Postgraduate Courses
- MECH 5010Foundation of Solid Mechanics[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 501Exclusion(s)MESF 5010BackgroundMECH 3020DescriptionContinuum concept for deformation of solids; analysis of stress and strain; constitutive equations; solution of problems relevant to materials processing, fracture mechanics and structural analysis; energy methods and numerical solutions.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Execute the capability of establish governing equations using physical principles and laws.
- 2.Acquire the analytical capability through solving practical problems in solid mechanics.
- 3.Identify the key loading and deformation parameters in deformation and stress fields in solid structures.
- 4.Develop capability of analysis and quantification through exercising theoretical derivation and analytical solutions.
- 5.Capability of solving real engineering problems.
- 6.Establish skills to inrepret numerical solutions.
- MECH 5210Fluid Dynamics[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 521Exclusion(s)AESF 5210, MESF 5210BackgroundMECH 2210DescriptionTensor notation, derivation of Navier-Stokes equations, vorticity transport, viscous flow, flow separation, boundary layer, flow instability, turbulent boundary layer, stratified flow, rotating flow.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Be familiar with fundamental and advanced concepts in fluid mechanics.
- 2.Theoretically analysze some practical fluid mechanics problems.
- 3.Explain certain complex flow phenomena.
- MECH 5230Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 523Prerequisite(s)MECH 2210 or equivalent AND MECH 3310 or equivalentBackgroundBasic programming background (e.g. C/C++/Matlab)DescriptionNumerical simulation of viscous incompressible flows and heat transfer; finite-difference and finite element methods; accuracy and stability; grid generation; stream function and primitive-variable formulations; application to internal, external flows, diffusion, convection, and dispersion problems.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify and formulate problems in multidisciplinary environment with an understanding of basic mechanism and constraints.
- 2.Apply numerical tools and programming skills to solve fluid dynamic and heat transfer related problems.
- 3.Develop numerical methods adapt to practical applications.
- 4.Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering for problem solving.
- MECH 5280Transport Phenomena and Its Application in Energy Systems[3-0-0:3]Co-list withENEG 5400Exclusion(s)MECH 691Z, ENEG 5400DescriptionElementary statistical concepts; ensembles and postulates; partition functions and their properties; calculation of thermodynamic properties; kinetic theory of transport process; fluctuation-dissipation theorem; Langevin equation; mass and heat transfer in fuel cells.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Equipped with essential knowledge of phonons.
- 2.Demonstrate the capability to derivate the basic variables in nano heat transfer.
- 3.Develop the cooling strategies in microelectronics by appling nano heat transfer.
- 4.Execute the energy conversion by applying nano heat transfer.
- MECH 5320Convective Heat and Mass Transfer[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 532Prerequisite(s)MECH 5210BackgroundMECH 3310DescriptionLaminar and turbulent boundary layer heat transfer by similarity, integral and superposition methods; effects of roughness, curvature, transpiration and high turbulence; forced and free convections, free-shear flows and buoyant flows; numerical methods.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identifiy fundamental quantities in convective heat and mass transfer.
- 2.Identifiy fundamental quantities in convective heat and mass transfer.
- 3.Implement the differentiial and integral methods in solving problems in convective and heat mass transfer.
- 4.Analyse problems using dimension analysis and scale analysis.
- 5.Evaluate different approaches in enhancing heat and mass transfer.
- MECH 5410Advanced Mechanical Behavior of Materials[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 541Exclusion(s)AESF 5410, MESF 5410BackgroundMECH 3420DescriptionRelationships between microstructure and mechanical behavior in crystalline materials; temperature-dependent deformation in elasticity, viscosity and creep; embrittlement, fatigue and fracture of engineering materials; strengthening mechanisms in crystalline materials.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Capacity to model the behaviors of solids subjected to stresses.
- 2.Ability to calculate the elastic and plastic deformations of solids under stresses.
- 3.Capacity to relate the macroscopic mechanical properties and the microscopic mechanisms of solids.
- 4.Ability to analyze the strengthening, fracture and fatigue phenomena of solids.
- MECH 5430Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Materials[3-0-0:3]Exclusion(s)MESF 5430DescriptionAn advanced treatment of the thermodynamics, kinetics and transport properties in solids, solutions, surfaces, and heterogeneous reactions.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Examine the materials and materials processes from the perspective of both thermodynamics and kinetics.
- 2.Identify the laws of thermodynamics and solution theory of materials.
- 3.Explain the diffusion and phase transformation in terms of its kinetics.
- 4.Explain the effect of thermodynamics and kinetics on the microstructure of materials.
