Undergraduate Courses 2023-24
Life Science
a) Undergraduate courses marked with [BLD] or [SPO] may be offered in the mode of blended learning or self-paced online delivery respectively, subject to different offerings. Students should check the delivery mode of the class section before registration.
b) Undergraduate courses marked with [EXP] may adopt the approach of experiential learning subject to different offerings. Students should check the delivery mode of the class section before registration.
- LIFS 1010Introduction to Biological Sciences3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)a passing letter grade in LANG 1401 OR LANG 1402 OR LANG 1403 OR LANG 1404 OR LANG 1002 (prior to 2022-23)Exclusion(s)LIFS 1901, LIFS 1902, Level 3 or above in HKDSE 1/2x Biology OR in HKDSE 1x BiologyDescriptionThis course introduces students to the fundamental concepts and principles of biological sciences, ranging from the chemical basis of life, cell structure and function, genetics and molecular biology, evolution and the origin of life, biodiversity and conservation, ecology and behavioral biology, to the structure and life processes in human. Examples and case studies will be illustrated to enhance students’ understanding and application of relevant knowledge. Students without HKDSE qualifications may seek instructor's approval for enrolment.
- LIFS 1020Biology of Human Health3 Credit(s)Previous Course Code(s)CORE 1130Prerequisite(s)a passing letter grade in LANG 1401 OR LANG 1402 OR LANG 1403 OR LANG 1404 OR LANG 1002 (prior to 2022-23)Exclusion(s)Level 3 or above in HKDSE 1/2x Biology or in HKDSE 1x Biology, LIFS 1010, LIFS 1901, LIFS 1902, LIFS 1930, LIFS 2060DescriptionThis course introduces the basic biological principles of human health and diseases with an emphasis on the contemporary leading causes of death in Hong Kong and the world. Topics mainly focus on common and emerging diseases, aging, and the influence of biotechnology, environment, and culture on human health. Students without HKDSE qualifications may seek instructor’s approval for enrolment.
- LIFS 1901General Biology I3 Credit(s)Exclusion(s)Level 3 or above in HKDSE 1x BiologyDescriptionThis course targets science students not having taken HKDSE 1x Biology or AL/AS Biology. It provides students with a general overview of fundamental biology: basic characteristics of life (the chemistry of life, cells), vital life processes (respiration, photosynthesis, genetics), essential concepts of evolution and ecology, and so on. Students without HKDSE qualifications may seek instructor’s approval for enrolment.
- LIFS 1902General Biology II3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 1901 OR level 3 or above in HKDSE 1x Biology OR a passing grade in AL/AS BiologyDescriptionThis course targets science students who have acquired basic knowledge in fundamental biology through HKDSE 1x Biology, AL/AS Biology or LIFS 1901. It functions as a bridging course to prepare the students for further study in life science. Its focus is on human biology, biotechnology and human impacts on the environment. Current examples will be used as well to relate the knowledge to real life issues. Students without the prerequisites but have completed biology course or program at equivalent level may seek instructor’s approval for enrollment.
- LIFS 1903Laboratory for General Biology I1 Credit(s)Corequisite(s)LIFS 1901Exclusion(s)Level 3 or above in HKDSE 1x BiologyDescriptionThis is a practical course accompanied by the lecture course LIFS 1901. It provides students with some basic concepts and some hands-on experience in biological investigation within the areas covered by LIFS 1901. The emphasis is on the understanding and application of the scientific principles underlying the experimental designs and procedures. Graded P or F. For students in their first, second year of study; or third or fourth year students with instructor's approval.
- LIFS 1904Laboratory for General Biology II1 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 1901 OR level 3 or above in HKDSE 1x Biology OR a passing grade in AL/AS BiologyCorequisite(s)LIFS 1902DescriptionThis is a practical course accompanied by the lecture course LIFS 1902. It provides students with some basic concepts and hands-on experience in biological investigation within the areas covered by LIFS 1902, including plant biology, human biology and ecology. The emphasis is on the understanding and application of the scientific principles underlying the experiments. Graded P or F. For students in their first and second year of study; or third and fourth year students with instructor's approval.
