Undergraduate Courses 2024-25
Undergraduate courses marked with [EXP] may adopt the approach of experiential learning subject to different offerings. Students should check the delivery mode of the class section before registration.
- ENTR 1001Entrepreneurship 1001: Designing Your Future3 Credit(s)Previous Course Code(s)CORE 1001Mode of Delivery[EXP] Experiential learningDescriptionThis course introduces a variety of key entrepreneurship competence including skills, knowledge, and mindsets. Through working on student-centric and team-based projects, students will learn through the practice of entrepreneurship. In addition to experiential learning, students will also participate in in-depth conversations with entrepreneurs from all walks of life. Students will have opportunities to gain authentic entrepreneurial experiences and embark on their own entrepreneurial journey. This course does not require students to have previous entrepreneurial experience or any form of business training. Students from all majors and backgrounds are welcome!
- ENTR 2010Entrepreneurship Mentorship and Readings1 Credit(s)DescriptionThis course introduces entrepreneurship through mentorship and readings to broadly expose students to the area. Students can choose their own area of interest to study, and they can also explore and further develop their interested area with their mentor. While there will be group meetings every two weeks, students are required to explore and participate in entrepreneurship activities on their own. The instructor will help students consolidate their experiences. Instructor's approval is required for course enrollment. Graded P or F.
- ENTR 3013Prototyping Skills for Entrepreneurs3 Credit(s)DescriptionThe ability to quickly and effectively transform ideas into tangible prototypes is a critical skill for aspiring entrepreneurs. This course is designed to equip students interested in the entrepreneurship path with the necessary knowledge and hands-on experience to master the art of prototyping across various domains, including software, hardware and mechanical area, empowering them to bring their innovative concepts to life. Instructor's approval is required for enrollment in the course.
- ENTR 3030Social Innovations and Entrepreneurship3 Credit(s)DescriptionBuilding a social enterprise can be markedly different from building a commercial one. When well deployed, social innovations can meet social needs that the government welfare, business corporations or charity-based social welfare cannot easily fulfill. A commercial entity should also be aware of the social impacts of its business decisions. This course introduces corporate social responsibility (CSR), social innovations, and the factors of consideration to start a social enterprise. This includes current topics on operation models, sustainability, team building, case studies, strategies, practices, etc. Site visits and student projects will be involved. Instructor's approval is required for course enrollment.
- ENTR 3100Industrial Landscape: Understanding the Elements to Start a Business3 Credit(s)DescriptionThis course is jointly run by the Schools of Engineering, Science and Business & Management. It acquaints students with the landscapes of various industries, by examining important elements to start up a business and introducing the markets of various sectors. The goal is to expose students interested in entrepreneurship to the diversity, competition, interaction and decision-making process of various ecosystems. Professors and visitors from the schools will discuss enabling technologies, key processes, business models, and cases on topics of current interests. Students form teams to survey and analyze the companies and ecosystem of a particular sector, in order to identify the operation models, similarities, differentiations and opportunities ahead.
- ENTR 3350Global Product Development3 Credit(s)Alternate code(s)ISDN 3350DescriptionJoint lecture and project-based course on global product development through a global and interdisciplinary team approach among three institutions in Beijing, Hong Kong and Seoul. This course requires students to go out into global society and industry companies beyond (China, Hong Kong, Korea) for seeking and defining a global user-centered design problem by themselves, to develop the engineering design alternative to solve it, and then to build a working critical function prototype. Students will collaborate through online tools as well as 3 face-to-face meetings throughout the semester in the three respective campuses. This course provides various lectures such as marketing, industrial design, patent law, creative thinking, conceptual design methodology, and case studies in problem ideation. Instructor's approval is required.
- ENTR 3360From Product Innovations to Successful Technology Startups3 Credit(s)Alternate code(s)ISDN 3360DescriptionThis course is intended for students who want to seriously pursue technology startups. Students will be guided to identify critical steps and important milestones associated with each step in order to build a technology startup. The course requires students to take an existing project idea with early conceptual design and prototype, and bring it to the next level of project realization. Lecture topics include market research, industrial design, patent law, supply chain management and business model development. Cross-college faculty and external experts will provide individual and team mentoring for student projects. Company visits, field trips, trade shows and interactions with experienced entrepreneurs will be arranged. Students with good performance in this course are recommended to different funding and incubation opportunities. Instructor's approval is required for enrollment in the course.
- ENTR 4000Special Topics in Entrepreneurship1-4 Credit(s)DescriptionThis course discusses selected, emerging and/or hot topics on entrepreneurship which are not currently covered by existing courses. May be graded by letter, P/F, or DI/PA/F subject to different offerings. Students may repeat the course for credits if different topics are taken.
- ENTR 4901-4904Student-led Entrepreneurship Acceleration Project1-4 Credit(s)Mode of Delivery[EXP] Experiential learningDescriptionMany successful IT startups begin in university years. This is a project course led by students to accelerate their entrepreneurship endeavor under the guidance and advice of a faculty member. Students work in team of size 2 to 3 to develop an idea from its scratch to become viable in market. In the process, students work on ideation, prototyping, making presentations, developing operation strategies, conducting experimental trials, designing market survey, collecting user feedbacks, writing business plan, and soft-launching and pivoting the product or services. Written reports, presentations, and/or business/operation plan are required. May be repeated for credits if different topics are taken. Instructor's approval is required for enrollment in the course.
- ENTR 4911IT Entrepreneurship3 Credit(s)Alternate code(s)COMP 4911Prerequisite(s)COMP 1021 OR COMP 1022P OR COMP 1022Q OR COMP 2011 OR COMP 2012H OR ISOM 3230DescriptionBasic elements of starting a new business in information technology; exploiting an "unfair" advantage; preparing a business plan; arranging financial support; accounting and legal requirements; exit strategy. Case studies of successful and failed ventures in Hong Kong and elsewhere.