Postgraduate Courses
- MESF 5010Foundation of Solid Mechanics[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 501Exclusion(s)MECH 5010BackgroundMECH 2040, MECH 3020, MECH 4030 (prior to 2012-13)DescriptionContinuum concept for deformation of solids; analysis of stress and strain; constitutive equations; solution of problems relevant to materials processing, fracture mechanics and structural analysis; energy methods and numerical solutions.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Apply solid mechanics knowledge to advanced stress analysis and practical problems.
- 2.Explain some solid mechanics related phenomena in engineering and daily life.
- 3.Perform quantitative analysis for practical solid mechanics problems.
- MESF 5050Fracture Behavior of Polymers[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 505Co-list withAESF 5050Exclusion(s)AESF 5050, MECH 5050 (prior to 2014-15)BackgroundMECH 3420DescriptionIntroduction to both fundamental and practical knowledge on the microstructure, physical and mechanical behaviors, particularly the fracture behavior and toughening mechanisms, of polymers and composites. Discussions and critiques on related research activities in the literature. Case studies to help students prepare for the industry.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Explain the microstructure-property relationships of polymers and select proper polymeric materials for specific engineering applications.
- 2.Characterize polymer fracture and evaluate fracture toughness of polymers using rigorous fracture mechanics methods under various conditions.
- 3.Explain the fundamental fractography of polymers and carry out basic failure analysis using microscopes and thermal analysis equipment.
- MESF 5210Fluid Dynamics[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 521Co-list withAESF 5210Exclusion(s)AESF 5210, MECH 5210BackgroundMECH 2210DescriptionBasic concepts of fluid flows, derivation of governing equations, viscous flow, potential flow, boundary layer, flow instability, transition to turbulence, turbulent boundary layer.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Apply fluid mechanics knowledge to certain practical problems.
- 2.Explain some fluid mechanics related phenomena in daily life.
- 3.Analyze practical fluid mechanics problems.
- MESF 5370Composites and Nanocomposites[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 6910HCo-list withAESF 5370Exclusion(s)AESF 5370DescriptionThis course is designed to provide fundamental understanding of fiber-reinforced composites (FRPs) and emerging nanocomposites technologies. The topics include constituent materials, microstructure-property relationships, fabrication and processing techniques, fundamental mechanics of stress transfer, lamination theory and failure mechanisms and fracture of FRPs in the first part. The topics in the second part include synthesis of nanoscale reinforcements, fabrication and processing techniques of nanocomposites; dispersion and functionalization of nanoreinforcements; interfacial adhesion; mechanical and functional properties of nanocomposites, and their design and applications.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Distinguish different fabrication and processing methods for FRPs and nanocomposites.
- 2.Explain the mechanical and functional properties of these composites based on the microstructures/properties of the fillers and the matrix material, as well as the way how these constituents are combined to produce composites.
- 3.Identify potential applications of FRPs and nanocomposites utilizing these properties.
- 4.Identify the mechanics of stress transfer through the filler/matrix interface and interphase, lamination theory and failure mechanisms behind the fracture of FRPs and nanocomposites.
- MESF 5380Advanced Numerical Methods in Engineering[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 6910DDescriptionThis is an advanced level course in numerical methods, targeted at graduate students of engineering majors. It will teach fundamental math and algorithms of numerical methods such as analysis of errors, roots of equations, linear and algebraic equation systems, optimizations, curve-fitting and approximation, numerical differentiation and integration, ordinary differential equations, and partial differential equations. In addition, the students will have tutorials in scientific programming tools such as MATLAB and Excel VBA and learn how to use them to implement their own numerical methods.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Recognize the commanding knowledge in fundamental mathematics and algorithms underneath today's popular numerical methods.
- 2.Apply basic MATLAB computer programming to implement some representative numerical methods.
- 3.Describe the history and evolution of the technologies and innovations in mechanical engineering.
- 4.Describe and formulate a mechanical engineering problem in a format suitable for solution by numerical methods.
