Undergraduate Courses 2017-18
Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management
- IELM 1010Academic and Professional Development I0 Credit(s)DescriptionA compulsory one-year course for IELM students. This course aims to provide academic and professional advising to students and to develop their technical and non-technical communication skills. Industrial and academic seminars will be offered. Graded P or F.
- IELM 1020Academic and Professional Development II0 Credit(s)DescriptionA compulsory one-year course for IELM students, which is a continuation of IELM 1010. Graded P or F.
- IELM 1990Industrial Training0 Credit(s)Exclusion(s)IELM 1991DescriptionA practical training course in an industrial simulated environment. For students of the Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management Department only. Graded P or F.
- IELM 1991Industrial Experience0 Credit(s)Exclusion(s)IELM 1990DescriptionFull-time internship training for a period of at least 4 weeks in an organization or company recognized by the Department for providing qualified internship training relevant to the industrial engineering and logistics management profession. Students must also complete the USTSIEB Safety Training module. For IEEM and IELM students in their second year of study or above only. Students should seek approval of the internship coordinator for enrollment in the course. Graded P or F. May be graded PP.
- IELM 2010Industrial Engineering and Modern Logistics3 Credit(s)Exclusion(s)IELM 2200DescriptionThis course provides an introduction to industrial engineering (IE). It comprises of two parts. The first part introduces basic IE analytical tools, such as optimization, game theory, probability and statistics, stochastic processes and simulation, at a conceptual level. In the second part, many of the IE practical concepts, including production and operations management, logistics and supply chain management, financial engineering, are introduced.
- IELM 2100Computing in Industrial Applications3 Credit(s)DescriptionIntroduction to microprocessor technologies and computer hardware with industrial applications. Computer systems for industrial control. Digital communication, mobile computing and RFID technology.
- IELM 2145Design Studio3 Credit(s)DescriptionThis course will introduce students to the practical skills needed to translate engineering product ideas into three dimensional functional prototype models. Topics covered include understanding the framework for developing prototype models, selecting appropriate scale, working to time frames, and use of various architectural model-building materials. The course will be hands-on with lectures to teach the basic principles of model making. Instructor's approval is required for enrollment in the course.
- IELM 2150Product Design3 Credit(s)DescriptionFundamentals of product design from an industrial engineering perspective, including market research and communication, process design and evaluation, design for manufacturability/assembly, design for usability and safety, aesthetics design, and design for reuse. Methods and theories of design and case studies are presented.
- IELM 2200Engineering Management3 Credit(s)Exclusion(s)IELM 2010DescriptionTechniques relating to modeling and analysis and management of engineering operations; productivity assessment and improvement, quality assessment and improvement; principles of behavioral science and its application to engineering management.
- IELM 2410Logistics and Freight Transportation Operations3 Credit(s)DescriptionIntroduction to intermodalism, globalization, third-part logistics, carrier logistics, shipper logistics, manufacturing logistics, supply chain management, and rules, conventions and practices in various transportation modes. Discussion of characteristics, issues, and practices of air cargo systems, surface transportation systems, sea freight operations, and terminal operations.
- IELM 2510Engineering Probability and Statistics4 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)MATH 1003 OR MATH 1014 OR MATH 1018 (prior to 2013-14) OR MATH 1020 OR MATH 1024Exclusion(s)ISOM 2500, LIFS 3150, MATH 2411, MATH 2421DescriptionThis is a systematic introduction to basic probability theory and statistics for engineering, including data collection and analysis, sample space and sampling methods, calculus of probability, conditional probability, expectation, moments, discrete and continuous probability distributions, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing and linear regression analysis.
- IELM 2520Probability for Engineers3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)MATH 1014 OR MATH 1020 OR MATH 1024Exclusion(s)IELM 2510, ELEC 2600, ELEC 2600H, MATH 2421, MATH 2431DescriptionThis is a systematic introduction to basic probability theory for engineering, including sample space and sampling methods, calculus of probability, conditional probability, joint distribution, moment generating functions, the law of large numbers and central limit theorem. Along the course, students will learn a wide range of discrete and continuous probability distributions, which are important and useful in various applications.
- IELM 2540Statistics for Engineers3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)IELM 2520Exclusion(s)IELM 2510, MATH 2411, ISOM 2500, LIFS 3150DescriptionThis is a systematic introduction to statistics for engineering, including descriptive statistics, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing and linear regression analysis. In addition to theories, students will be taught a statistical language (R or Python) and have hands on experience of processing and analyzing data.
