Postgraduate Courses
Computer Science and Engineering
- COMP 5111Fundamentals of Software Analysis[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 511DescriptionThe goal of this course is to introduce how various analysis techniques can be used to manage the quality of a software application. Students will acquire fundamental knowledge of program abstraction, features, verification, testing, refactoring, concurrency, reliability, aspect orientation, and fault analysis. The course will also discuss how to carry out the empirical experimentation for program analysis. Wherever applicable, concepts will be complemented by tools developed in academia and industry. This enables students to understand the maturity and limitations of various analysis techniques.
- COMP 5112Parallel Programming[3-0-0:3]Exclusion(s)COMP 6111B, COMP 6511A, COMP 6611A, MSBD 5009BackgroundCOMP 3511 AND COMP 3711/COMP 3711HDescriptionIntroduction to parallel computer architectures; principles of parallel algorithm design; shared-memory programming models; message passing programming models used for cluster computing; data-parallel programming models for GPUs; case studies of parallel algorithms, systems, and applications; hands-on experience with writing parallel programs for tasks of interest.
- COMP 5211Advanced Artificial Intelligence[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 521DescriptionThis advanced AI course will cover advanced concepts and techniques in AI. The major topics will be: problem solving, knowledge and reasoning, planning, uncertain knowledge and reasoning, learning, and robotics.
- COMP 5212Machine Learning[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 522Exclusion(s)MSBD 5012BackgroundCOMP 2012, probability theory and linear algebraDescriptionIntroduction to major learning paradigms and techniques, basic applied statistics and information theory, decision trees, neural networks, Bayesian classification, kernel methods, clustering, density estimation, feature selection and extraction, hidden Markov models, reinforcement learning, case-based learning, model selection and various applications.
- COMP 5213Introduction to Bayesian Networks[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 538BackgroundKnowledge of probability and statisticsDescriptionBayesian networks and probabilistic modeling of complex domains; conditional independence and graph separation; variable elimination, clique tree propagation, and other inference algorithms; parameter learning; structure learning; latent structure models; recent developments.
- COMP 5221Natural Language Processing[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 526BackgroundCOMP 3211DescriptionTechniques for parsing, interpretation, context modeling, plan recognition, generation. Emphasis on statistical approaches, neuropsychological and linguistic constraints, large text corpora. Applications include machine translation, dialogue systems, cognitive modeling, and knowledge acquisition.
- COMP 5311Database Architecture and Implementation[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 530BackgroundCOMP 3511DescriptionIntroduction to the relational model and SQL. System architectures and implementation techniques of database management systems: disk and memory management, access methods, implementation of relational operators, query processing and optimization, transaction management and recovery. Hands on experience with building the components of a small DBMS.
- COMP 5312Introduction to Big Data[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 6311DBackgroundCOMP 3311 AND COMP 4311DescriptionBig data foundation; big data infrastructure; cloud computing, parallel computing, and stream computing for big data; big data extraction and integration; big data management; big data mining; visual analytics of big data; big data platforms and tools; big data applications in business intelligence, smart city, and bioinformatics; hands-on experience with big data from real world.
- COMP 5331Knowledge Discovery in Databases[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 537BackgroundCOMP 3311DescriptionAn introduction to knowledge discovery in databases. Different discovery and learning techniques are presented and compared. Automatic generation of query language expressions is discussed in depth. Potential applications are shown.Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- 1.Describe basic concepts about data mining and knowledge discovery.
- 2.Apply clustering algorithms to cluster relational data.
- 3.Apply classification algorithms to relational data.
- 4.Use frequent pattern mining solutions to identify frequent patterns and association rules.
- 5.Apply outlier detection methods to detect outliers.
- COMP 5411Advanced Computer Graphics[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 541Exclusion(s)CSIT 5400BackgroundCOMP 3711, Linear Algebra, CalculusDescriptionThe first part of this course covers an introduction to mathematical tools and computational techniques for image synthesis and manipulation of 3D models. The second part covers more advanced topics which may include digital geometry processing, image processing, visualization, GPU computing, numerical optimization methods.
- COMP 5421Computer Vision[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 524BackgroundCOMP 3211; knowledge in linear algebraDescriptionIntroduction to techniques for automatically describing visual data and tools for image analysis; perception of spatial organization; models of general purpose vision systems; computational and psychological models of perception.
- COMP 5621Computer Networks[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 561Exclusion(s)COMP 4622 (prior to 2018-19)DescriptionPrinciples, design and implementation of computer communication networks; network architecture and protocols, OSI reference model and TCP/IP networking architecture; Internet applications and requirements; transport protocols, TCP and UDP; network layer protocols, IP, routing, multicasting and broadcasting; local area networks; data link and physical layer issues; TCP congestion control, quality of service, emerging trends in networking.
