Undergraduate Courses 2024-25
Undergraduate Courses 2024-25
Course Description (in alphabetical order of course codes)
Course descriptions are arranged in alphabetical order, based on course codes. Courses listed here will be offered according to resources available in each term and year. Details of course offerings in a particular term will be announced at course registration time.
- ACCTAccounting
- AISCInterdisciplinary Studies
- BIBUBiotechnology and Business
- BIENBioengineering
- BIPHBiological Physics
- CENGChemical and Biological Engineering
- CHEMChemistry
- CIVLCivil and Environmental Engineering
- COMPComputer Science and Engineering
- CPEGComputer Engineering
- CTDLCritical Thinking and Data Literacy
- DASCData Analytics in Science
- DSCTData Science and Technology
- ECONEconomics
- ELECElectronic and Computer Engineering
- EMIAEmerging Interdisciplinary Areas
- ENEGEnergy
- ENGGSchool of Engineering
- ENTREntrepreneurship
- ENVREnvironment
- ENVSEnvironmental Science
- FINAFinance
- GBUSGlobal Business
- GNEDGeneral Education
- HARTStudio Arts courses offered by HUMA
- HLTHHealth and Physical Education
- HMAWHabits, Mindsets, and Wellness
- HUMAHumanities
- IEDAIndustrial Engineering and Decision Analytics
- IIMPIndividualized Interdisciplinary Major
- IROPInternational Research Opportunities Program
- ISDNIntegrative Systems and Design
- ISOMInformation Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management
- LABULanguage for Business
- LANGLanguage
- LEGLLegal Education
- LIFSLife Science
- MARKMarketing
- MATHMathematics
- MECHMechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- MGMTManagement
- OCESOcean Science
- PHYSPhysics
- PPOLPublic Policy
- RMBIRisk Management and Business Intelligence
- SBMTSchool of Business and Management
- SCIESchool of Science
- SGFNSustainable and Green Finance
- SHSSSchool of Humanities and Social Science
- SISPSummer Institute for Secondary School Students
- SOSCSocial Science
- SUSTSustainability
- TEMGTechnology and Management
- UCOPUndergraduate Global Challenges and Opportunities Program
- UPOPUndergraduate Practice Opportunities Program
- UROPUndergraduate Research Opportunities Program
- UTOPUndergraduate Teaching Opportunities Program
- WBBASF Program in World Business
No Record Found
- Course is identified by a course code which comprises a four-letter code followed by a four-digit number code. In general, the letter code denotes either the area/program of study or the course offering department, and the first digit of the number code indicates the academic level of the course:
1 = Introductory courses
2 = Intermediate courses
3/4 = Advanced courses or courses for specialist study
- With effect from Fall 2011-12, all 3-digit codes of existing active courses have been converted into 4-digit ones.
- Course credits are assigned with reference made to the ‘benchmark’ assignment of one credit for courses with a total student workload of 40 to 50 hours, including both instructional hours and hours of student preparation. For this calculation, ‘instructional hours’ means all required, scheduled hours of instruction.
- Courses marked with [Co-list with] may share most or all lectures and other learning activities with other courses. Co-listed courses would differ from each other at least partially in assessment schemes or assignments. Students may register and earn credit for only one of the co-listed courses. These courses may not be arranged for co-listing on a regular basis, but is subject to the discretion of the course offering department(s).
- Course carrying [Alternate code(s)] is a single course that is offered under two or more course codes with identical course content and assessment scheme. Students may register and earn credit for only one of the codes under a multi-coded course.
- Under a policy approved by the Senate, exceptions to the general University policy stating that English is the medium of instruction will be permitted when the courses are related to the area of Chinese studies and are approved by the School of Humanities and Social Science:
- Courses approved to be taught in Chinese carry a [PU] or [CA] notation in the course description, which indicates the spoken language used in teaching: [PU] stands for Putonghua; and [CA] for Cantonese.
- Courses marked with a [C] in the course description are not taught in Chinese but may require students to read materials in Chinese. Students who have difficulty reading materials in Chinese should consult the instructor concerned prior to enrolling in these courses. In some cases, alternative English reading materials may be provided.
- Some courses may use different medium of instruction/materials, either in Chinese or English, for different sections. They will be denoted by a combination of [CA], [PU], [C] and [EN]. Students will need to check the medium of instruction/materials to be used before course enrollment.
- Undergraduate courses marked with [BLD] or [SPO] may be offered in the mode of blended learning or self-paced online delivery respectively, while those marked with [EXP] may adopt the approach of experiential learning, subject to different offerings. Students should check the delivery mode of the class section before registration.