- LIFS 1930Nature of Life Sciences3 Credit(s)DescriptionThis is an innovative blended-learning course that comprises both independent e-learning and face-to-face tutorial components. The course covers general and up-to-date topics such as conservation biology and animal forms and functions in the field of Biology, metabolism and cell signaling in Biochemistry, and recombinant DNA, animal and plant biotechnology and bioethics in Biotechnology. For students in their first, second and third year of study; or fourth year students with instructor's approval.
- LIFS 2010Modern Approaches to Biochemical and Cell Biological Research3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 1902DescriptionOur current understanding of biochemical reactions and internal organization of a cell was progressively enriched by technological and conceptual breakthroughs in the 20th century. This course will use personal and scientific stories of six prominent scientists to highlight research areas that are still being actively pursued today. Topics to include are DNA and protein biochemistry, physical and chemical methods for biological research, and the use of model organisms.
- LIFS 2011A Practicum on Wetland Conservation3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2060Exclusion(s)OCES 2011DescriptionThis course engages students in practical training and enriches their knowledge in biodiversity and skills in interpretive services under ecotourism. The students will also have a chance to contribute to the society through environmental education. At the end of the course, students should gain hands-on experience in environmental conservation and improve their skills in communication, problem solving, team work, and time management. For LIFS, ENVS and OST students only. Approval of the course coordinator is needed for students to enroll in this course. Graded PP, P or F.
- LIFS 2040Cell Biology3 Credit(s)DescriptionStructure and function of the cell and sub-cellular organelles; from genes to proteins; membrane and cytoskeleton; cell communication and cell signaling; cell cycle and programmed cell death.
- LIFS 2060Biodiversity3 Credit(s)DescriptionThis course introduces students to the diversity of life and habitats; the evolution and extinction of species; the values of biodiversity; challenges to the biodiversity and conservation approaches; the interrelationships between humans/biodiversity and the environment. Examples (local and global) and applications will be included to highlight the key concepts.
- LIFS 2070Introduction to Biotechnology3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 1902DescriptionAdvancement in science has enabled scientists to modify biological systems for specific purposes. Many of these technologies have been used to improve our daily life and this area of study is commonly referred to as biotechnology. This course is designed to introduce some of the major subjects in this field including the history of biotechnology, ethics in genetic modification and use of animals in experimental studies, molecular foundation of biotechnology, animal biotechnology, plant and agricultural biotechnology, and health-care applications. You will learn how different aspects of biotechnology affect our daily life and have impact on the society.
- LIFS 2080Plant Biology3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040 OR LIFS 2210DescriptionStructure and life processes in plants; cellular structures; molecular and cellar mechanism; transport of water and nutrients; nutrition and soil; reproduction; photosynthesis; growth and development; biotechnology.
- LIFS 2210Biochemistry I3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 1901 OR LIFS 1902DescriptionMajor classes of biochemical compounds; primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures of macromolecules; enzyme kinetics and mechanisms; biosynthesis of DNA and RNA; transfer RNA and protein synthesis.
- LIFS 2220Biochemistry II3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 1902DescriptionPrinciples of bioenergetics and cellular structures; glycolysis, citric acid cycle, electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation and chemiosmosis; carbohydrate, lipid, amino acid and nucleotide metabolism; photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation.
- LIFS 2240Cell Biology Laboratory3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 1902DescriptionExploration and understanding of both theories and practical techniques in cell biology through tutorials and hands-on experiments. Microscopy, cell culture, cell fractionation; and their applications in studying cell division and gene expression will be covered. Graded P or F.
- LIFS 2280Plant Biology Laboratory3 Credit(s)Corequisite(s)LIFS 2080DescriptionThis course is designed to introduce theories and practical techniques used in the current research of plant biology, plant molecular biology and biochemistry to students. Graded P or F.
- LIFS 2720Biochemistry Laboratory2 Credit(s)Corequisite(s)LIFS 2820DescriptionInvestigation of the properties of enzymes, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids by physicochemical methods and specific assays; purification and quantitation of biochemical compounds by various biochemical techniques. Graded P or F.