- MECH 5480Nanocomposite Science and Technology[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 548Co-list withNANO 5500Exclusion(s)NANO 5500DescriptionThis course is designed to provide fundamental understanding of emerging nanocomposite materials science and technology. The topical areas to discuss include synthesis of various nanoscale reinforcements, such as nanowires, nanotubes, and inorganic nanoparticles; fabrication and processing techniques of nanocomposites; dispersion of nanoreinforcements; interfacial adhesion; mechanical and functional properties of nanocomposites including gas/moisture barrier characteristics, electrical and magnetic properties, thermal properties and flame retardancy; molecular dynamic simulations; design and applications of nanocomposites.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Indentify the advantages of nanocomposites over conventional composites.
- 2.List common types of nanofillers, their functionalization techniques and fabrication methods for their nanocomposites.
- 3.Select and implement suitable nanofillers and nanocomposite fabrication technqiues to achieve good dispersion and desired properties.
- 4.Compare and apply different characterisation techniques for nanofillers and nanocomposites.
- 5.Evaluate the mechanical and functional properties of nanocomposites by correlating their properties to the structure and dispersion of nanofillers and the synthesis techniques.
- 6.Design nanocomposites for specific functional applications.
- MECH 5520Theories and Practice of CAD/CAM/CAE[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 552Exclusion(s)MESF 5520DescriptionCurves and surfaces, geometric modeling, computer graphics, optimization in engineering, NC toolpath generation algorithms, optimization in manufacturing, process planning, mesh generation techniques for analysis, reverse engineering, rapid prototyping.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Explain the fundamental mathematics and algorithms of affine transformation, curves and surfaces used in CAD/CAM.
- 2.Explain the basic algorithms of optimization used in CAD/CAM.
- 3.Be knowledgeable in fundamental algorithms of multi-axis tool path generation in 2D and 3D freeform surface machining.
- 4.Design and implement certain basic CAD/CAM algorithms using high level computer languages such as MATLAB.
- MECH 5540Precision Engineering[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 554, MECH 691SExclusion(s)MESF 5560DescriptionPrinciples of precision engineering, 3D tolerancing for precision design, flexure and nano-positioning, interferometry for precision measurement, dynamic control for precision machining of engineering materials, ductile machining for brittle materials, applications and industrial practices.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Estimate machine tool and instrument’s precision and accuracy.
- 2.Perform precision design and analysis for 1D tolerance chain.
- 3.Perform precision design and analysis for 2D single and also multi vector chains.
- 4.Conduct sensitivity analysis for precision design optimization.
- 5.Perform nano positioning system analysis in terms of performance, cost, and safety factor.
- 6.Use of Nyquist criteria to evaluate a metrology system’s capability for a given surface gradient. Use PSI and phase unwrapping to reconstruct a precision surface.
- MECH 5550Precision Machining[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 555, MECH 691XDescriptionBasic concepts of precision machining; the well developed methods and systems of fixed and free abrasive technology for micro- and nano- precision machining and fabrication applications; methods and techniques for process control modeling and characterization; advanced applications of abrasive technology such as free form machining and micro fabrication.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Use of kinematic uncut chip model to conduct precision analysis for abrasive machining.
- 2.Evaluate increases in contact length, force, and friction, temperature, and also thermal damage for ceramic grains.
- 3.Evaluate 3 stages of deformation by a cutting grain. Evaluate cutting grain’s wear flat area reduction by dressing to avoid deterioration in precision.
- 4.Use temperature model to identify effects of machining parameters and also effects of cutting tool material properties.
- 5.Evaluate effects of active tribochemistry agents for machining force and tool wear reduction.
- 6.Evaluate properties of abrasives for tool conditioning for precision machining.
- MECH 5561Robot Manipulation[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 6910MCo-list withELEC 5640Exclusion(s)ELEC 5640DescriptionExtensive introduction to robot manipulation theory from a geometric viewpoint. Rigid-body kinematics; spatial and body representation of rigid-body velocities; coordinate transformations; forward kinematics of open-chain manipulators; solution of inverse kinematics; robot workspaces; nonlinear decoupling control and force control.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Explain the fundamentals of robot mechanics.
- 2.Explain the basics of robotic planning and control.
- 3.Implement robotic solutions on real robot platforms
- 4.Advance technical writing and presentation skills
- MECH 5925LED Packaging Technology for Solid-State Lighting[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 6910A, MECH 691BDescriptionThis course introduces the packaging technology of light-emitting diodes (LED) for the applications of solid-state lighting (SSL). Detailed topics include the principles of luminance and chromaticity; designs and structures of LED chips, packages, and modules; material selection and packaging processes; characterization of optical, electrical, and thermal performance; reliability tests and considerations.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Understand the principles of luminance, chromaticity, solid-state lighting and apply them on lighting applications.
