Postgraduate Courses
- CHMS 5010Chemical Data Analysis[3-0-0:3]DescriptionMeasurements; Statistical treatment and analysis of Data; Uncertainties; Calibrations; Detection limits; Interferences; Use of Standards and Control Charts; Quality control and assurance; Presentation of data.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Handle experimental errors and their mathematical manipulation correctly.
- 2.Critically analyze and interpret scientific data.
- 3.Explain and use correctly significant figures in reporting scientific data.
- 4.Distinguish between the precision (reproducibility) and accuracy (correctness) of analytical data.
- 5.Identify possible sources of systematic error, such as interferences, in analytical measurements.
- 6.Construct calibration curves and use certified reference standards appropriately in analytical methods.
- 7.Apply calibration methods, such as standard additions and internal standards, to correct analytical measurements.
- CHMS 5020Elemental Analysis[3-0-0:3]DescriptionAtomic spectroscopies; Atomic absorption (AA) atomic emission (AE); Elemental analysis by ICP MS; Isotope analysis. Elemental analysis using X-rays; X-ray Fluorescence (XRF); X-ray Photo-electron Spectroscopy (XPS); Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometey; Energy Dispersive Analysis of X-rays (EDAX); Combustion analysis.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Recommend the most appropriate methods of elemental analysis based on the nature of the samples and details of the analyses required (element concentration, level of precision, number of samples, cost, etc.).
- 2.Assess the use of elemental spectroscopies, such as AA, AE and MS, and their advantages and limitations in elemental analysis cases.
- 3.Illustrate the principles of X-ray based methods of elemental analysis, primarily XRF, XPS and EDX, and explain when and how these methods are used.
- 4.Distinguish total elemental analysis from isotopic analysis or chemical speciation of elements, and identify when these factors are important or not.
- 5.Correlate the required level of precision in an elemental analysis with the working concentration range and detection limits of the most commonly used methods.
- 6.Identify likely sources of error in elemental analysis, resulting either from incompatible protocols or interferences from other components of a sample.
- CHMS 5030Molecular Analysis[3-0-0:3]DescriptionCharacterization of organic molecules; Mass Spectrometry; Ionization techniques; Mass analysis Protein MS; NMR Spectroscopy; 1H and 13C NMR; Multinuclear experiments; 2D and pulse techniques; Solid state NMR.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Describe the key steps and techniques used for molecular analysis and characterization.
- 2.Explain the working principles behind mass spectrometry (MS) and its application to molecular analysis.
- 3.Devise a necessary series of NMR spectra (multinuclear, 2D and pulse-sequenced) to assist with detailed analysis of molecular structure and dynamics.
- 4.Interpret complementary spectroscopic data to logically infer or determine molecular structure.
- 5.Distinguish between relative and absolute stereochemical relationships and explain how these may be determined.
- CHMS 5040Separation Methods[3-0-0:3]DescriptionChromatography; Gas chromatography; GC-MS; Liquid chromatography; HPLC; Choice of stationary and mobile phases; Chiral separations; Affinity chromatography; Ion chromatography; Capillary zone electrophoresis; Micro-fluidics.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Select appropriate chromatographic techniques for the separation of mixtures of compounds and ions.
- 2.Modify experimental protocols in a separation method to improve separation, or achieve resolution.
- 3.Explain in detail the working principles behind modern liquid (lc) and gas (gc) chromatographic methods, as well as their variants and practical use.
- 4.Appraise methods of detection of analytes after chromatographic separation, and determine the most appropriate methods based on analyte type.
- 5.Interpret fragmentation patterns in mass spectral detection and apply this knowledge to the selection of daughter ions for positive material identification.
- 6.Compare and contrast the principles behind modern separation technologies, such as capillary electrophoresis and micro-fluidics, with more traditional methods, and assess their scope and limitations.
- CHMS 5050Optical and Electrical Methods[3-0-0:3]DescriptionMolecular spectroscopies; Vibrational (IR and Raman) and Electronic (UV-vis) spectroscopy; Fluorescence; Electrochemical analysis; REDOX chemistry and bio-chemistry; Electrochemical measurements; pH measurements; Design and use of sensors.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Assess the utility of various spectroscopies based on molecular vibrations, rotations and electronic transitions, for the detailed analytical information they provide.