- LIFS 2820Biochemical Laboratory Techniques1 Credit(s)Corequisite(s)LIFS 2720DescriptionPrinciples of biochemical techniques including spectrophotometry, column chromatography, electrophoresis, metabolite assay, enzyme assay, nucleic acid isolation and protein isolation.
- LIFS 3002Special Topics of Biological Sciences2-4 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040DescriptionThis course aims to broaden students' exposure to a broad range of topics within the biological science discipline. Teaching format and course credits will vary, depending on the subject matters to be covered.
- LIFS 3010Molecular and Cellular Biology I3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2210 and LIFS 2220DescriptionReplication and roles of nucleic acids in cellular and viral systems; genome organization, vector-host systems, expression and regulation of genes; catalytic RNA, genetic code evolution, RNA modification and processing, and anti-sense systems.
- LIFS 3020Molecular and Cellular Biology II3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040 AND LIFS 2210 AND LIFS 2220DescriptionCell structure; the molecular biology of cell signaling and cell cycle control; oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes; the mechanism of cell division; cell junctions and adhesion; cytoskeleton; programmed cell death.
- LIFS 3040Animal Physiology3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040DescriptionStructure and life processes in animals; neurophysiology; circulation; respiration; digestion and absorption; metabolism and energy regulation; muscle and movement; endocrinology.
- LIFS 3060Microbiology3 Credit(s)Corequisite(s)LIFS 2040 OR LIFS 2060DescriptionClassification, identification, structure, physiology, and genetics of microorganisms; importance of microorganisms in health, environment, and biotechnology.
- LIFS 3070Introduction to Biophysical Instrumentation3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040DescriptionThe course offers an introduction to principles and applications of a variety of modern biophysical experimental techniques for the structural and functional study of biological systems at the cellular and molecular levels. It is designed for students who seek a basic understanding of modern biophysical experimental methods to meet future challenges in biological science, synthetic biology, biotechnology, bioengineering and molecular medicine.
- LIFS 3110Biotechnological Application of Recombinant DNA Techniques3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040 AND LIFS 2210DescriptionPractical and theoretical consideration of recombinant DNA techniques, including plasmid construction, PCR, mutagenesis, transformation, sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis. The use of recombinant DNA for protein expression. Graded P or F.
- LIFS 3140General Genetics4 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040 OR LIFS 2210DescriptionPrinciples and mechanisms of heredity and variation; genetic analysis in pro-and eukaryotic organisms.
- LIFS 3150Biostatistics3 Credit(s)Exclusion(s)ISOM 2500, MATH 2411DescriptionStatistical reasoning relevant to biological, medical and agricultural research, statistical analyses and interpretation, statistical techniques applied under various research circumstances.
- LIFS 3220Animal Physiology Laboratory3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040Corequisite(s)LIFS 3040DescriptionPhysiology is an experimental science and laboratory experience is an important part of the discipline. Students will learn laboratory techniques and develop their powers of observation and data recording to test basic physiological principles. Analytical skill will be emphasized in both the tutorial and lab sessions. Graded P or F.
- LIFS 3240Introduction to Neurobiology3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040 OR LIFS 2210DescriptionPrinciples of neuroscience with a focus on the systems/neural circuit level. Topics covered will include sensory and motor systems, genetic model organisms, optogenetics, and functional imaging.
- LIFS 3260Microbiology Laboratory3 Credit(s)Corequisite(s)LIFS 3060DescriptionTutorial and practical instruction on cultivation, differentiation, and identification of microorganisms, determination of microbial numbers, sterilization, disinfection, antimicrobials, and the prevalence of microorganisms in the body and environment will be covered. Graded P or F.
- LIFS 3370Human Genetics in Practice3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 3110DescriptionThis course will impart essential skills for communicating science to a lay audience in the laboratory setting. Students will work in groups to devise a mini‐laboratory course for detecting human genetic variants. They will then serve as instructors of the course in outreach workshops for high school students. Approval of the course instructor is needed for students to enroll in this course. For LIFS students only.
