Master of Philosophy in Chemistry
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
Both full- and part-time
Full-time: 2 years
Part-time: 4 years
Full-time: 3 years (with a relevant research master’s degree), 4 years (without a relevant research master’s degree)
Part-time: 6 years
PG Programs Coordinator:
Prof Yong HUANG, Professor of Chemistry
Applicants may apply for individual concentration(s) specified in the “Concentration” tab.

The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Program aims to train students to conduct independent research in Chemistry. A candidate for an MPhil degree is expected to demonstrate knowledge in the discipline and to synthesize and create new knowledge, making a contribution to the field.
Through the execution and completion of a substantial research project, the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Program seeks to prepare students to become mature, independent scientists who are capable of the design, initiation and execution of their own original research in academic or industrial environment. It requires the application of considerable depth and breadth of scholarship, and there must be substantial discovery of new science.

On successful completion of the MPhil program, graduates will be able to:
- Demonstrate up-to-date and in-depth knowledge of their area(s) of specialization.
- Apply practical or computational techniques/skills for chemical investigations.
- Conduct directed chemical research, develop experimental protocols and interpret results.
- Communicate effectively the results of scientific research in writing and by oral presentation.
On successful completion of the PhD program, graduates will be able to:
- Demonstrate up-to-date and in-depth knowledge of their area(s) of specialization and chemistry in general.
- Apply practical and/or computational techniques/skills for chemical investigations.
- Conduct independent chemical research, propose experiments, develop protocols, evaluate results and formulate hypotheses.
- Communicate effectively the results of scientific research in writing and by oral presentation.
- Evaluate and critique current research, approaches and methodologies in chemistry.

The programs are offered by the Department of Chemistry, with the following research foci and state-of-the-art facilities, training students to conduct independent research and to equip them to be mature and independent scientists.
Research Foci
Analytical/ Environmental Chemistry: Method development and applications for environmental and bioanalytical chemistry, atmospheric chemistry, food and drug analysis, microfluidics.
Synthetic Chemistry: Organic methodology, total synthesis, organometallic chemistry and catalysis, coordination chemistry.
Materials Chemistry: Inorganic and hybrid materials, nanomaterials, polymeric AIE and organic electronic materials.
Physical/ Computational Chemistry: Laser-based spectroscopy, dynamics of biomolecular and supramolecular systems, computational chemistry.
Chemical Biology/ Medicinal Chemistry: Protein organization in metabolism, signal transduction, medicinal chemistry, drug design, pharmaceutical formulation, application of AIE materials.
The Department has established international links with major chemical industries and has played a key role in setting up university-wide collaborations involving universities, research institutions and companies in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Japan, Europe and the US.
The Department is well equipped with modern laboratories and state-of-the-art instrumentation. Equipment includes FT-NMR and spectrometers, one mass spectrometer equipped with a GC-TOF module and a MALDI Micro module, one triple-quadrupole MS/MS system, an ion-trap MSn system, X-ray diffractometers, a Bruker FT-IR / FT-Raman system, a UV-Vis fluorimeter, GC / MS, HPLC.
Relevant central University facilities include the Materials Characterization and Preparation Facility, the Nanoelectronics Fabrication Facility and Environmental Central Facility, all offering a wide range of advanced instruments.
Computer facilities for postgraduate students include molecular graphic/ modeling, quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics computations.

Minimum Credit Requirement
MPhil/PhD: 12 credits
Credit Transfer
PhD students who are HKUST MPhil graduates in Chemistry will be granted credit transfer and no further coursework is required. Credit transfer may be granted on a case-by-case basis to students who obtained master’s degree from other universities.
Required Courses
Students are required to complete a total of 12 credits of approved coursework.
MPhil students with a first degree in an area other than that of their postgraduate program may be required to take additional courses.
Graduate Teaching Assistant Training
All full-time RPg students are required to complete PDEV 6800. The course is composed of a 10-hour training offered by the Center for Education Innovation (CEI), and session(s) of instructional delivery to be assigned by the respective departments. Upon satisfactory completion of the training conducted by CEI, MPhil students are required to give at least one 30-minute session of instructional delivery in front of a group of students for one term. PhD students are required to give at least one such session each in two different terms. The instructional delivery will be formally assessed.
Professional Development Course Requirement
Students are required to complete PDEV 6770. The 1 credit earned from PDEV 6770 cannot be counted toward the credit requirements.
PhD students who are HKUST MPhil graduates and have completed PDEV 6770 or other professional development courses offered by the University before may be exempted from taking PDEV 6770, subject to prior approval of the School.
Students are required to complete CHEM 6772. The 1 credit earned from CHEM 6772 cannot be counted toward the credit requirements.
PhD students who are HKUST MPhil graduates in Chemistry and have completed CHEM 6770 Professional Development in Science (Chemistry) or CHEM 6771 Professional Enrichment in Chemistry before may be exempted from taking CHEM 6772, subject to prior approval of the Department Head and PG Coordinator.
English Language Requirement
Full-time RPg students are required to take an English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) Speaking Test administered by the Center for Language Education before the start of their first term of study. Students whose ELPA Speaking Test score is below Level 4, or who failed to take the test in their first term of study, are required to take LANG 5000 until they pass the course by attaining at least Level 4 in the ELPA Speaking Test before graduation. The 1 credit earned from LANG 5000 cannot be counted toward the credit requirements.
Students are required to complete LANG 5005 and advised to complete it in the first year of study. The 1 credit earned from LANG 5005 cannot be counted toward the program credit requirements. PhD students who are HKUST MPhil graduates may be considered for exemption from this course, subject to the approval of their department.
Postgraduate Seminar
Students must register in CHEM 6000 in all but one regular term of full-time enrollment. PhD students are required to present a seminar based on literature unrelated to the student’s doctoral research.
PhD Qualifying Examination
PhD students are required to:
Pass a qualifying examination; and
Defend an original research proposal before a departmental committee.
Thesis Research
Registration in CHEM 6990; and
Presentation and oral defense of the MPhil thesis.
Registration in CHEM 7990; and
Presentation and oral defense of the PhD thesis.
Last update: 1 June 2023