- IELM 3010Operations Research I3 Credit(s)Corequisite(s)MATH 2111Exclusion(s)CIVL 2170, IELM 3020 (prior to 2014-15), ISOM 3710, PHYS 4059DescriptionIntroduction to deterministic optimization modeling and algorithms. Topics include linear programming, dynamic programming, network flows, and some nonlinear models. Application softwares.
- IELM 3130Ergonomics and Safety Management3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)IELM 2510DescriptionIntroduction to ergonomics and safety management. Work environment stressors and their reduction. Technical compliance of Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance and their respective laws in UK, EC, and US. Accident causation models.
- IELM 3150Manufacturing Processes3 Credit(s)DescriptionMachine tools, tools and tooling. Machining, fabrication, joining, assembly, and welding. Experiments in cutting tool performance involving tool geometry, speed, surface finish, tool life and production economics associated with those variables. Concepts of NC, CNC.
- IELM 3230Engineering Economy3 Credit(s)Exclusion(s)ECON 2152DescriptionApplication of microeconomics to engineering and managerial decision making. Basic accounting cash flow analysis of capital investment. Present worth, rate of return, taxes and depreciation, capital budgeting, cost accounting, risk and uncertainty.
- IELM 3250Operations Research II3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)IELM 2510 or MATH 2411DescriptionPoisson process, Markov process, and Markov decision processes; inventory theory, reliability, queuing theory. Application softwares.
- IELM 3270Quality Engineering3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)IELM 2510 or MATH 2411Exclusion(s)ISOM 3730DescriptionControl charts and statistical on-line quality control methods, off-line quality control and parameter design, modern quality philosophy and Taguchi method.
- IELM 3300Industrial Data Systems3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)COMP 1021 OR COMP 1022P OR COMP 1022QExclusion(s)COMP 3311, ISOM 3260DescriptionFundamental concepts on database, network, object-oriented methodology, and system integration; design and development of database systems for productions (e.g. MRP), manufacturing (e.g. CAPP), and management (e.g. BPR).
- IELM 3330Introduction to Financial Engineering3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)CIVL 2160 OR ELEC 2600 OR IELM 2510 OR ISOM 2500 OR MATH 2411 OR MATH 2421 OR MATH 2431Exclusion(s)FINA 3203, FINA 4303DescriptionThis course is intended to provide an introduction to important aspects of financial engineering. Specifically, this course will primarily cover fundamentals of the financial system, interest rate and term structure, various financial markets, financial derivatives, option pricing and hedging, risk management, and financial modeling.
- IELM 3410Routing and Fleet Management3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)IELM 3010DescriptionApplications and algorithms for network optimization, vehicle routing, shortest path problems, maximum flow problems, matching models and dynamic vehicle allocation.
- IELM 3450Logistics Planning and Service Management3 Credit(s)Exclusion(s)ISOM 3760DescriptionSupply management, purchasing, store management, distribution of goods and services, pricing; productivity in services, training and services logistics.
- IELM 3560Predictive Analytics3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)IELM 2540Exclusion(s)COMP 4211DescriptionThis course focuses on how companies identify, evaluate, and capture decision analytic opportunities to create value. Basic analytic methods as well as real corporate cases studies will be covered. The analytical methods include ways to use data to develop insights and predictive capabilities using machine learning, data mining, and forecasting techniques. Some aspects of the use of optimization methods to support decision-making in the presence of a large number of alternatives and business constraints will be covered. The concepts learned in this class should help students identify opportunities in which decision analytics can be used to improve performance and support important decisions.
- IELM 3901Transportation Systems3 Credit(s)Corequisite(s)IELM 2410Exclusion(s)CIVL 3610, CIVL 3620DescriptionIntroduction to transportation systems; characteristics of transportation models; traffic flow fundamentals; transportation economics; traffic demand forecasting including trip generation, trip distribution, modal split and trip assignment; interface between transportation systems and logistics planning/operations. For IELM and LMGBM students under the four-year degree only.
- IELM 4000Special Topics1-3 Credit(s)DescriptionSelected topics in Industrial Engineering, Logistics Management or Decision Analytics. May be repeated for credit, if different topics are covered.
- IELM 4100Integrated Production Systems3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)IELM 2510 AND IELM 3010Exclusion(s)ISOM 2700, ISOM 2720 (prior to 2013-14)DescriptionBasic concepts and techniques in design and operational control of integrated production systems, including MRP, JIT, forecasting, production planning, inventory control, and shop floor control and scheduling.