- LIFS 3510Junior Research Project I2 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040 and LIFS 2240DescriptionThe objective of the course is to increase awareness of preparation in research and learn how to synthesize a research proposal. Together with the supervisor each student will identify a research question, do a literature review, familiarize themselves theoretically with technical aspects of the project and write a short proposal. Approval of a faculty supervisor is required for students to enroll in the course. Graded P or F.
- LIFS 3520Junior Research Project II2 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 3510 OR SCIE 3500DescriptionThe aim of the course is for students to acquire hands-on laboratory experience in conducting a short research project and producing a formal written report. Each student will conduct the bench work for the proposal developed in the prerequisite course LIFS 3510 and hence under the same faculty supervisor as LIFS 3510. Due to the short duration, emphasis is on appreciation of the research process rather than results obtained. Approval of a faculty supervisor is required for students to enroll in the course. Graded P or F.
- LIFS 3580Bioinformatics3 Credit(s)Previous Course Code(s)LIFS 4580Prerequisite(s)LIFS 3140DescriptionAn introduction to bioinformatic analysis in life science. Students will learn about the principles and approaches used in working with genetic, genomic and proteomic data. Applications to basic science and translational research will also be introduced. No experience in computer programing is required.
- LIFS 4000Special Topics in Life Science1-4 Credit(s)DescriptionSpecial topics in an identified area of life science not covered by existing course. Students may repeat the course for credits if the topics studied are different. Graded letter grade or P/F subject to different offerings.
- LIFS 4060Immunobiology3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040/2210, and LIFS 3140DescriptionCellular, biochemical and genetic basis of immunity; cells in immune response, antigens and antigen recognition; antibodies and the generation of diversity; major histocompatibility complex; cell mediated immune response; regulation of immune response; autoimmunity, tissue transplantation and rejection.
- LIFS 4090Developmental Biology3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040DescriptionProcesses of cellular and tissue differentiation, early and late embryonic development spanning from molecular, cellular, organ to organismal levels; reproduction, fertilization, gastrulation, neurulation, axis formation, body patterning, cellular communication, short and long range signaling, sex determination, aging, environmental influence and evolutionary significance of different regulatory mechanisms.
- LIFS 4140Cancer Biology3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 3020 OR LIFS 3140DescriptionFundamentals in the epidemiology, etiology and treatment of cancers; basic mechanisms of carcinogenesis. For LIFS/BIBU students in their fourth year of study.
- LIFS 4150Plant Biotechnology3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040DescriptionCurrent status and future potential of Biotechnology, with emphasis on the fundamentals of plant molecular biology and biotechnology. Using examples of marketable products from food industry, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and agricultural fields. The role of basic research in the development and production biotechnology products will be described.
- LIFS 4190Cellular Signaling3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 3020DescriptionRecent advances in the study of the molecular mechanisms of cell function, with an emphasis on the structure and function of signaling components that control cell growth, differentiation, and integrated responses in eukaryotic cells.
- LIFS 4200Concepts and Issues in Contemporary Biotechnology3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CENG 1600 OR LIFS 2040DescriptionThis course will survey the methods and applications of biotechnology, in the aspect related to animals, microbes, agriculture, human health and environment. The consequences of developments in this area will be examined, with emphasis on the aroused great public interest and the increasing demand for the informed debate. For BIOT and BIBU students only.
- LIFS 4320Data Science for Biology and Medicine3 Credit(s)Previous Course Code(s)LIFS 3320Co-list withBIEN 3320Prerequisite(s)(COMP 1021 OR COMP 1022P OR COMP 1022Q (prior to 2020-21) OR COMP 2011) AND (ISOM 2500 OR LIFS 3150 OR MATH 2411) AND (LIFS 3140)DescriptionThis is a course for the application of data science in biology and medicine. The course will introduce the fundamental principles on data science, the technologies and implementations of data mining, as well as the modeling of several practical questions in biomedicine. The topics include introduction to biomedical data, data visualization, regression methods and classification methods.
