechanics of Materials[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 533Exclusion(s)CIEM 5330DescriptionAnalysis of stress and strain; elastic and inelastic behavior of materials; formulation of BVP; beam on elastic foundations; torsion of noncircular thinwalled members; deformation of cylinders and spheres; inelastic analysis.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Understand fundamental concepts in continuum mechanics.
- 2.Familiar with the formulation of problems in structural mechanics and various solution techniques.
- 3.Demonstrate ability to apply basic concepts to the analysis of structural components.
- 4.Demonstrate ability to apply handbook equations to practical design with sound judgments.
- CIVL 5840Advanced Concrete Technology[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 524Exclusion(s)CIEM 5240 (prior to 2019-20), CIVL 4810BackgroundCIVL 2120 and CIVL 2810 or equivalentDescriptionFundamental concepts (workability, strength, dimension stability, and durability); updated concrete technology (micro structural engineering, development of special concretes); concrete fracture and modeling; nondestructive evaluation methods for concrete structures.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify and describe the key chemical reactions involved in the manufacture and hydration of Portland cement.
- 2.Characterize the nano- (or molecular-) and micro-structures of cement hydration products.
- 3.Analyze the effect of common concrete ingredients, such as aggregates, supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), and chemical agent on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete.
- 4.Acquire basic knowledge on typical non-destructive testing technologies and material characterization methods for concrete.
- 5.Assess the long-term deformation (e.g. shrinkage and creep) and durability of (reinforced) concrete.
- CIVL 5850Renovation Engineering[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 525Exclusion(s)CIEM 5250DescriptionReinforced concrete durability; damage caused by natural and human-being disaster; Infrastructure degradation, inspection; non-destructive evaluation; Conventional repair techniques; Composite materials; Steel plate or composite strengthening, beam and column retrofitting.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Understand fundamental concepts behind degradation of concrete structures and approaches for predicting steel corrosion initiation.
- 2.Understand major issues related to the appraisal and repair of concrete structures.
- 3.Demonstrate the ability to specific non-destructive testing techniques for various purposes and properly interpret the results.
- 4.Demonstrate ability to analyze and design fiber reinforced polymer components for enhanced durability.
- 5.Demonstrate ability to design reinforced concrete members strengthened with fiber reinforced polymer sheet.
- CIVL 6010Directed Studies[1-3 credit(s)]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 610DescriptionSpecialist courses where instruction is generally on a one-to-one basis. Graded P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify a research or industrial problem related to civil and environmental engineering.
- 2.Apply the knowledge learned through the program to analyze and solve the identified problem.
- 3.Integrate theoretical principles and practical skills to solve the defined problems.
- 4.Demonstrate effective communication skills with the supervisor and scientific writing skills in the thesis.
- CIVL 6050Civil Engineering Seminar I[1-0-0:0]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 680DescriptionDiscussion of current research by faculty members, and guest lectures on recent advances in civil engineering. Graded P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Acquire a comprehensive set of discipline-specific professional skills and knowledge for their personal growth and career development.
- 2.Describe the new development in their field.
- 3.Explain their career choice in academic and non-academic fields.
- CIVL 6060Civil Engineering Seminar II[1-0-0:0]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 681DescriptionPresentation of current graduate research by postgraduate students. Graded P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Acquire a comprehensive set of discipline-specific professional skills and knowledge for their personal growth and career development.
- 2.Describe the new development in their field.
- 3.Explain their career choice in academic and non-academic fields.
- CIVL 6100-6190Special Topics[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)CIVL 600-609DescriptionSelected topics of current interest. May be repeated for credit if different topics are covered.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Analyze and evaluate the selected topics of current interest which may not be covered by existing courses.
- 2.Identify the updated development in the emerging area and apply the knowledge accordingly.
- 3.Develop research topics which are in line with the current developments and trend in the area of civil engineering.
- CIVL 6770Professional Development in Civil and Environmental Engineering[0-1-0:1]DescriptionThis one-credit course aims at providing research postgraduate students with basic training in teaching skills, research management, career development, and related professional skills. This course consists of a number of mini-workshops. Some department-specific workshops will be coordinated by Department of CIVL. Graded PP, P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Develop a comprehensive set of essential transferrable skills to enhance professional development in the discipline.
- 2.Critically analyze, evaluate challenges and make value judgments on research.
- 3.Develop a comprehensive set of essential transferable skills to enhance professional development.
- CIVL 6990MPhil Thesis ResearchPrevious Course Code(s)CIVL 699DescriptionMaster's thesis research supervised by a faculty member. A successful defense of the thesis leads to the grade Pass. No course credit is assigned.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Design, develop and conduct a research proposal in their research area.
- CIVL 7990Doctoral Thesis ResearchPrevious Course Code(s)CIVL 799DescriptionOriginal and independent doctoral thesis research. A successful defense of the thesis leads to the grade Pass. No course credit is assigned.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Design, develop and conduct a research proposal in their research area.