- 2.Identify the pros and cons of various advanced packaging technologies for solid-state lighting.
- 3.Identify key parameters for package design.
- 4.Understand the optical/electrical/thermal characterization techniques.
- 5.Assess and analysis the reliability and failure mechanism of solid-state lighting systems.
- MECH 5930Finite Element Methods[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 593Co-list withCIVL 5390Exclusion(s)AESF 5930, CIVL 5390, MESF 5930BackgroundMECH 3020DescriptionFinite element formulation; variational principles for structural and continuum mechanics; numerical interpolation and integration; plane stress and plane strain analysis; plate bending and three dimensional solids; solution of large systems of algebraic equations.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Students have a basic understanding of the principles and concepts related to finite element methods.
- 2.Implement finite element methods for simple 1-D problems such as truss analysis and 1-D heat conduction either by hand calculation or by programming.
- 3.Numerically solve for stresses, strains and deformation of 1D and 2D structures due to a combination of mechanical loading.
- 4.Have a basic knowledge about finite element methods for solving time-dependent, eigenvalue and non-linear problems.
- 5.Use commercial software package to perform 2D and 3D structural analysis and heat transfer modeling, and are able to conduct engineering design in a team work environment.
- MECH 5931Introduction to Mechanics of Defects in Materials[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 6910HPrerequisite(s)MECH 2040 AND MECH 5010DescriptionThis course presents a brief integrated view on the roles of defects in mechanical behavior of materials. The basic concepts, equations and methods used in the analysis of defects by continuum mechanics and thermodynamics approaches are introduced in the course. The important roles of defects such as cracks, dislocations, second phase inclusions, grain- and phase-boundaries in behavior of materials are described intensively with illustrative examples.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Explain basic physics ideas, assumptions, approaches and skills in quantifying the roles of defects in mechanical behavior of materials.
- 2.Describe basic principles used in the analysis of defects and physical pictures of the roles of defects.
- 3.Discuss the roles of defects in mechanical properties of materials.
- MECH 5940Continuum Mechanics for Crystalline Solids[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 6910QPrerequisite(s)MATH 2011 AND MECH 3020BackgroundSolid mechanics related courses. Basic symmetry knowledge. Linear algebra and multivariable calculusDescriptionThis is an interdisciplinary course covering the fundamental laws of the mechanics and physics of crystalline solids, the general description of a periodic structure and their specific characterization methods. The course will start with tensor analysis, and basic calculations of tensor fields. After that, basic kinematics such as deformation gradient, Cauchy-Green tensor will be introduced and defined, followed by the mathematical description of symmetry of crystals. Finally, the course will discuss reciprocal lattices and the X-ray diffraction for structural solving.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Define the scales at which theories of continuum mechanics are applicable.
- 2.Perform indicial calculations.
- 3.Identify and explain the basics of kinematics: deformation map, deformation gradient, stretch tensors, incompressible conditions, SO(3), pure shear and so on.
- 4.Describe and use point group and space group of crystals.
- 5.Express the translational symmetry of crystals.
- 6.Describe the differences among all diffraction methods.
- MECH 5950Introduction to Microsystems: Technology and Devices[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 595Exclusion(s)ELEC 5010DescriptionPhysics of Scaling; energy transduction, sensing and actuation principles; micro-fabrication technology and technology fundamentals; film formation, photolithography and etching; integrated Microsystems and Microsystems packaging.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Have a a basic understanding of microsystem engineering and principle of microsensors and actuators.
- 2.Develop the knowledge of key microfabrication processes for the design of microsensors and microactuators.
- 3.Understand the basic transduction principles and electromechanical analysis for the design of microsensors.
- 4.Develop the knowledge and skills for the design of practical microsensor systems.
- 5.Identify the pros and cons of typical packaging methods for microsensors and microactuators.
- MECH 5960Flow Instability[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 6910KDescriptionCapillary instabilities, centrifugal instabilities, shear instabilities, thermal-convective instabilities, normal mode decomposition, spatial vs. temporal analysis, linearization, nonlinear dynamics, routes to chaos, phase space reconstruction, transition to turbulence, and fluid-structure interactions.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Describe why even a fluid flow with nominally steady boundary conditions may be unsteady due to flow instability.
- 2.Analyze the stability of simple flows by determining whether small disturbances grow or decay with time.
- 3.Describe how a laminar liquid jet breaks up under the destabilizing action of surface tension.
- 4.Apply concepts in nonlinear dynamics and chaos, such as phase space diagrams and bifurcations, to describe fluid flows.