- IELM 4110Engineers in Society1 Credit(s)DescriptionFor Engineering students only. This is a series of seminars presented by professionals from social and engineering sectors and faculty members on topics including the introduction to local industry, responsibility and accountability of a profession in engineering, professional ethics, the impact of information technology revolution on society and engineering, legal aspects of engineering, business fundamentals, project management, product engineering and quality assurance, and environmental and occupational risk management. Graded P or F.
- IELM 4130System Simulation3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)IELM 2510DescriptionBasic concepts and algorithm of discrete-event simulation, generation of random variates, modeling input distributions, statistical analysis of simulation outputs, verification and validation of simulation models, comparisons and optimization via simulation, simple spreadsheet simulation, intermediate modeling and analysis with a commercial simulation package.
- IELM 4170Product Design and Lifecycle Management3 Credit(s)DescriptionThis course covers different aspects of product development management. Topics include innovation management, techniques for idea generation, CAD, product lifecycle management, rapid prototyping and organizing and managing the development teams. Also projects and business plans will be carried out in the course.
- IELM 4180Service Engineering and Management3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)IELM 2200DescriptionService system design, service level, quality of service, service product life cycle, measurements, design for serviceability, analysis, productivity in services, client satisfaction, training and services logistics.
- IELM 4200Design of Logistics and Manufacturing Systems3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)IELM 3010DescriptionFacility location, process and material flow analysis, space allocation and plant layout, computerized layout planning, material handling equipment, material handling system design.
- IELM 4320Design Thinking3 Credit(s)DescriptionThis course introduces important aspects of modern day "product" design integrating technology, art, business and innovation. The course will focus on how to elicit needs of customers, structure problems, create ideas, evaluate alternatives and then construct aesthetically pleasing and functional prototypes. Emphasis will be on creating concepts and taking them through uncertainties to achieve realistic and working prototypes. Instructor's approval is required for enrollment in the course.
- IELM 4331Quantitative Methods in Financial Engineering3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)(FINA 3203 OR FINA 3203H OR IELM 3330) AND (IELM 3250 OR ISOM 2500)DescriptionThe course covers some quantitative methods commonly used in financial engineering for modeling, analyzing, and solving basic financial engineering problems. The course will start with basic concepts in stochastic calculus and stochastic differential equations. These will be used to introduce some advanced stochastic models such as jump diffusion, regime-switching, and stochastic volatility models. In the final part, some numerical methods for derivatives pricing will be introduced.
- IELM 4410Global Supply Chain Management3 Credit(s)Prerequisite(s)IELM 4100Exclusion(s)EEMT 5300, ISOM 4770DescriptionAn introduction to the design, development, and management of integrated logistics supply chain systems, including inventory management, distribution channels, and information systems. Emphasis on the impact of e-business on companies and industries, especially how the Internet changes the way in which goods and services flow through the value chain from manufacturers to customers.
- IELM 4650Engineering Psychology3 Credit(s)DescriptionIntroduction to cognitive engineering and human performance. Perception, psychophysics, attention, time-sharing, workload and their implications on human performance.
- IELM 4900Independent Study in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management3 Credit(s)DescriptionUndertaken by students under the supervision of a faculty member. Course requirements include readings on the relevant topic and a research or survey project specifically defined for the research option. For students of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management only. Instructor's approval is required for enrollment in the course.
- IELM 4901Final Year Thesis6 Credit(s)DescriptionStudents who opt for the research option must register for this course instead of the final year project. The course requires a research project under the supervision of an instructor, and the results must be reported in the form of a thesis or a research paper. For students of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management only. Instructor's approval is required for enrollment in the course.
- IELM 4930Logistics Management and Engineering Project6 Credit(s)DescriptionA one year long final year project related to logistics engineering and management. Supervised by a faculty member. A project proposal and a final report are required. Credit load will be spread over the year.
- IELM 4950Industrial Engineering Special Project1-4 Credit(s)DescriptionA special project supervised by a faculty member. A project proposal and a final report are required. May be repeated for credit if the projects cover different topics.
- IELM 4990Industrial Engineering Design Project6 Credit(s)DescriptionA one year long final year project related to industrial engineering and engineering management. Supervised by a faculty member. A project proposal and a final report are required. Credit load will be spread over the year.