Undergraduate Courses 2023-24
Chemical and Biological Engineering
a) Undergraduate courses marked with [BLD] or [SPO] may be offered in the mode of blended learning or self-paced online delivery respectively, subject to different offerings. Students should check the delivery mode of the class section before registration.
b) Undergraduate courses marked with [EXP] may adopt the approach of experiential learning subject to different offerings. Students should check the delivery mode of the class section before registration.
- CENG 1000Introduction to Chemical and Biological Engineering3 Credit(s)BackgroundLevel 3 or above in HKDSE 1/2x Chemistry OR in HKDSE 1x Chemistry OR CHEM 1004 OR CHEM 1010 OR CHEM 1020DescriptionFrom chemistry to engineering, molecules to useful products. Physical, chemical and biochemical transformation of materials. Survey of industries related to modern chemical and biological engineering. Basic principles of materials and energy balance. Strategy of molecular synthesis, process selection and design, economic and environmental considerations. Examples taken from a diverse range of products spanning realms of food, consumer products, energy, environment, and medicine. Case studies and team projects on process and product design. For engineering students only.
- CENG 1010Academic and Professional Development I0 Credit(s)DescriptionStudents not studying in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department may enroll in this course subject to the course instructors approval. This course is designed to provide academic advising to students, to enhance their understanding of the industries relevant to chemical engineers, and to improve their communication skills. Students are required to attend discussion sessions with advisors and selected seminars. Graded P or F.
- CENG 1500A First Course on Materials Science and Applications3 Credit(s)Exclusion(s)MECH 2410, PHYS 3040DescriptionThe scope of this course is to introduce different categories of materials and to elucidate their applications. We will start from the basic concepts of matter to the basic structures at molecular scale, and then to the science and engineering of materials. The focus of the course is the structure/property relationship. The principles for designing and developing useful materials for special applications will be discussed.
- CENG 1600Biotechnology and Its Business Opportunities3 Credit(s)BackgroundLevel 3 in HKDSE 1/2x Biology OR LIFS 1901DescriptionThis course gives an introductory overview of biotechnology from both technical and business perspectives. It surveys the current landscape of medical biotechnology, discusses the significant milestones in this field, describes underlying scientific concepts, and emphasizes the impact of innovations on human health and economy. Case studies are used to illustrate the opportunities and limitations in current and future biotechnology development. In addition, experts from industry and academia are invited to give guest lectures on course-related topics.
- CENG 1700Introduction to Environmental Engineering3 Credit(s)Exclusion(s)CIVL 2410BackgroundLevel 3 in HKDSE 1/2x Chemistry OR CHEM 1010DescriptionFundamentals of environmental impact assessment will be discussed. Life cycle analysis of carbon and energy will be introduced using case studies. Principles of environmental engineering for control of air, water, solid and noise pollution will be discussed, including global pollution, pollution prevention and minimization. Cost of available technologies will be analyzed.
- CENG 1800Introduction to Food Science and Technology3 Credit(s)Previous Course Code(s)CORE 1212Prerequisite(s)a passing letter grade in LANG 1401 OR LANG 1402 OR LANG 1403 OR LANG 1404 OR LANG 1002 (prior to 2022-23)DescriptionThis course aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge of food science (chemistry, nutrition, microbiology, etc.) and safety issues for daily consumption, and preliminary perspective for further exploration on food processing technologies. This course also emphasizes critical thinking skills, helps students to tell the truth/myth of healthy products, food additives, and genetically modified foods, and make a wise judgement for food consumption.
- CENG 1980Industrial Training0 Credit(s)DescriptionA practical training course in an industrial simulated environment. For students of the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department only. Graded P, PP or F.
- CENG 2110Process and Product Design Principles3 Credit(s)DescriptionProcesses and process variables, engineering data, and process representations. The conservation principle. Material and energy balances on non-reactive and reactive unit operations and process systems with recycles. Introduction to chemical product design.
- CENG 2210Chemical and Biological Engineering Thermodynamics3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)(MATH 1014 OR MATH 1020 OR MATH 1024) AND (PHYS 1111 OR PHYS 1112 OR PHYS 1312)Corequisite(s)CHEM 1010 OR CHEM 1020DescriptionFirst law of thermodynamics for closed and open systems, enthalpy and the energy equation. PVT data and thermodynamic properties, methods for their estimation, phase equilibria. Second and third laws of thermodynamics, entropy and the Carnot engine. Examples from chemical and biological processes.