- 2.Apply symmetry analysis, where necessary, to aid interpretation of molecular spectra, such as IR and Raman.
- 3.Select appropriate spectroscopic protocols based on the nature of the sample - whether solid, liquid or gas, and the concentration of analyte to be detected.
- 4.Explain the nature of REDOX reactions and how these can be applied to analytical titrations, ion sensing or biochemical analyses.
- 5.Compare the physical and working principles behind different types of electrochemical sensors.
- CHMS 5110Environmental and Food Analysis[3-0-0:3]Exclusion(s)CHMS 5111, CHMS 5112DescriptionEnvironmental sampling; Trace analysis; Water analysis; Toxins and pesticides; Aerosols and particulates. Food safety and analysis; Calorimetry.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Assess protocols used for environmental analysis, and identify limitations and sources of error.
- 2.Compare and contrast methods for trace and ultra-trace analysis to standard methodologies.
- 3.Describe analytical approaches to the major environmental pollutants that are commonly encountered and tested around the world.
- 4.Classify the main issues in food safety and illustrate how chemical and biochemical analysis can be successfully applied to these.
- 5.Identify specific difficulties in environmental and food analyses, including sample preparation, analytical interferences and limits of detection.
- CHMS 5111Environmental Analysis[3-0-0:3]Exclusion(s)CHMS 5110DescriptionEnvironmental sampling; Trace analysis; Air analysis; Water analysis; Soils analysis; Gas-phase components and major air pollutants; Toxins and pesticides; Aerosols and particulates; Assessing general health of water and soil systems; Recent advances in environmental techniques; Numerical analysis of environmental problems.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Analyze general air, water, and soil quality parameters.
- 2.Identify and quantify trace components in an environmental sample.
- 3.Differentiate appropriate sampling techniques for environmental analytes.
- 4.Appraise measurement protocols for environmental analytes.
- 5.Compare classical methods of environmental analysis with modern alternatives.
- 6.Critique and environmental analytical case study by oral presentation.
- CHMS 5112Food and Drug Analysis[3-0-0:3]Exclusion(s)CHMS 5110DescriptionChemical Analysis of Food and Beverages; Food composition; Food contaminants; Food Preservation; Analytical Methods in Food Analysis; Food Safety and Labeling; Drug and Pharmaceutical Analysis; Physio-chemical Properties of Drugs; Analytical Methods in Pharmaceutical Analysis; Biomedical and Forensic analysis of Drugs; Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Drug formulation.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Classify parts of food composition including major components, additives and contaminants.
- 2.Appraise methods of food and drug analysis for purpose.
- 3.Identify and quantify food components, additives, contaminants and toxins by relying on instrumental methods.
- 4.Analyze active pharmaceutical ingredients and common excipients.
- 5.Qualify and quantify pharmaceutical in biological fluids, environmental systems and forensic samples.
- 6.Characterize Traditional Chinese Medicines, their components and contaminants.
- 7.Prepare an oral critique of a food or pharmaceutical analytical case study.
- CHMS 5120Macromolecular Analysis[3-0-0:3]DescriptionPolymer and Bio-molecular Techniques; Polymer separation; Gel permeation chromatography; Affinity chromatography; Polymer characterization; Molecular weight and distribution; DNA and protein analysis.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Classify the major types of polymer and how their structure and physical properties affect the approach to their characterization and analysis.
- 2.Contrast the separation methods applied to macromolecular samples with those for mixtures of small molecules.
- 3.Describe approaches to polymer molecular weight analysis and distinguish information on average molecular weight from molecular weight distribution.
- 4.Illustrate the main methods for protein separations and amino-acid sequencing.
- 5.Explain how protein 3D structural details can be derived from modern X-ray crystallography.
- 6.Compare the main methods for poly-nucleic acid (DNA, RNA) analysis and base-pair sequencing.
- 7.Illustrate how functional groups or residues in polymers or biopolymers can be detected spectroscopically and assist in characterization.