Molecular Medicine Concentration
In addition to the existing program requirements, students who opt for the Molecular Medicine concentration are required to:
Take LIFS 6660 and at least one other course from the following course list as part of the 12 credits of required coursework:
PhD students who have obtained an HKUST MPhil degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry or Biology but have not taken any of the above courses are required to take LIFS 6660 and at least one of the above courses.
Conduct research in the area of molecular medicine.
Nano Science and Technology Concentration
In addition to the existing program requirements, students who opt for the Nano Science and Technology concentration are required to:
Take at least one NANO course as part of the 12 credits of required coursework.
PhD students who have obtained an HKUST MPhil degree in Chemistry but have not taken any NANO courses are required to take at least one.
Conduct research in nano area.
Scientific Computation Concentration
In addition to the existing program requirements, students who opt for the Scientific Computation concentration are required to:
Complete a minimum of 7 credits from the following course lists.
Complete a minimum of 10 credits from the following course lists.
The credits earned under the concentration will be counted toward the total credit requirements of the programs.
All students must take MATH 6915 and MATH 6916. Credits earned from MATH 6915 can be repeated for up to 2 credits.
All students must take at least one course of other departments (excluding MATH 6915 and MATH 6916) or one CSIC course.
Elective Courses
Conduct research in the area of scientific computation.

To qualify for admission, applicants must meet all of the following requirements. Admission is selective and meeting these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.
Applicants seeking admission to a master's degree program should have obtained a bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution, or an approved equivalent qualification;
Applicants seeking admission to a doctoral degree program should have obtained a bachelor’s degree with a proven record of outstanding performance from a recognized institution; or presented evidence of satisfactory work at the postgraduate level on a full-time basis for at least one year, or on a part-time basis for at least two years.
Applicants have to fulfill English Language requirements with one of the following proficiency attainments:
TOEFL-iBT: 80 *
TOEFL-pBT: 550
TOEFL-Revised paper-delivered test: 60 (total scores for Reading, Listening and Writing sections)
IELTS (Academic Module): Overall score: 6.5 and All sub-score: 5.5 *
* Refers to scores in one single attempt only. Test at home option is not accepted.
Applicants are not required to present TOEFL or IELTS score if
their first language is English, or
they obtained the bachelor's degree (or equivalent) from an institution where the medium of instruction was English.

Apply online before the application deadlines.
For Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPFS) Application (for PhD studies only):
Step 1 deadline at RGC (to obtain an HKPFS reference no. from RGC):
1 Dec 2024 (12noon, GMT+8)
Step 2 deadline at HKUST:
1 Dec 2024 (11:59pm, GMT+8)
Details please refer to https://fytgs.hkust.edu.hk/hkpfs
For 2025/26 Fall Term Intake (commencing in Sep 2025):
Non-local Applicants*
Full-time: 1 Jun 2025
Local Applicants
Full-time: 15 Jul 2025
Part-time: 15 Jul 2025
For 2024/25 Spring Term Intake (commencing in Feb 2025):
Non-local Applicants*
Full-time: 1 Nov 2024
Local Applicants
Full-time: 15 Dec 2024
Part-time: 15 Dec 2024
Applicants who would like to apply for the following concentration(s) should apply for the respective program choice(s) in the Online Admission System:
Chemistry - Scientific Computation Concentration
* Applicants are considered as non-local students if they hold (i) student visa/ entry permit; or (ii) visa under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG); or (iii) dependent visa/entry permit who were 18 years old or above when they were issued with such visa/ entry permit by the Director of Immigration. For details on student visa/ entry permit requirements, please click here.