- CENG 2220Transport Phenomena I3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)PHYS 1111 OR PHYS 1112 OR PHYS 1312Exclusion(s)MECH 2210BackgroundBIEN 2310 or CENG 2310 or basic programmingDescriptionFundamentals of transport phenomena with emphasis on physical properties, flow behavior and diffusive transport of fluids in chemical and biological systems. Engineering derivation and quantitative analysis of fluid transport in confined domains. Emphasis on practical application of transport phenomena in chemical and biological engineering. Use of software for solving problems in transport phenomena.
- CENG 2310Modeling for Chemical and Biological Engineering3 Credit(s)Co-list withBIEN 2310Prerequisite(s)MATH 1014 OR MATH 1020 OR MATH 1024DescriptionModeling of physical, chemical and biological processes. Balance Equations. Dimensional and scaling analysis. Analytical and numerical solutions to initial and boundary value problems. Use of computer tools for engineering calculations. This course uses examples in the Chemical or Environmental Engineering disciplines. For CENG and CEEV students only.
- CENG 3110Process Dynamics and Control3 Credit(s)Previous Course Code(s)CENG 4120Prerequisite(s)CENG 2110Exclusion(s)ELEC 3200, MECH 3610DescriptionBasic concepts, mathematical model, transfer function. Dynamics of first - and higher-order systems. Feedback control, controller tuning, frequency response methods. Cascade control, feedforward and ratio control. Introduction to computer control and multi-variable control. Control and instrumentation hardware.
- CENG 3120Process Design and Integration3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CENG 2110DescriptionConceptual design of chemical processes. Flowsheet synthesis, selection and analysis. Short-cut methods, steady-state simulation, computer-aided design tools. Heat-exchanger networks, energy integration. Batch and continuous process design. Case studies and non-traditional applications.
- CENG 3150Integrated Chemical Process and Product Design5 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CENG 2110DescriptionConceptual design of chemical processes and products. Integration of prior knowledge in the execution of a structured design project, under the direct guidance of faculty. Project topics encompass both process and product design with different emphases. Design tasks include literature and market survey, ideation, feasibility and viability studies, prototyping and/or simulation, unit operation or component design, planning and project management, and societal and environmental impact assessment. Emphasis on the design process, hands-on experimentation, teamwork, and self-learning.
- CENG 3210Separation Processes3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CENG 2110 AND CENG 2210DescriptionPhase equilibria. Ideal and nonideal mixtures. Thermodynamic properties and VLE from equations of state. Liquid-liquid and liquid-solid systems. Stage process, short-cut and rigorous calculations in absorption, distillation or extraction. Continuous contacting processes. Separation sequences. Simulation and design.
- CENG 3220Transport Phenomena II3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CENG 2220Exclusion(s)MECH 3310DescriptionApplication of transport phenomena in chemical processes. Fluid flow in pipes and channels. Conductive, forced and free convective, and radiative heat transfer. Diffusive and convective mass transport. Coupling of transport and chemical reactions. Analysis and design of heat exchangers and contacting processes for separation and reaction. Numerical solutions and simulations of complex systems.
- CENG 3230Chemical and Biological Reaction Engineering3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CHEM 1010 OR CHEM 1020DescriptionStoichiometry and reaction equilibria. Homogeneous reactions kinetics. Mole balances: batch, continuous-stirred tank and plug flow reactors. Collection and analysis of rate data. Catalytic and enzymatic reaction kinetics and reactor design. Diffusion effects. Examples from chemical and biological processes.
- CENG 3300Data Science for Molecular Engineering3 Credit(s)Alternate code(s)BIEN 3300Prerequisite(s)COMP 1021DescriptionThis course is an introductory course on the application of machine learning methods in molecular engineering problems. It covers fundamental data processing and machine learning methods to analyze data in chemistry and biology such as molecular similarity calculation and property prediction.
- CENG 3950Chemical and Environmental Engineering Laboratory4 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CENG 2110Corequisite(s)CENG 3210 AND CENG 3230DescriptionIntegrated laboratory course for students in Chemical Engineering and Chemical and Environmental Engineering. Experimental modules on various unit operations and processes in chemical engineering and environmental engineering. Laboratory safety and risk assessment. Proper handling and interpretation of experimental data.