- CHMS 5130Materials Analysis[3-0-0:3]DescriptionElectron Microscopies: TEM; Electron diffraction; SEM; STEM; STM; AFM. Nano-materials characterization. Thin film characterization. X-ray diffraction; powder XRD; Single crystal structure determination; SAXS.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Classify materials based on their nature and composition and identify the most appropriate techniques for their characterization and analysis.
- 2.Compare and contrast the use of various types of microscopy to analyze materials.
- 3.Discuss the use of appropriate techniques to study and analyze thin films, nanoparticular materials and defects in solids.
- 4.Describe the main structure types for crystalline metals, ceramic and organic molecular compounds and explain how they and defects within them can be analyzed.
- 5.Demonstrate the principle behind the use of X-ray diffraction in crystal structure determination of materials.
- 6.Illustrate how powder X-ray diffraction is a useful fingerprint analysis tool for crystalline solids from metal alloys to minerals to pharmaceuticals.
- CHMS 5140Laboratory Management[3-0-0:3]DescriptionGood lab practices (GLP); Laboratory Safety; Risk assessment; Lab waste management; Computer-assisted Lab Info Systems; Professional development case studies: Safety officer; Lab Manager.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Assess whether a commercial, academic or government laboratory is following Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) with appropriate regard to safety, environmental and legal compliance issues.
- 2.Evaluate existing risk assessment protocols for an experimental procedure, and where appropriate, propose modifications for improvement.
- 3.Devise new laboratory protocols and guidelines for safe operation of hazardous equipment, and instigate appropriate engineering controls for the handling of hazardous substances, and wherever possible, their minimization or substitution.
- 4.Re-design existing procedures for the reduction (or elimination) of hazardous waste, and where necessary, implement plans for its safe handling and legal disposal.
- 5.Identify shortcomings of existing analytical procedures, and where necessary, modify them to meet local or international accreditation standards.
- CHMS 5201Analytical Instrumentation Laboratory I[0-1-6:3]DescriptionStudents will choose from an array of experiments involving modern analytical techniques that have been introduced in the core courses. These will include, but not be limited to, separation of mixtures, gc-ms, lc-ms, atomic spectroscopy and elemental analysis, IR and UV spectroscopy, electrochemistry, NMR, powder XRD. Students must attend and write up experimental reports for at least eight laboratory sessions to complete the course. Maybe graded PP.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Apply a variety of chromatographic methods to separate and analyze compounds.
- 2.Use various spectroscopic and other analytical methods to identify unknown components of a sample.
- 3.Establish appropriate calibration curves to enable more accurate analysis results.
- 4.Combine experimental data to derive qualitative and quantitative analytical results, with appropriate statistical handling of errors and uncertainties based on multiple measurements.
- 5.Fully report experimental protocols and correlate, tabulate and present analytical results clearly in a written report.
- CHMS 5202Analytical Instrumentation Laboratory II[0-1-6:3]Prerequisite(s)CHMS 5201DescriptionStudents will choose from a further array of experiments, complementary to CHMS 5201, involving analytical techniques that have been introduced in either the core and the elective courses. Students must attend and write up experimental reports for at least eight laboratory sessions to complete the course. Maybe graded PP.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Critically analyze experimental protocols and procedures for likely or possible sources of error.
- 2.Apply and extend existing analytical protocols to the analysis of new compounds or mixtures.
- 3.Formulate the design, testing and validation of new analytical procedures or protocols.
- 4.Carry out a risk assessment exercise for new experiments and analyses.
- CHMS 6980Analytical Research Project[3 credits]DescriptionStudents will undertake a research project in an area related to analytical chemistry under the supervision of a faculty member. Expected time spent on the project (background, planning, execution and write-up/presentation) is 100 hours. Students will submit a written report and the results will be orally presented on completion.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Execute an experimental plan to test a scientific hypothesis and modify this plan based on the results obtained.
- 2.Critically analyze the experimental data they have developed through the course of their project.
- 3.Summarize the results of a research project in a written report, highlighting the rationale, methodology and comparison to existing work.
- 4.Carry out independent research involving various analytical techniques.
- 5.Conduct a risk assessment exercise for a new research project.
- 6.Present results of a research project making appropriate use of figures, tables and graphs, with summary of background to the work, discussion of the key findings and their relevance.