- 5.Explain external flow around flexible structures and recognize the consequences of vortex-induced vibration.
- MECH 5961Acoustics and Aeroacoustics[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 6910LPrerequisite(s)MECH 3640Exclusion(s)AESF 5390DescriptionThe aims of this module are to acquaint students with the knowledge of acoustics and aerodynamically generated sound, its generation either through turbulent flow or unsteady aerodynamic force‐surface interaction, and numerical methods for accurate numerical prediction of aerodynamically generated noise as well as its propagation and far‐field characteristics. The wide applications of the subject are noise, environmental impact of noise and transport related noise.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Analyze and solve aerodynamically generated sound phenomena through numerical means.
- 2.Select suitable approaches to solve sound problems.
- 3.Conduct basic acoustic measurements using key equipment.
- 4.Perform numerical simulations of sound using high‐order accurate schemes (and perform error and stability analysis).
- 5.Use commonly employed solution options in the industry environment.
- MECH 5980Processes in Manufacturing Systems[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 6910FBackgroundMECH 3010, MECH 3410, MECH 3241, MECH 3520 or equivalentDescriptionValued added processing in manufacturing systems is covered in the course. Emphasis is placed on how each process works to convert materials into shapes with the desired properties, and its relative advantages and disadvantages. Fundamental processes for metals, ceramics, polymers, composites and new processes including 3D printing methods are covered. In addition, inspection methods inclusion non-destructive examination methods, manufacturing automation; robotics; process control and quality control are covered.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Explain the fundamental science underlying processing and manufacturing methods.
- 2.Identify the engineering factors controlling properties.
- 3.Explain the role of quality control in manufacturing processes.
- 4.Implement engineering changes on the processing to obtain desired structure.
- 5.Implement engineering changes on the processing to obtain desired properties.
- 6.Apply statistical tools to control manufacturing quality.
- MECH 6090Seminar in Mechanical Engineering[1-0-0:0]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 609DescriptionTechnical seminars in various disciplines of mechanical engineering; presentations are given by students, faculty, or guest speakers. Graded P or F.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify research focus in different directions.
- 2.Summarise recent research progress in specific areas.
- MECH 6770Professional Development in Mechanical Engineering[0-1-0:1]DescriptionThis one-credit course aims at providing research postgraduate students with basic training in teaching skills, research management, career development, and related professional skills. This course consists of a number of mini-workshops. Some department-specific workshops will be coordinated by Department of MECH. Graded PP, P or F.
- MECH 6910Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering[1-3 credit(s)]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 691DescriptionSelected topics in mechanical engineering of current interest to the Department and not covered by existing courses.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Apply the knowledge learned from the selected topic to solve advanced scientific and engineering problems.
- 2.Explain some special topics related to phenomena in engineering and daily life.
- 3.Perform quantitative analysis for practical problems in the selected areas.
- MECH 6950Independent Studies[1-3 credit(s)]Previous Course Code(s)MECH 695DescriptionAn independent research project carried out under the supervision of a faculty member. (Only one independent studies course may be used to satisfy the course requirements for any postgraduate program in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.)Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Apply the knowledge acquired independently to solve advanced scientific and engineering problems.
- 2.Expand on existing related to phenomena in engineering and daily life.
- 3.Solve quantitatively selected problems using independently acquired knowledge.
- MECH 6990MPhil Thesis ResearchPrevious Course Code(s)MECH 699DescriptionMaster's thesis research supervised by a faculty member. A successful defense of the thesis leads to the grade Pass. No course credit is assigned.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Critically apply theories, methodologies, and knowledge to address questions in Mechanical engineering.
- 2.Pursue recognized research in Mechanical engineering through an independent research project.
- 3.Write publishable peer-reviewed research and communicate orally the research outcomes.
- 4.Master advanced Mechanical engineering skillset at an international level.
- 5.Work collaboratively and productively with team members and leaders with integrity and professionalism.
- MECH 7990Doctoral Thesis ResearchPrevious Course Code(s)MECH 799DescriptionOriginal and independent doctoral thesis research. A successful defense of the thesis leads to the grade Pass. No course credit is assigned.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Critically apply theories, methodologies, and knowledge to address fundamental and impactful questions in Mechanical engineering.
- 2.Pursue internationally recognized research in Mechanical engineering by planning and conducting an independent research project under the mentorship of a research advisor.
- 3.Write publishable peer-reviewed research and communicate orally the research outcomes demonstrating knowledge of the field and mastery of the most advanced methodologies.
- 4.Demonstrate a mastery of technical skills required in Mechanical engineering at the highest international standard.
- 5.Work collaboratively and productively with team members and leaders with integrity and professionalism.