- COMP 5622Advanced Computer Communications and Networking[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 562BackgroundBasic networking knowledge or first course in networking at the level of COMP 4621 OR COMP 5621 OR ELEC 4120DescriptionAdvanced principles in computer and communication networking: Internet multicast, overlay and peer-to-peer networks; wireless and mobile computing, multimedia networking, network security, selected topics of current interests: wireless protocols, wireless security, sensor networks, cloud computing, data centers, software-defined networks, network implementation, etc.
- COMP 5631Cryptography and Security[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 581Exclusion(s)CSIT 5710BackgroundComputer networksDescriptionClassical encryption techniques, block and stream ciphers, public-key cryptography, authentication, nonrepudiation, key management, digital signatures, public key infrastructure, cryptographic protocol, secret sharing, electronic mail security, IP security, Web security, Firewalls, Intrusion detection.
- COMP 5711Introduction to Advanced Algorithmic Techniques[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 570BackgroundCOMP 3711, COMP 3721DescriptionThis is an introductory graduate course in algorithmic techniques. Topics include: advanced data structures; graph algorithms; amortization; approximation algorithms; on-line algorithms; randomized and probabilistic analysis.
- COMP 5712Introduction to Combinatorial Optimization[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 572BackgroundCOMP 3711 or equivalent, linear algebraDescriptionAn introduction to the basic tools of combinatorial optimization, including network flow and the max-flow min-cut theorem, linear programming, matching, spanning trees and matroids, dynamic programming, algorithms and data structures, graph algorithms.
- COMP 5713Computational Geometry[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 573BackgroundCOMP 3711DescriptionAn introductory course in Computational Geometry. Algorithms for manipulating geometric objects. Topics include Convex Hulls, Voronoi Diagrams, Point Location, Triangulations, Randomized Algorithms, Point-Line Duality.
- COMP 6111Topics in Software Engineering[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 610DescriptionSelected topics in software engineering of current interest to the Department and not covered by existing courses.
- COMP 6211Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 621BackgroundAn appropriate 500-level course.DescriptionAdvanced topics in artificial intelligence including neural networks, natural language processing, logic programming, image understanding, robotics and others.
- COMP 6311Topics in Database Systems[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 630DescriptionSelected topics in database systems of current interest to the Department and not covered by existing courses.
- COMP 6411Topics in Graphics[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 641DescriptionSelected topics in graphics of current interest to the Department and not covered by existing courses.
- COMP 6511Topics in Computer Systems Analysis[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 651DescriptionAdvanced topics in computer systems analysis; issues in the development and solution of system models; model parametrization, verification and validation; recent developments in techniques and tools for system evaluation.
- COMP 6611Topics in Computer and Communication Networks[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 660DescriptionAdvanced topics in communication networks, including issues in high speed networking, ATM, multimedia communication, network interconnection, network management, and protocol verification and testing.
- COMP 6612Topics in Computer Engineering[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 680DescriptionSelected topics in computer engineering of current interest to the Department and not covered by existing courses.
- COMP 6613Topics in Applications of Computer Science and Engineering[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 685DescriptionSelected topics in applications of computer science not covered by existing course. Credits earned by taking this course can only be used to satisfy the breath requirement of the research area of Software and Applications.
- COMP 6711Topics in Theoretical Computer Science[3-0-0:3]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 670DescriptionSelected topics in theoretical computer science not covered by existing courses, including, but not limited to, computational complexities and computability, graph algorithms and combinatorial optimization.
- COMP 6770Professional Development in Computer Science and Engineering[0-1-0:1]DescriptionThis one-credit course aims at providing research postgraduate students with basic training in teaching skills, research management, career development, and related professional skills. This course consists of a number of mini-workshops. Some department-specific workshops will be coordinated by Department of CSE. Graded PP, P or F.
- COMP 6911Computer Science and Engineering Seminar I[0-1-0:0]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 690DescriptionA regular seminar presenting research problems currently under investigation. Students are expected to attend regularly. Graded P or F.
- COMP 6912Computer Science and Engineering Seminar II[0-1-0:1]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 691Prerequisite(s)COMP 6911DescriptionContinuation of COMP 6911. Graded P or F.
- COMP 6921-6922Research Project[1-3 credit(s)]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 693-694DescriptionAn independent research project carried out under the supervision of a faculty member. This course is only available for exchange, visiting and visiting internship students.
- COMP 6931-6932Independent Studies[1-3 credit(s)]Previous Course Code(s)COMP 696-697DescriptionAn independent research project carried out under the supervision of a faculty member. (Only one independent studies course may be used to satisfy the course requirements for any postgraduate program.)
- COMP 6990MPhil Thesis ResearchPrevious Course Code(s)COMP 699DescriptionMaster's thesis research supervised by a faculty member. A successful defense of the thesis leads to Pass. No course credit is assigned.
- COMP 7990Doctoral Thesis ResearchPrevious Course Code(s)COMP 799DescriptionOriginal and independent doctoral thesis research supervised by a faculty member. A successful defense of the thesis leads to Pass. No course credit is assigned.