- LIFS 4360Aquaculture Biotechnology3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040 OR LIFS 2060DescriptionOverview of aquaculture in relation to food production and biotechnology, including problems and prospects. Examples of aquacultured aquatic species and aquaculture biotechnology enterprises. Aquaculture biology and practices: larval rearing, nutritional practices and feeds, reproductive control, application of genetics and genetic manipulations.
- LIFS 4370Human Genetics and Personalized Medicine3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2210 OR LIFS 3140DescriptionMany variations in the human population such as hair thickness, tolerance to milk in adults, high blood cholesterol and susceptibility to certain types of cancer can be determined by genetic factors. This course will cover the principles and up to date technologies for the discovery and analysis of human genetic variation. The application of basic scientific knowledge in a clinical setting will be discussed.
- LIFS 4380Pharmacology and Toxicology3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040DescriptionFundamental concepts of drug action and toxicity; clinically useful agents in central and peripheral disorders; toxicology of drugs and agents that are hazardous to living organisms.
- LIFS 4540Structure and Function of Proteins3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2210DescriptionDetermination of protein sequences and three-dimensional structures; relationship between structure and function; principles of protein design and engineering; molecular, biochemical and genetic approaches to study protein function and regulation.
- LIFS 4550Biochemistry of Nutrition3 Credit(s)DescriptionThe biochemistry of major food ingredients including proteins, oil, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals; functional and nutritional properties will be emphasized.
- LIFS 4620Advanced Biological Chemistry3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040 OR LIFS 2210DescriptionAdvanced studies of biological macromolecules; functional genomics and proteomics; laboratory techniques in modern biochemistry; milestone discoveries in biochemistry.
- LIFS 4630Advanced Topics in Biotechnology3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040DescriptionLife science is now at an unprecedented stage because of the development of new biotechnologies and the following ground-breaking discoveries in the past decades. This course is dedicated to sharing the latest breakthroughs, how they are discovered, the principles and applications, and pinpointing the opportunities we will embrace. Topics include state-of-the-art technologies such as genome editing techniques, super-resolution microscopies, DNA nanotechnology, omics, and the latest biotechnology approaches to investigate and tackle diseases such as COVID-19, hereditary diseases, and cancers.
- LIFS 4760Biochemistry of Diseases3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 1901 OR LIFS 1902 OR LIFS 2040 OR LIFS 2210DescriptionThis course covers the clinical manifestations, physiology, pathophysiology and treatment of common human diseases, with focus on the underlying biochemical basis of the diseases and treatment.
- LIFS 4800Epigenetics and Chromosome Biology3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2210DescriptionChromosome biology and epigenetics is an important field highly relevant to human health. This course will cover recent advances in the fields of epigenetics and chromosome biology.
- LIFS 4820Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology3 Credit(s)DescriptionStudents will be guided to understand the complexities of biotechnology entrepreneurship with focus on convergence of scientific, technological, regulatory and commercial factors. The course will take a case study approach by interaction with guest speakers who have experience in starting and managing biotechnology companies. Site visits to local company with specialty product development will also be arranged. For BIOT students in their fourth year of study and students with instructor’s consent only.
- LIFS 4884Application of RNA Technology to Human Diseases3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 1904 AND LIFS 2210DescriptionMany ribonucleic acids (RNA)-related technologies, including gene-editing and gene-silencing, are essential for research and clinical applications. In addition, mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 have been successfully developed, making RNAs more exciting and crucial material to learn. The success of making mRNA vaccines encourages scientists to develop mRNA-based drugs to treat different diseases in the future. This experiential learning course focuses on applying several essential RNA-related technologies in diagnosing and treating human diseases. The course introduces the basic knowledge of RNAs, fundamental principles on RNA-related technologies, and experimental practices for RNA technologies. After learning the basics of RNAs and the principles of six RNA technologies, students will work in teams to develop their projects, and design experiments to make their RNA-related products. By the end of the course, each team will conduct experiments, collect the data, and present and discuss their results at the end of the course. For LIFS/BIBU students in their third or fourth year of study and students with instructor’s consent only.