- CENG 4000Special Topics3 Credit(s)DescriptionSelected topics of current interest. May be graded by letter or DI/PA/F subject to different offerings.
- CENG 4020Academic and Professional Development II0 Credit(s)DescriptionStudents not studying in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department may enroll in this course subject to the course instructors approval. This course is designed to provide academic advising to students, to enhance their understanding of the industries relevant to chemical engineers, and to improve their communication skills. Students are required to attend discussion sessions with advisors and selected seminars. Graded P or F.
- CENG 4130Plant Design and Economics3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CENG 2110DescriptionComputer-aided-design and process evaluation. Risk assessment, qualitative and quantitative assessment. Hazop, Hazan, FMEA, decision tree, fault tree, reliability. Toxicity, dispersion, fire, explosion, relief. Workplace safety. Plant safety and hazard analysis. Plant equipment specification and selection. Cost estimation and profitability analysis. Project evaluation. Cost optimization. Environmental control.
- CENG 4140Energy Resources, Conversions and Technologies3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CHEM 1010 OR CHEM 1020BackgroundCENG 2210 OR MECH 2310DescriptionThe course will provide the fundamental knowledge of energy resources, their conversions and utilization technologies.Basic thermodynamics such as fuel and combustion models, measurement techniques will be taught to enable students to manage basic conversion calculations and to evaluate different energy utilization options. The course will also cover topics in green energies and fuels, providing an outlook of future energy uses.
- CENG 4150Product and Process Design in Chemical and Biological Engineering3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CENG 2220 AND CENG 3210 AND CENG 3230Corequisite(s)CENG 3220DescriptionThis course covers conceptualization, design, manufacture, and launch of chemical and biological products. These include molecular products, devices, functional, and formulated products. Relevant business and project management concepts are introduced.
- CENG 4160Prototype Development for Chemical Processes and Products3 Credit(s)Previous Course Code(s)CENG 4000KPrerequisite(s)CENG 2110 OR COMP 1021 OR COMP 1022P OR ELEC 1100DescriptionA process and product design course for chemical and biological engineers via an experiential learning pedagogy. Students will learn to build prototypes of chemical products or miniaturized chemical processes incorporating chemical, biological, mechanical and electronic modules. Skills such as mathematical modeling, 3-D printing, Arduino programming, design and assembly of mechanical parts, data acquisition and processing, will be taught and practiced. Instructor's approval is required for enrollment in the course.
- CENG 4510Nature Engineering and DNA Nanotechnology3 Credit(s)Previous Course Code(s)CENG 4000ODescriptionScience encompasses subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, with boundaries between them becoming increasingly blurred over time. Engineering applies science and math to solve problems, resulting in interdisciplinary fields that offer a broader perspective. The course integrates materials science, chemical engineering, thermodynamics, bioengineering, environmental engineering, and microelectronics. For BIEN and CENG students in their third or fourth year of study only. Instructor’s approval is required for enrollment in the course.
- CENG 4540Nanomaterials and Applications in Chemical Engineering3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CENG 3210 and CENG 3230Exclusion(s)CENG 5840, NANO 5350DescriptionIntroduction to nanostructured materials and nanotechnology. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials. Selected applications of nanostructured materials in chemical engineering.
- CENG 4620Bioproducts and Processing3 Credit(s)BackgroundLevel 3 in HKDSE 1x Biology OR LIFS 1901DescriptionSurvey of bioproducts, cellular production hosts, production techniques (bioreactors), separation and purification processes, product formulation, product and process design.
- CENG 4630Food Processing Technology3 Credit(s)DescriptionPrinciples of Food Spoilage and Preservation, Thermal Processing (blanching, pasteurization, sterilization, aseptic UHT processing.), Chilling & Freezing, Dehydration, Separation and concentration, Fermentation, and concept of hurdle technology.
- CENG 4640Biomolecular Engineering3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CENG 2210 AND CENG 3230 AND (Level 3 in HKDSE 1x Biology OR LIFS 1901)DescriptionStudents not studying in the Department of Chemical Engineering may enroll in the course upon instructor's approval. Molecular biology, protein engineering, enzyme kinetics, thermodynamics and energetics of biological systems, molecular and cellular processes, bioreaction networks and metabolic engineering.
