Undergraduate Programs 2017-18
Students studying a 4-year bachelor’s degree are required to complete the following requirements:
- At least 120 credits (where the requirements of a student’s programs of study fall short of 120 credits, additional elective credits must be earned)
- University Common Core Requirements
- University English Language Requirement
- School Requirements and Major Requirements
Program Dept/Office
Program Code
Program Title
School of Science
School of Science
BSc in Environmental Science
Life Science
Life ScienceBSc in Biochemistry and Cell Biology
BSc in Biological Science
BSc in Biotechnology
BSc in Biotechnology and Business#
ChemistryBSc in Chemistry
MathematicsBSc in Mathematics
BSc in Mathematics and Economics#
PhysicsBSc in Physics
# This is a major program jointly offered by the School of Science and the School of Business and Management.
Program Dept/Office
Program Code
Program Title
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chemical and Biological EngineeringBEng in Chemical Engineering
BEng in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
BEng in Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Civil and Environmental EngineeringBEng in Civil Engineering
BEng in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Computer Engineering Program Office
Computer Engineering Program OfficeBEng in Computer Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and EngineeringBEng in Computer Science
Electronic and Computer Engineering
Electronic and Computer EngineeringBEng in Electronic Engineering
Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics
Industrial Engineering and Decision AnalyticsBEng in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
BEng in Logistics Management and Engineering
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringBEng in Aerospace Engineering
BEng in Mechanical Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and EngineeringBSc in Computer Science
Program Dept/Office
Program Code
Program Title
School of Business and Management
School of Business and Management
AccountingBBA in Professional Accounting
EconomicsBBA in Economics
FinanceBBA in Finance
SBM UG Programs Office
SBM UG Programs OfficeBBA in General Business Management
BBA in Global Business
Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management
Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations ManagementBBA in Information Systems
BBA in Operations Management
MarketingBBA in Marketing
ManagementBBA in Management
EconomicsBSc in Economics and Finance
FinanceBSc in Quantitative Finance
World Bachelor in Business Program Office
World Bachelor in Business Program OfficeBBA in World Business*
* This is a self-financed program jointly offered by HKUST, the University of Southern California in the United States and Bocconi University in Italy.
Program Dept/Office
Program Code
Program Title
School of Humanities and Social Science
School of Humanities and Social Science
BSc in Global China Studies: Humanities and Social Science
Social Science
Social ScienceBSc in Quantitative Social Analysis^
^ This is a major program jointly offered by the School of Humanities and Social Science and the School of Science.
Program Dept/Office
Program Code
Program Title
Environment and Sustainability
Environment and SustainabilityBSc in Environmental Management and Technology
Interdisciplinary Programs Office
Interdisciplinary Programs OfficeBSc in Risk Management and Business Intelligence
Curriculum Framework of BSc Program in Individualized Interdisciplinary Major
Students who are permitted to study under arrangements for a Dual Degree, for instance degrees in both Business and in Engineering, are required to complete all the requirements for both degrees under the administration of the Interdisciplinary Programs Office (IPO). These students may benefit from pre-approved deviations from the curriculum allowing them to complete both degrees in 5 years. For details, students should seek advice from the Dual Degree Program Office under IPO.
BTGBMBSc in Biotechnology
(including School Requirements of SSCI)
BBA in General Business Management
(including School Requirements of SBM)
- Students admitted in the current academic year can find detailed curriculum requirements in this Program Catalog, whereas students admitted in previous years should refer to the Undergraduate Curriculum Handbook at http://ugadmin.ust.hk/curriculum_hb/index.html
- To graduate with an additional major, students admitted in 2015-16 or after must take all the requirements specified for that major, within which they must complete at least 20 single-counted credits. These 20 credits cannot be used to fulfill any other requirements for graduation except for the 120-credit degree requirement.
- To make sure they can complete their program within the normal duration of study, students are also recommended to seek academic advice from their Schools and Departments, and follow an appropriate study plan. For up-to-date information on courses offering and scheduling, students should check it out from their Schools and Departments, and the ARR, Academic Registry website. Examples on student’s pathways for each major are provided FOR REFERENCE.