- LIFS 4888Development and Registration of Pharmaceutical Products3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2070DescriptionAn introduction of the development and registration of pharmaceutical products in Hong Kong and the Mainland markets. Registration of pharmaceutical products (drugs, medical devices, food supplements) is a comparatively new biotechnology‐business model, which has evolved from governmental regulations to public health through the assurance of safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products. This course emphasizes the essential components of pharmaceutical development; discusses the key stages and decision points in the process; and gives a detailed analysis on the quality control and regulatory requirements. The technological and financial requirements of the development of pharmaceutical products are also covered. Professional training in these disciplines, lacking in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, is crucial for students who plan to pursue further studies or develop their career in the biotechnology sectors.
- LIFS 4910Independent Study1-4 Credit(s)DescriptionThe course will cover review topics restricted to life sciences. Enrolled students will conduct research project or literature review exercise on a mutually agreed topic under the supervision of a faculty member. For third year LIFS students and visiting interns only. Approval of the course instructor is needed for students to enroll in this course. Graded P or F.
- LIFS 4950Neurochemistry3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 2040DescriptionIntroduction to the molecular understanding of brain function, building upon the basis of biochemistry and biology. Four specific themes are covered: (i) structural neurochemistry and neural membranes; (ii) synapses, transmitters and receptors; (iii) cellular and (iv) medical and behavioral neurochemistry.
- LIFS 4960Biological Science Capstone Project3 Credit(s)DescriptionUnder the supervision of a faculty member, students will undertake a project, which may involve investigation on topics in an area of Biological Science. The project can be delivered through the format of literature review, research, or practical study. Students are required to submit a written report that documents the project work and learning experiences. For BISC students only. Approval of the course supervisor is needed for students to enroll in this course.
- LIFS 4961Biochemistry and Cell Biology Capstone Project3 Credit(s)DescriptionUnder the supervision of a faculty member, students will undertake a project, which may involve investigation on topics in the discipline of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. The project can be delivered through the format of literature review, research, or practical study. Students are required to submit a written report that documents the project work and learning experiences. For BCB students only. Approval of the course supervisor is needed for enrollment in the course.
- LIFS 4963Biotechnology Capstone Project3 Credit(s)DescriptionUnder the supervision of a faculty member, students will undertake a project, which may involve investigation on topics relevant to biotechnology industry and business. The project can be delivered through the format of literature review, research, or practical study. Students are required to submit a written report that documents the project work and learning experiences. For BIOT students only. Approval of the course supervisor is needed for enrollment in the course.
- LIFS 4970Biological Science Project Research I3 Credit(s)DescriptionProject research in one of the Life Science research laboratories under the supervision of a faculty member; report. Students who select to register in LIFS 4970 must also register in LIFS 4980. Approval of the course instructor is needed for students to enroll in this course.
- LIFS 4971Biochemistry and Cell Biology Project Research I3 Credit(s)DescriptionA research project conducted under faculty supervision. Course to include background research, design of experiments and analysis of data. Approval by a faculty supervisor is required to enroll in the course.
- LIFS 4973Biotechnology Project Research I3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 3110DescriptionStudents will undertake a research project of their choice in an area of biotechnology under faculty supervision: design of experiments, analysis of data, submission of a written report. Approval of the course instructor is needed for students to enroll in this course. For BIOT students only.
- LIFS 4980Biological Science Project Research II4 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 4970DescriptionProject research in one of the Life Science research laboratories under the supervision of a faculty member; report; poster presentation. Approval of the course instructor is needed for students to enroll in this course.
- LIFS 4981Biochemistry and Cell Biology Project Research II4 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 4971 OR SCIE 4500DescriptionContinuation of research project started in LIFS 4971 and to be conducted under faculty supervisor. To include design of experiments, analysis of data and to be completed with poster presentation and written report.
- LIFS 4983Biotechnology Project Research II4 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)LIFS 4973 OR SCIE 4500DescriptionContinuation of LIFS 4973. Students will undertake a research project of their choice in an area of biotechnology under faculty supervision: design of experiments, analysis of data, submission of a written report and poster presentation of research results. Approval of the course instructor is needed for students to enroll in this course. For BIOT students only.