- CENG 4650Biomaterials and Drug Delivery3 Credit(s)Previous Course Code(s)BIEN 4000BPrerequisite(s)(CHEM 1010 OR CHEM 1020) AND (LIFS 1901 OR BIEN 2410 OR BIEN 2610)DescriptionThis course covers the relevant concepts in biology, material science, and engineering principles for the design and applications of biomaterials to meet medical needs, with emphasis on drug, gene, and cell delivery. Essential methods for the physiochemical characterization and preclinical evaluation of biomaterials will be introduced. Students will also learn about the roles of regulations and standard practice in industry. Case students will be featured to highlight the scientific theories and clinical translation of classical and latest therapeutic carriers. Students are expected to have basic background in fluid mechanics and mass transfer.
- CENG 4670Pharmaceutical Engineering3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CHEM 1010 OR CHEM 1020BackgroundCENG 3210 AND CENG 3230DescriptionSurvey of western pharmaceuticals; pharmaceutical processing technologies including reactions and separations; enantiomers and chiral separations; polymorphs and solid state pharmaceuticals; pharmaceutical dosage forms including tablets, capsules and transdermal patches; traditional Chinese medicine processing.
- CENG 4710Environmental Control3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CHEM 1010 OR CHEM 1020BackgroundCENG 2110 AND CENG 3210 AND CENG 3230DescriptionWastes from the process industries. Behavior of toxic chemicals in atmospheric, soil and aquatic environments. Adsorption/desorption, air stripping, steam stripping, supercritical extraction. Pyrolysis, biological, catalyzed and uncatalyzed reactions. Integrated environmental control. Instructor's approval is required for non-CBME students' enrollment in the course.
- CENG 4720Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Systems3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CENG 1700 or CIVL 1140Exclusion(s)CIVL 4430DescriptionThis course will review the methods for assessing environmental impacts. Impact and management systems will be discussed in the context of both HK and international environmental legislation, which incorporates Licensing, BATNEEC, integrated pollution control, environmental management and auditing systems based on ISO 14000. Actual case studies from the process industries will be discussed.
- CENG 4920Chemical Engineering Capstone Design6 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)BIEN 3910 OR CENG 3950Exclusion(s)CENG 4930, CENG 4940DescriptionA final-year project course offers practice of chemical engineering design through a group design project chosen to integrate materials covered in the curriculum. Credit load may be spread over a year. May be graded PP. For students in Chemical Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
- CENG 4930Chemical Engineering Thesis Research6 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)(BIEN 3910 OR CENG 3950) AND (CENG 4980 OR UROP 2100)Exclusion(s)CENG 4920, CENG 4940DescriptionA final-year project course offers an opportunity to conduct individual chemical engineering research under the direct supervision of a faculty member, which leads to a Bachelor's thesis. Credit load may be spread over a year. May be graded PP. For students in Chemical Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with approval from the department.
- CENG 4940Chemical Engineering Industrial Project6 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)BIEN 3910 OR CENG 3950Exclusion(s)CENG 4920, CENG 4930DescriptionThis course is intended to provide final-year chemical engineering students with practical hands-on training in the form of a full-time or part-time internship or co-op program in an engineering company. Credit load may be spread over a year. May be graded PP. For students in Chemical Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with approval from the department.
- CENG 4950Chem-E-Car3 Credit(s)Previous Course Code(s)CENG 4000IDescriptionThis course is a platform for entry-level engineer students to participate in Chem-E-car competition, i.e. to design and construct a car powered by a chemical or biochemical energy source that will safely carry a specified load over a given distance and stop. The objective of this course is to develop the ability to control an electrochemical reaction, and to obtain hands-on experience on a practical engineering project, especially in chemical engineering field. Students will be given the opportunity to interact with each other, to integrate the learning experience to design and build a device, and chances to prepare for starting their future career in engineering. It is a student-led project, designed to motivate students for engineers. Graded DI/PA/F. Enrollment in the project course require instructor's approval.
- CENG 4980Investigation Project3 Credit(s)DescriptionStudents conduct in-depth experimental or computational investigations on selected topics in one of the departmental research areas. Students work under supervision and are encouraged to use their own initiative to complete an appropriate program of work within the time allocated. Enrollment is subject to approval by department and supervisor. Graded Distinction/Pass/Fail. May be repeated for credits. May be graded PP.