- MESF 5410Advanced Mechanical Behavior of Materials[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 541Co-list withAESF 5410Exclusion(s)AESF 5410, MECH 5410BackgroundMECH 3420DescriptionRelationships between microstructure and mechanical behavior in crystalline materials; temperature-dependent deformation in elasticity, viscosity and creep; embrittlement, fatigue and fracture of engineering materials; strengthening mechanisms in crystalline materials.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Analyze and explain the deformation behaviour of various crystalline and noncrystalline materials from a mechanistic point of view at the atomic to microstructure scale.
- 2.Analyze and explain the effect of various microstructure features on the strength of materials.
- 3.Analyze and explain the effects of various manufacturing and processing techniques on the mechanical behavior of the materials.
- 4.Predict the possible scenarios of material failure given the manufacturing, loading and environmental conditions.
- MESF 5430Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Materials[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 543Exclusion(s)MECH 5430DescriptionAn advanced treatment of the thermodynamics, kinetics and transport properties in solids, solutions, surfaces, and heterogeneous reactions.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Examine the materials and materials processes from the perspective of both thermodynamics and kinetics.
- 2.Identify the laws of thermodynamics and solution theory of materials.
- 3.Explain the diffusion and phase transformation in terms of its kinetics.
- 4.Explain the effect of thermodynamics and kinetics on the microstructure of materials.
- MESF 5450Intermediate Heat and Mass Transfer[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 6910FDescriptionThe scope of this course is intended to establish the conservation laws of heat and mass transfer, with the aims to provide the required knowledge for industrial applications. The topics in a sequential sense covers: Concepts of continuum in multiscale thermal and mass flow systems; Definitions of thermodynamics properties; Conservation equations of fluid flow and heat and mass transfer; Dimensional analyses; Heat conduction and mass diffusion; Convective heat and mass transfer; Computational heat and mass transfer; Special topics and industrial applications.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Describe in-depth the concepts of continuum through statistical physics.
- 2.Apply the conservation laws to fluid flows and transports of heat and mass.
- 3.Demonstrate the dimensionless parameters that play the key roles in heat and mass transfer.
- 4.Illustrate the basic physics of transport phenomena through the analytical solutions of simple heat and mass transfer problems.
- 5.Apply the numerical technique for solving the practical engineering problems where the analytical solutions are not available.
- MESF 5520Fundamental Theories and Algorithms of CAD/CAM/CAE[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 552Exclusion(s)MECH 5520DescriptionRepresentations of curves and surfaces, geometric modeling, mesh generation algorithms, optimization algorithms, NC machining part programming, NC machining tool path generation algorithms, digital manufacturing.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Explain the fundamental mathematical theories and algorithms underlying modern CAD/CAM/CAE systems/technologies.
- 2.Use a computer language (e.g. MATLAB) to implement some classical algorithms in curves, surfaces, optimization, and numerical controlled machining tool path generation.
- MESF 5550Robotics[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 555, MESF 691ADescriptionIntroduce the basic concepts related to industrial robots. Course will cover the following contents: rigid body motion, forward and inverse kinematics, manipulator jacobians, force relation, dynamics and position control robot manipulators, force control and trajectory generation, collision avoidance and motion planning, robot programming languages.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Describe the basics of robotic systems.
- 2.Define the needs, acquire necessary information and select appropriate robots for various industrial applications.
- 3.Apply the knowledge learned for the design and development of simple robots.
- 4.Explain the principles of robot kinematics, dynamics, motion planning, trajectory generation and control.
- MESF 5560Precision Manufacturing Technologies[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 556, MESF 691BExclusion(s)MECH 5540BackgroundBEng in Mech EnggDescriptionPrinciples of precision engineering; mathematical definitions and theoretical studies of 2D precision assemblies; micro- and nano- positioning for precision machining; nanometrology, data processing for precision measurement; dynamic control for precision machining of engineering materials, applications and industrial practices.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Use basic knowledge in mechanisms and mathematical tool to model to design products with quality.
