Undergraduate Programs 2024-25
Students studying a 4-year bachelor’s degree are required to fulfill the following requirements:
- At least 120 credits (where the requirements of a student’s programs of study fall short of 120 credits, additional elective credits must be earned)
- University Common Core Requirements
- University English Language Requirement
- University Legal Education Requirement [For students admitted in 2022-23 intake or after only]
- School Requirements (if any) and Major Requirements
School / Dept / Program Office
Program / Requirements / Abbreviation
Program Title / Requirements
School of Science
- ChemistryMINOR-CHEMMinor in Chemistry
- Life ScienceMINOR-BIOTMinor in Biotechnology
- MathematicsMINOR-ACTMMinor in Actuarial Mathematics
- MathematicsMINOR-MATHMinor in Mathematics
- Ocean ScienceMINOR-ENVSMinor in Environmental Science
- PhysicsMINOR-ASCOMinor in Astrophysics and Cosmology
- PhysicsMINOR-PHYSMinor in Physics
School of Engineering
- Chemical and Biological EngineeringMINOR-BIENMinor in Bioengineering
- Civil and Environmental EngineeringMINOR-SCMinor in Smart City
- Computer Science and EngineeringMINOR-BDTMinor in Big Data Technology
- Computer Science and EngineeringMINOR-ITMinor in Information Technology
- Electronic and Computer EngineeringMINOR-ROBOMinor in Robotics
- Electronic and Computer EngineeringMINOR-SUSEEMinor in Sustainable Energy Engineering
- Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringMINOR-AEROMinor in Aeronautical Engineering
School of Business and Management
School of Humanities and Social Science
Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies
No Record Found
- To graduate with an additional major, students admitted in 2015-16 or after must fulfill all the requirements specified for that major, within which there must be at least 20 credits single-counted for that major. These 20 credits cannot be used to fulfill any other requirements for graduation except for the 120-credit degree requirement.
- To make sure they can complete their program within the normal duration of study, students are recommended to seek academic advice from their Schools and Departments, and follow an appropriate study plan. For up-to-date information on courses offering and scheduling, students should check it out from their Schools and Departments, and the Academic Registry website. Examples on student’s pathways for each major are provided FOR REFERENCE.
- Students may use no more than 6 credits earned from courses offered in self-paced online delivery mode to satisfy the graduation requirements of a degree program. This 6-credit limit does not apply to credits obtained through the credit transfer procedures of the University.
- Under the new 30-credit Common Core Program which is applicable to students admitted to the University in 2022-23 and thereafter, courses that have been counted towards School and/or Major Requirements are not allowed to be reused for fulfilment of the University Common Core Requirements. Students should look up the details of the Common Core Program including the general and School-/program-specific distributional requirements posted on the Common Core website where the link to it is available on this website.
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to all students. Students with any learning difficulties may reach out to instructors and/or the Counseling and Wellness Center for support. The Center provides a wide range of services and resources: (a) It coordinates with course instructors to provide reasonable academic accommodations or adjustments to courses for students with special educational needs (SEN) and/or temporary health conditions. Students may contact sen@ust.hk to arrange a confidential discussion regarding equitable access to the chosen program and reasonable accommodations; (b) It also provides personal counseling service for students who have concerns on their well-being and personal problems. Students may make an online appointment or contact counsel@ust.hk to arrange a confidential discussion to get help and advice.