- 2.Conduct tolerance allocation and analysis for precision machine design and assessment.
- 3.Conduct sensibility analysis for precision design optimization.
- 4.Evaluate the needs and benefits of precision manufacturing technologies.
- 5.Recognize the technical and social problems in the manufacturing industries in the Pearl River Delta and the need for industrial transformation.
- MESF 5570Precision Machining[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 557, MESF 691CExclusion(s)MECH 5550DescriptionBasic concepts of precision machining; tribosystems of abrasive machining processes; kinematic models; contact mechanics; force, friction, and energy; thermal design; molecular dynamics; tribochemistry of abrasive machining; abrasive tools and conditioning; methods and systems of fixed and free abrasive technology for micro- and nano- precision machining and fabrication applications; advanced applications of abrasive technology such as free form machining and micro fabrication.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Apply the process models of precision machining, such as kinematics, mechanics, force, friction, energy, thermal design, and tribochemistry, for precision machining process design.
- 2.Evaluate the key factors affecting surface quality in precision machining.
- 3.Analyze the types of machining tools and their characteristics for machining process design.
- 4.Evaluate the relationships between precision, energy efficiency, thermal damage, and cost, with the machining parameters, for machine tool design and development.
- MESF 5920Fundamentals of Electronic Packaging[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 592Exclusion(s)MECH 5920 (prior to 2015-16)DescriptionState-of-the-art in IC technology, fundamental package architecture, types of package; packaging materials and processing technologies; functions, geometry, materials and structure of substrates and PCBs; interconnection technologies; reliability testing and failure mechanisms of package components; characterization, measurement and failure analysis; future trends.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Apply electronic packaging knowledge to certain practical problems encountered in electronic packaging and assembly processes.
- 2.Analyze and find solutions for practical packaging materials selection and failure causes.
- 3.Communicate analysis and failure causes of electronic packages and assemblies to peers and customers.
- MESF 5930Finite Element Methods[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 593Co-list withAESF 5930Exclusion(s)AESF 5930, CIVL 5390, MECH 5930BackgroundMECH 3020, MECH 4030 (prior to 2012-13)DescriptionFinite element formulation; variational principles for structural and continuum mechanics; numerical interpolation and integration; plane stress and plane strain analysis; plate bending and three dimensional solids; solution of large systems of algebraic equations.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Derive finite element formulations for structural mechanical problems and heat conduction.
- 2.Implement finite element methods for simple 1-D problems such as truss analysis and 1-D heat conduction either by hand calculation or by programming.
- 3.Numerically evaluate stresses, strains and deformation of a structural component due to axial load, torsion, and bending, acting individually or in combination.
- 4.Numerically calculate temperature profile and heat flux in 1-D and 2-D heat conduction problems.
- 5.Numerically evaluate stresses, strains and deformation of a structure under either plane-stress or plane-strain conditions.
- 6.Derive finite element formulations for time-dependent and/or non-linear problems.
- 7.Perform structural analysis and heat transfer modeling using commercial software package, and conduct engineering design in a team work environment.
- MESF 6910Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 691DescriptionSelected topics in mechanical engineering of current interest to the Department in emerging areas and not covered by existing courses.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Identify the fundamental knowledge of the selected topics of current interest which may not be covered by existing courses.
- 2.Design and evaluate the selected topics in different areas.
- 3.Apply advanced theories and methods related to the course topic.
- 4.Formulate and solve problems in the various areas of the course topic.
- MESF 6950Independent Project[3-6 credits]Previous Course Code(s)MESF 695DescriptionAn independent research project on Mechanical Engineering carried out under the supervision of a faculty member. May be graded PP.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Pursue a topic of interest in mechanical engineering area that does not necessarily fit into a traditional academic curriculum.
- 2.Analyze specialized materials and gain research/development experience.
- 3.Use a holistic view to critically, independently and creatively identify, formulate and deal with complex issues.
- 4.Develop a consciousness of the ethical aspects of research and development work.